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12/2022 Complete & Utter Failure: Today's career politicians should be made penniless


Updated: Jan 18, 2024

Polyphemus moth (Antheraea polyphemus)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

6/12/2018 166aaa2

Northern hemisphere vs Southern hemisphere methane clouds:


The benefits of growth all go to a few already rich:

“Conventional economic logic hinges on a core assumption: Bigger economies are better, and finding ways to maintain or boost growth is paramount to improving society. But what if growth is fostering the destruction of the planet and jeopardizing its future?”


“The results of research conducted at the University of Belfast in 2012 and 2016 strongly suggest that the creatures are in fact capable of feeling pain.”

“Crustacean Compassion? Here's Why We Should Protect The Welfare Of Crabs, Lobsters, And Crayfish

With the compelling research now available, we believe that the time has come. No animal can ever be conclusively proved to feel pain - and that includes you or me. But it's entirely reasonable, when the evidence mounts and the stakes are high, to give creatures the benefit of the doubt and protect them from unnecessary suffering “


“When I was young I thought things were bad because solutions were complicated and now I’m old and realize things are bad because solutions are simple but will inconvenience affluent people (or those who aspire to be) and religious fanatics.”


“Why Russia is Building an Arctic Silk Road”


“Perpetual Class War

Throughout the history of the United States, there as been an ongoing class war between the ruling elite and underclasses. Even when our young nation was struggling to escape oppressive British rule, our founders were nonetheless primarily concerned about protecting their own power, control and privileges. And despite the humane language expressed in our founding documents, the wealthy established and maintained control over the commoners by silencing their political voices. Only white male property-owners were allowed to vote. African Americans, indentured servants and women were excluded from the electoral process.

As it turns out, we are still engaged in a class war. A 2014 Princeton study concluded tat common citizens in our country have negligible influence on public policy. Regulations and laws that affect all lives are written to favor the wealthy. History has shown, time and again, that no ruling class gives up its power, control and privileges willingly, and that conditions improve for everyone only when the disenfranchised rise up to exert external pressure upon the political system with specific and actionable demands.”


The top 10% own 89% of the Stock Market. Greedflation effects a transfer of wealth from working Americans to the top 10% wealthiest by reflecting the profitability of greedflation in the companies stock valuation, cash dividends, and buy backs to name but a few. Greedflation rakes in the profits and the stock market distributes it to the wealthiest:

“Corporations are making record profits while prices soar at the expense of America's working families.”

“Corporate profits hit record high in third quarter amid 40-year-high inflation”


Assuming that we even have diesel fuel available to the railroads. America is horrifyingly behind the rest of the world including when it comes from electric rail:

“Rail Companies Can’t Handle Traffic From Mississippi River Drought

Low water levels have pushed shippers who typically use river barges to use freight rail. But decades of strangled capacity makes rail a bad bet, too.”


Barrow Atmospheric Baseline Observatory, United States (BRW) showing growth in methane”


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