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12/2022 Sunday December 11, 2022 “Methane over the Arctic. We are in a lot of trouble.”

Updated: Jan 15

Reversed Haploa Moth (Haploa reversa) Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2016-06-29 244aaa

Sunday December 11, 2022 “Methane over the Arctic. We are in a lot of trouble.”


Monday December 5, 2022 Map of Methane over land:

“It is getting a lot worse. Look at the USA now. There was very little red last week.

Methane is lighter than air so this is methane coming out of the ground and out of the methane wells.”


Wanton Enemies of Humanity: Biden-Manchin’s deal to eliminate permitting requirements for new fossil fuel & mining development rejected for the 3rd time.

Make no mistake of it out 2 parties and 3 branches will gladly kill your children at some point in the future if it means advancing their careers todays:

Democrat Biden continues to push for more and more OIL AND GAS - Washington

Quote: "..The amendment, which would help fast-track fossil fuel and mining projects, failed to garner the 60 votes needed despite President Biden coming out in support of the measure."”

“Senate Rejects Permitting Reform Amendment Despite Biden Support for Manchin’s “Dirty Side Deal””


However in an equally profitable shot in the arm for Big Oil and wealth concentration Democrats approve of a Green House Gas Bomb in the form of a $858 billion military budget ($45 billion more than requested):

“Congress Approves $858 Billion Military Budget, $45 Billion More Than Requested by Biden”

Join me in an international call to demand biden’s immediate RESIGNATION together with the resignation of both parties leadership.

The too big to fail banks must be broken up,

the oil and gas industry nationalized,

a green new deal adopted and

finally healthcare for all



Randy Barr:

“A journalist confronted Bill Clinton on his connections to Jeffrey Epstein at a campaign event today for Rep. Henry Cueller in Texas. It sounds like Bill said, “I think the evidence is clear.” That’s right Bill:

- Over 25 trips to Epstein’s island

- Frequent trips to Epstein’s NM home

- Regular flights on the Lolita Express

- Epstein claims he co-founded the Clinton Global Initiative

I could go on and on. Video via @JuanMoreNews via Twitter

He looks a little red in the face.


“I don’t understand people whose politics isn’t informed by the fact that we’re out of time.

Climate disaster is here.

Fascism is at the door.

Capitalism is killing us.

There isn’t time for incrementalism.”


“Attack in Russia: Get ready, this is the last straw for Putin”

“Shelling hits the center of Donetsk killing a member of the Russian government and the Kremlin says they're "done" negotiating with Ukraine. Get ready for a massive escalation of this war when instead we should be moving for peace. NATO forces continue to direct himars and drone attacks inside of Russian territory.”


BEWARE: Vegetable Oils are bad for your health


Value of the dollar is supported by Saudi’s accepting USD in payment for their oil:

“Looks like the Saudis are seriously breaking with America. It's not good if they're accepting BRIC countries currency for oil we will have a real problem.”

“Riyadh Declaration Affirms Taiwan an Integral Part of China, Centrality of Palestinian Cause”


Democrats’ new leader, Hakeem Jeffries, is bought and paid for by the worst actors in the West:

“Same Demwit BS... Different messenger...”

“New Dem Leader Jeffries Controlled By Worst of The Worst”

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