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12/2022 Lying-Grifter-On-the-lamb Santos appointed to Science Committee is gargantuan gift to China

Updated: Jan 25, 2023

Done invariably to complement big oil's coming shenanigans

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This guy, George Santos, definitely has a bright future in the world of America politics. The way things are going he’s fully qualified to serve on the Supreme Court.

“MAGA House Candidate Haunted by Gig at Reputed Ponzi Scheme”


Don’t ever ask me why China has technological and scientific supremacy over America.

Santos not only is he not getting ejected by democrats but he’s been appointed a leader in America’s management of science!

Which together with the appointment of alt right nut job against America holding public lands spells big oil orgy. Any lands in America that even remotely resemble the Brazilian Amazon are as good as dead. But this guy will get rich off it.

America’s grand liquidation continues with renewed vigor! Long live minority rule!

“Embattled Rep. Santos awarded seats on Science and Small Business committees

Some Republicans had called for the New York Republican to be barred from all committees after he lied about major parts of his personal biography.”

They blocked Bernie and countless genuinely progressive candidates from office, but when it came to Santos,…somehow he got past the Democratic establishment and remains,…hmmmm


Genocide: Washington has been normalizing the poisoning of the planet against the nonrich


“We’re calling on Joe Biden to announce he’s not running in 2024”

“BREAKING: After a successful launch in New Hampshire, the #DontRunJoe campaign has officially launched ads in Nevada!

Learn more about our work here:


“Ask anyone, “who painted Starry Night?” and they’ll say, Van Gough, But he painted it in a hospital, so he didn’t own the paper, paint, and brushes used to create it.

Yet we still give VG credit, because we know it was the labor that created art, not the owner of the instruments.”


The fact that American politicians are willing to default on our debt in its zeal to shit on nonrich taxpayers is enough to downgrade our credit rating. And WASHINGTON ISSUES OUR OWN CURRENCY. Money? Seize Zelensky’s billions!

Not that it matters, but I suspect that Democrats will never again be in the numerical majority in the US Congress

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