Thanks to Main Stream Media (e.g. Good Morning America, Time Magazine, etc.)
Crocus Geometer Moth (Xanthotype sospeta)
Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2015-08-19 143aaaa2p
Washington's grifts are flowing like water. Next up Africa.
“Does anyone *STILL* not realize the insane amounts of propaganda being shoved down our throats regarding this war???? Holy crap, enough already. Zelensky sucks. He’s a fake, hypocritical anti-Palestine neoliberal who hates leftists with a passion. He’s a very rich capitalist who literally banned all communist and socialist groups in Ukraine. He is A-OK including the openly neo-Nazi Azov Batallion in his government’s military—arming, training, militarizing, and empowering them. Zelensky doesn’t care about working class Ukrainians or any working class people. And Time also honors “the spirit of Ukraine.” Just stop for a moment and imagine if they would EVER do this with any nation of predominantly non-white people. Imagine for a brief second if they had “the spirit of Palestine” on their cover. This is all bullshit, and the U.S. has been meddling in Ukraine for many years, trying as hard as possible to provoke Russia and to make sure they had their little puppet, pro-U.S./pro-NATO government in Ukraine.”
Growth Economy:
“The final doubling”
“Five power substations attacked in Pacific northwest similar to strike that caused outages in North Carolina”
“Big Oil has engaged in a long-running climate disinformation campaign while raking in record profits, lawmakers find”
Don’t let the “Nobel laureate” drop fool ya. She’s just another tool pimping out her credentials.
She is delusional.
I don’t give a fuck how intellectually accurate she is supposed to be. It’s America and Zelensky who are responsible for the damage to Ukraine.:
“Ukraine's Nobel laureate wants Putin brought to justice”
“Oil firms have internally dismissed swift climate action, House panel says
Documents show the fossil fuel industry ‘has no real plans to clean up its act’ and took steps to continue business as usual”
“A rare wild chicken could become Colorado’s first “climate casualty” after rescue attempt falters
Federal endangered species designation will heighten protection for surviving lesser prairie chickens”
Human Extinction won’t happen at a discrete point, Everybody isn’t going to suddenly at 12:00.01 AM on jan 1, 2028. The dying has already started and it is going to grow proportional to the severity of our plight. Aka exponentially. So, we may not go extinct but that doesn’t mean EASILY over half the world’s population is going to die before this is over - easily
Also, Govts are going to start using “human extinction” in a technical fashion. Meaning they will say that humans won’t be extinct by [ date ] but they won’t say the rest of their thinking being “…because TECHNICALLY there will likely be one or two isolated small groups of 20 to 50 people eecking out an existence by eating their fellow group members when they die,…but they all will eventually die
“1.5 degrees? We need to prepare for a temperature overshoot and worse climate change
With global warming of 2.7 degrees Celsius by 2100 looming, adaptation finance for poor nations is more urgent than ever
Planet-cooling research into carbon dioxide removal and solar geoengineering must also be accelerated”
“Richard D. Wolff | Critics of Capitalism Must Include Its Definition
How an economic system organizes the production, appropriation and distribution of its surplus neatly and clearly differentiates capitalism from other systems.”
“The Luddites Were Right”
“Why We Must Hold Factory Farming Accountable for Deforestation and Pollution, According to New Research”
“COP15: the two horsemen of the apocalypse”
“COP15 started this week in Montreal, Canada. This is the UN’s biodiversity summit. In effect, it is an international meeting to discuss how to cope with and reduce the impact of global warming and environmental destruction on nature. As Carter Roberts, the US head of the World Wildlife Fund, put it: “It’s like two horsemen of the apocalypse — one is climate change and one is nature. They’re wound up with each other.””
British Ecocide:
“UK coal mine approval sparks global fury and hypocrisy claims”
“Hydrogen pipeline between Spain and France to be ready ‘by 2030’”
“Wall Street’s biggest names are backing off their climate commitments
Vanguard, the world’s second-largest asset manager, announced that it is resigning from a global net-zero initiative.”
“Twitter “Shadow Banning” Is REAL! – Twitter Files Vol. 2”
“Competition is the law of the jungle, but cooperation is the law of civilization.” Peter Kropotkin
“December marks the anniversary of Thiaroye Massacre. Hundreds of West African soldiers were killed by the French army after helpting them defeat the nazis.”
“So many other countries, besides the U.S., are happy with their ‘freedom lawns’ that contain biodiverse flowers, clover, etc.”
“Many European countries don’t allow spraying for a monoculture lawn they prefer healthy, flowering lawns with biodiversity.”
“France is like this too, even Versailles. I can’t believe that this is beautiful enough for Versailles but my HOA.
“Europe has a massive gas field that could alleviate the Russia-related energy shortfall. The Netherlands says it’s off limits. Look”
“Earthquake risks in the Netherlands have locals unwilling to plug the Russia-related energy shortfall”
Elon Musk is worried he’s going to get assassinated?! Where the hell did he come up with that? Elon you’re a legend in your own mind. I think smoking reefer is making you paranoid. Nobody cares enough about you to kill you. Besides there is nothing anybody can do to you that’s worse than just letting you go down in history as being who and what you are – a poop stain on the undies of humanity.
A couple of things. Tesla’s are crap - period. And two, what the hell possessed you call a radio station in Madison, WI? Nobody - who’s sane - in Wisconsin gives a hoot about some megalomaniac super-parasite that believes Q anon stuff.