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12/2022 "We Must Hold Factory Farming Accountable for Deforestation and Pollution"

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Yellow Slant-Line (Tetracis crocallata)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2016-06-12 241aaa

“Why We Must Hold Factory Farming Accountable for Deforestation and Pollution, According to New Research”


"The last time that atmospheric CO2 concentrations reached today’s level – about 412 parts per million – was 3 million years ago"

“The Arctic hasn’t been this warm for 3 million years”


The conservative ban on enacting common sense rules to save the planet is appalling to the point of criminal:

“It takes 713 pounds of coal to generate enough electricity to power a 100-watt incandescent light bulb for a year. LED light bulbs use 90% less energy, and last up to 25 times longer. Learn more:”

“Glaciers are melting faster than at any point in history”


“Laws are created to be followed by the poor. Laws are made by the rich to bring some order to exploitation. The poor are the only law abiders in history. When the poor make laws, the rich will be no more.”


Caitlin Johnstone:

“I don’t want innovations which improve my shopping experience or make smartphones a tiny bit better, I want innovations which eliminate world hunger, innovations which make it so people have more free time, innovations which help humans live in harmony with our ecosystem.”


Nuclear energy is not clean energy


Perspective: blue maga pushes the gay angle of their Respect for Marriage Act but the Act finally makes it legal for white people to marry black people in America.

So they give us something billions of people the world over take for granted - rectifying one of a bahzillion obscenities about American society on the process/ and we’re supposed to feel like they gave us some epic unnecessary gift? What’s next?, naybe free drinking water and air for those who aren’t billionaires!?! And if bluemaga really has my back then why did they let the deadline to eliminate gerrymandering go by without so much as a peep?

Acts of common-decency should be expected and performed without taking every opportunity to cram it down my face with the aid of the main stream media every chance you get. Also action on basic social issues come across as token crumbs when wealth is so radically concentrated. There can be no equality without economic equality. Tammy Baldwin is acting like she just shit the golden egg, but she’s been in politics for decades!! After 40 odd years I’m politics she finally gets off her ass and we’re supposed to shower her with praise?! I’ll never forget one of her staff insiders telling me that the real money is made in lobbying.

(Also, givesn America’s trajectory toward increasing Christo fascism why do I feel like their making it formally legal for people of different races to marry is something they think is soon going to be an issue?)


Start by reading Management’s Discussion & Analysis of Financial Results in their Financial Statements, Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan Chase essentially runs an oil company that provides banking on the side the rest of the too big to fail aren’t much better. You can’t view big oil independent of wall star.


China is no Saint. But when US politicians sell their ability to make common sense gun regulation needed because working Americans & their children are constantly getting gunned down it is a HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION


“COP27’s ‘Loss and Damage’ Fund for Developing Countries Could be a Breakthrough – or Another Empty Climate Promise. Developing nations were justifiably jubilant at the close of COP27.”



“How Binance CEO and aides plotted to dodge regulators in U.S. and UK”


“Crimes of Israel: 4 Palestinians murdered by Apartheid State of Israeli forces on Dec.8.

More than 210 Palestinians have been murdered-assassinated by Israeli forces this year alone, incl 50 children. That makes 2022 the deadliest year since 2006.”


“Reminder, the Untied States can afford anything it wants to prioritize. It just chooses to prioritize war and billionaire space races and not the environment, healthcare and everyday people.”


“Eric Kestner

December 4 at 1:27 PM


We've been propagandized all of our lives about money, specifically about what happens with our Federal Tax Dollars. At the state level everything is as it seems with money. The State itself, it's cities and municipalities, it's businesses and people are ALL on a real "household type" of budget. The Federal Government is not, they are the currency issuer. Everyone else is a currency user.

The Federal Government can create as much money into existence as it wants for whatever it wants, whenever Congress and the President agree on what it should be spent on. The Government is not constrained by dollars, it's only constrained by the real resources needed to accomplish what's in a bill. Anything that's for sale in American dollars can be "afforded". Any debt or obligation can be paid for as long as it's debt denominated in American dollars. It's only the resources that need sourced, never the money.

Every time a Republican or a Democrat stands up in Congress and says "that's pie in the sky, where are ya gonna find the money?? Or "how are we gonna pay for that??" They are either lying or they don't understand Heterodox Macroeconomics either. That's when it's time to call them on their bullshit.

We have to put an end to the False Scarcity Narrative. There's nothing preventing them from helping us, except the will to. It's Never really about "finding the money". We need to start expecting a whole lot more, we already know we deserve it. Remember, our sovereign currency issuing government is not constrained by dollars, only will. They've been bullshiting us the entire time when they could have been helping us all along.

MMT is not something we "do" and it's not something we implement. MMT is a lens that we can use to look at the truth about our own economy, the life cycle of the dollar and how it's born into existence by a currency issuer, then taxed out of existence by that same currency issuer, once that dollar has made it's way through the economy.

We can start expecting better right now. The Federal Government doesn't need to tax in order to spend. We don't have to wait for them to tax billionaires in order to pay for the things we need right now. We don't need to cut this program to pay for that program. The money is always there, there is no "finding it".

#LearnMMT at

Read this NYT Best Seller, The Deficit Myth, by Dr. Stephanie Kelton. It will clear everything up”

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