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1/2023 Dems chose to keep Trump's Tax Scam & now in 2023 nonrich hit with slew of new taxes - enjoy

Updated: Jan 16

White-lined Sphinx (Hyles lineata)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018-06-05 _F2A6557aaa

BLAME DEMOCRATS – They chose to continue keep Trump’s Tax Scam intact:

Russell Henry Quinton Jr:

“The rich get richer and pay less tax while the poor and the middle class subsidize their lack of taxation. Oil companies continue there were profiteering committing treason in the process pay no taxes and get rebates. Many major corporations pay no taxes and get tax rebates. The best Congress corporate money can buy is screwing us once again.”

“All the tax hikes hitting Americans on January 1 revealed”


A matter of proxies and exceptions

If the effects of concentrating wealth by furthering Climate Choas and Mass Extinction could be described as a single trait of religion or skin color, Washington’s genocidal ambitions would be clearer, instead they are targeting the nonrich income level

Closing government vs austerity against workers – the coming Debt Ceiling game: There is no way special interests are going to let America default on its debt – period. Call their bluff. Let the alt-right Congress pigs do their worst, their careers will never survive it. And even they do force a default on America’s debt, the country might as well get flushed down the toilet because even the worst case scenario will offer more to working American’s than their bogus bogus budget deal. It may be the only way to institute system wide change in our 3 branches and 2 party government without them attacking us and drawing our blood,…and oh yes they will (Pinochet and brown shirts ring a bell?).

And right now, when a good democrat should be mounting opposition to the coming austerity that will invariably come to pass against the non-rich, your politician is busy raising money and have their positions dictated to them by lobbyists.


Something that continues to bother me. Over this past summer I encountered more than one insect that was alive but clearly debilitated from being consumed alive by fungus. Is it possible that increased fine particulate air pollution together with the increased amount of moisture in the atmosphere due to warming is killing insects by clogging their distributed respiratory system?


“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force. The class which has the means of material production at its disposal, has control at the same time over the means of mental production, so that thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it. The ruling ideas are nothing more than the ideal expression of the dominant material relationships, the dominant material relationships grasped as ideas.”

Karl Mar


A map of “Bomb Cyclone” by temperature 23, December 2022.


It’s just theft, white collar and the Government is involved but it’s still theft:


Democrats chose to continue Trump’s Tax Scam for the Rich and the scam is now clobbering working Americans to compensate for the loss of tax revenue from the rich:

“The rich get richer and pay less tax while the poor and the middle class subsidize their lack of taxation. Oil companies continue there were profiteering committing treason in the process pay no taxes and get rebates. Many major corporations pay no taxes and get tax rebates. The best Congress corporate money can buy is screwing us once again.”

“All the tax hikes hitting Americans on January 1 revealed”


The coming collapse of Antartica:

“Two expeditions to the Thwaites Ice Shelf have revealed that it could splinter apart in less than a decade, hastening sea-level rise worldwide. Read more when you sign up for our Today in Science newsletter.”

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