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5/2022 Pollution responsible for one in six deaths across planet, scientists warn

Updated: Jan 12

“How Ancient Arctic Carbon Threatens Everyone on the Planet”


“The Age of Stupid! Why didn’t we stop climate change when we had the chance?”

Common wood-nymph (Cercyonis pegala)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021 7/5 _F2A0589aaa

Pollution = their profit. Pollution represents costs incurred in the pursuit of profit. Specifically, costs to the public that government has allowed private individuals to incur for free:

“Pollution responsible for one in six deaths across planet, scientists warn”

“Toxic air, water and soil are ‘existential threat to human and planetary health’, says global review”

“Pollution and health: a progress update” - by Richard Fuller et al.


America: food will be rationed based up the recipients relative importance to functions deemed critical to national interests


“Edge of Extinction: Collapse is NOT Survivable”


“Paths to Extinction”


“Earth is in the Midst of Abrupt, Irreversible Climate Change”


When a government prints money and then gives it you, a country or corporation to buy its debt it’s basically a ponzi scheme. It’s not to dissimilar to printing money and routing the cash in a manner that inflates the Financial markets


Pentagon Rear Admiral captured along with other soldiers as Putin finally takes Mariupol steel factory housing parasite Hunter Biden’s biological weapons laboratory

Biden’s buffalo shooter was a Neo-Nazi whose manifesto resembled Zelensky’s Azov Battalion



Photographing in the field I always get asked “is that an endangered species?”

The planet is currently experiencing a the 6th Mass Extinction. Species of flora & fauna are constantly going extinct. The question of whether any species is “Endangered” or “in danger of becoming extinct” is most emphatically YES.

Whether or not a species is considered as an “Endangered Species” is a question of whether or not a species has gone through the political process of being designated an “Endangered Species” because it’s population indicates that it is in danger of becoming extinct.

Not every species is considered an “Endangered Species” but EVERY species is “in danger of becoming extinct” and that includes man.


Obliteration of 99% of the population is almost certain. And “almost” leaves plenty of room for what is going to sure feel like a full blown apocalypse.

It’s time for the Master race to take to their bunkers. They’d only be in the way as is their habit. Besides which, I don’t want to give them the satisfaction of lording over me in my final moments.

They’ve failed. The People will take it from here. L-e-a-v-e. Now.


“One is six American children is born into poverty. ‘Equality of opportunity’ is a myth.”


We have:

Barbarism critic:

“Are we fucked? If feels like we’re fucked. Where is the squad? Where is anyone? We’ve been entirely abandoned. By everyone.”


Peter Carter:

“ITALY'S LONGEST RIVER DRYING UP. 16 May 2022 The longest river in Italy is drying up (Po River). What does this mean for those who rely on it for food? It's climate change”

“The longest river in Italy is drying up. What does this mean for those who rely on it for food?”


Washington will NOT change:

“‘World is at boiling point’: humanity must redefine relationship with nature, says report

Stockholm institute calls for ‘bold science-based decision-making’ to tackle climate, social and economic crises”

“Stockholm+50: Unlocking a Better Future”



“The ice melts and the planet burns as subsidies on fossil fuels amount to roughly $11 million per minute.”

“If Sea Ice Melts in the Arctic, Do Trees Burn in California?”


David Sirota:

“Everyone needs to start admitting a taboo truth:

The Democratic leadership has made explicitly clear that its #1 priority is not stopping Republican fascism, but instead crushing what little remains of the progressive movement.

This is now undeniable.”


“Despite decades of climate summits, emissions continue to soar.

Energy scientist Vaclav Smil says it’s time to stop ricocheting between apocalyptic forecasts and rosy models of rapid CO2 cuts and focus on the difficult task of remaking our energy system.”

“Beyond Magical Thinking: Time to Get Real on Climate Change”


Peter Dynes:

“43C in Spain in Mid May.

These temperatures are not normal. How long before crops become seriously impacted by thermal intolerance and drought.”


“Neo-nazi shoots 10 dead in Buffalo, New York. An 18-year-old white gunman has opened fire at a supermarket in a Black neighbourhood in the US city of Buffalo, killing 10 people in what authorities called an act of “racially motivated violent extremism”.

“The Black Sun (German: Schwarze Sonne) is a Nazi symbol, a type of sun wheel (German: Sonnenrad)[1][2] employed in Nazi Germany and later by neo-Nazis. The symbol's design consists of twelve radial sig runes, similar to the symbols employed by the SS in their logo.[note 1] It first appeared in Nazi Germany as a design element in a castle at Wewelsburg remodeled and expanded by the head of the SS, Heinrich Himmler, which he intended to be a center for the SS. “


Big Oil is orchestrating shortages and price hikes to maximize profit regardless of the consequences:

“Sri Lanka down to its last day of petrol, warns new PM”

Sri Lanka’s new PM warns the country has run out of petrol stock and desperately needs to secure $75m to pay for essential imports. Read more:

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