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Butterfly Mariposa 蝶 Chō Motýl Húdié 蝴蝶 Nabi 나비 Schmetterling Papillon Babochka бабочка Farfalla Titalee तितली Con bướm Vlinder Kelebek Flaterl פלאַטערל Πεταλούδα petaloúda kupu-kupu farasha فراشة rama-rama ຜີເສື້ອ phi seu
Moth Мотылек motylek 蛾 É Motte Мотылек motylek Polilla Ngengat rama-rama bướm đêm ćma falena молец molets
Tom Elliott Wisconsin
Insect beetle

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Today's Mass Extinction
and Holocene Anthropocene Thermal Maximum
12/2022 “They told us it was mandatory" nonrich kids forced out of classes & into military training
In America, if the children of the nonrich don’t really have a better use in the minds of the rich other than protecting their billions....

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