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5/2023 Top 10 hedge funds made £1.5bn profit from Ukraine war food price spike

Updated: Jan 2

Common wood-nymph (Cercyonis pegala)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2022-07-13 _F2A2761aaa

Top speculators grab $1.5 billion profit by further inflating food prices during Ukraine war. Food companies' profits soared also. Victims include the poor and others unable to afford higher food prices. The morality of capitalism.”

“Top 10 hedge funds made £1.5bn profit from Ukraine war food price spike

Analysis covering first quarter of last year raises questions over role of speculators in inflating food prices”


“Whither Multipolarity in a Changing World Order”

“The Italian political theorist Antonio Gramsci presciently observed: “The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.”

This period that we live in is arguably shaped by three elements: two moribund (the implosion of the USSR and the centrality of US imperialism) and one vital (the promise of multipolarity).”


““Cultural Radicalism” Hurting the Democratic Party with Working Class Voters”


“The Empire Gives People The Illusion Of Fighting The Power Without Ever Endangering Real Power”

“The way the war in Ukraine allows mainstream liberals to play-act as rebellious anti-imperialists is a good illustration of how the empire gives people the illusion of fighting the power without their ever opposing the empire.”


Funny “thedailyshow” coverage of the boobery in Florida:


Biden for President in 2024?!

If you want less oil & gas development vote Trump


Diagram of “The American Empire and its Media”

At the top is “Council on Foreign Relations” overseeing “The Trilateral Commission” and “Bilderberg Meetings” from there it is a myriad of entities and people – both in and outside government – all aligned against the 99%

“Plus, most social media, Hollywood productions, search engines results, etc”


Sources of trusted news sources:


Companies owned by “BlackRock”:


Diagram of “One Corporate Party, Two Wings, Only Making Donors Richer”

“The US has two political parties that agree on the vast majority of policies. What is left over are “acceptable” grounds for debate and choice.

The resulting political-economic system has one primary directive: make the donor class ever richer.”

Things the Democrats and Republicans Agree on include:

· No Universal Healthcare

· Do Wall Street’s Bidding

· Unlimited Military Spending

· Hostility to Russia, Iran & China

· Full-spectrum dominance

· Let money rule politics

· Neoliberalism rocks

· Spy on Everyone

· Screw the poor and old

· Oligarchy not Democracy

· Vive US Imperialism

· Outlaw 3rd Parties

· Total Support for Israel

· Crush the left

· Regime change is cool

· Taxation favors investors over wage earners


Biden & Clarence Thomas & Hillary are killing insect pollinators:

“The case for banning Monsanto’s RoundUp

Linked to

Birth defects



Kidney disease

Chelation of vital minerals

Endocrine Disruption


Killing of good but bacteria



Eating Disorder


Monsanto’s Gift the keeps on Giving.”


Clarence Thomas remaining on SCOTUS will make sense when the anti-People judges select the next President using "Independent State Theory" bologna

With the American Military\Congressional\Main-Stream-Media\Stock-Market\Up-Stream-Wealth-Transfer-of-Govt-Resources Industrial Complex making loads of cash off Democrats’ Ukraine War and Putin and His Oligarchs making loads of cash off Democrats’ Ukraine War (oil sales to Zelensky) why on earth would the Ukraine war be stopped?!


I've often heard that when it comes to America's malignant version of christianity they draw the line on god when it comes to money. Looks like DeSanti is going to find this out:

“Disney’s Move to North Carolina Is Actually Perfect. Here’s Why”


“Contemporary America is modeling the worst of Depression-era Germany”


“Global sea levels are rising at more than double the pace they did in the first decade of measurements and hit a new record high last year, the World Meteorological Organisation said on Friday, warning that the trend would continue for millennia.

Extreme glacier melt and record ocean heat levels – which cause water to expand – contributed to an average rise in sea levels of 4.62 millimetres a year between 2013-2022, the United Nations agency said in a major report detailing the havoc of climate change. That is about double the pace of the first decade on record, 1993-2002, leading to a total increase of more than 10 centimetres since the early 1990s.”

“Glaciers ‘already lost’: Extreme melt has contributed to 10cm rise in ocean levels”


“The GOP takes another misguided stab at defunding the tax police”


“IRS supervisor: Biden administration mishandling Hunter Biden investigation”


We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.” Chris Hedges


Go to the EDGAR database and read up on some financial filings by the too big to fail banks and you’ll find a staggering amount of information on their involvement in the oil and gas industry:

“Wall Street’s Role in the Climate Crisis”

“Tell America’s Largest Banks: Stop Funding Fossil Fuels!”


“Jim Conroy writes

US and Israel both use depleted uranium.”


“A warning from Russia to the UK not to send depleted Uranium munitions to Ukraine. UK citizens should take notice. If the UK starts polluting the battlefield with poisonous and radioactive arms it would be foolish to expect that Russia won’t retaliate. This is clear escalation.”

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