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12/2022 “House Report on Big Oil Greenwashing Shows 'Big Tobacco Playbook All Over Again'"

Updated: Jan 15

LeConte's Haploa (Haploa leContei)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2016-06-17 323aaap

“House Report on Big Oil Greenwashing Shows 'Big Tobacco Playbook All Over Again'”

"These companies know their climate pledges are inadequate, but are prioritizing Big Oil's record profits over the human costs of climate change," said Rep. Carolyn Maloney.”


Know Dr. William J. Ripple:


“Everyone knows the US has invaded countries completely unprovoked very recently and will definitely do so again, but we still have to pretend that Putin is the worst thing since Hitler.”


Money has swamped US Government:

“Official 2022 Outside Spending, by Super PACs”


It has never been clearer: Washington$ uses the media to inflict harm and injustice. BREAK UP THE MEDIA

Too big to fail banks, Our food system, Energy, you name it, America has FAILED to apply anti monopoly & anti trust laws to the detriment of the People


“The U.S. is, and always has been, a lie.”

“Poverty kills far more people than all the wars in history, more people than all the murderers in history, more than all the suicides in history.

Not only does structural violence kill more people than all the behavioral violence put together, structural violence is also the main cause of behavioral violence.” James Gilligan


Bill Edley:

“Yep... Endless War benefits SOMEBODY...but we can't find them.”

“$2 trillion again???”

“Pentagon lost $2 trillion AGAIN!”


“Eating 400 calories a day from these foods could raise your dementia risk by over 20%”


The International Criminal Court announces it is prosecuting America concurrent with America trying to finally culminate its ambitions to be formally a Christian state should tell you everything you need to know:

“How Conservatives Co-Opted Christianity”


“How "Moderates" Serve The Right”


“How The United States Ended Up With Two Right-Wing Parties”


Deflecting responsibility for action away from Corporations:

“Your "Carbon Footprint" Is A Scam”


Carbon offsets are a fraud

“These Trees Are Not What They Seem”


“A trove of internal documents from companies including BP, ExxonMobil, and Chevron reveal how the fossil fuel industry has continued to make massive long-term investments in oil and gas extraction even as the corporations have publicly claimed to be committed to aiding in a transition to a renewable energy economy. "Just like Big Tobacco, it's time to hold this industry accountable for their lies."”

“House Report on Big Oil Greenwashing Shows 'Big Tobacco Playbook All Over Again'”

"These companies know their climate pledges are inadequate, but are prioritizing Big Oil's record profits over the human costs of climate change," said Rep. Carolyn Maloney.”


“More than 1 billion people face being displaced within 30 years as the climate crisis and rapid population growth drive an increase in migration with “huge impacts” for both the developing and developed worlds, according to an analysis. Nineteen countries facing the highest number of threats, including water and food shortages and greater exposure to natural disasters, are also among the the world’s 40 least peaceful countries.”

“Climate crisis could displace 1.2bn people by 2050, report warns”

“Countries unable to withstand ecological threats among world’s least peaceful, analysis finds”

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