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10/2021 “Global Food Chain Collapse - Extinction Level Event in Progress”

Updated: Jan 4

“Global Food Chain Collapse - Extinction Level Event in Progress”

Red -spotted Purple (Basilarchia astyanax)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019 Jun 26 _F2A8569aaa

“Why Everything is Suddenly Getting More Expensive — And Why It Won’t Stop

Welcome to the Great Inflation — Or, Why We Have to Pay for the Hidden Costs of the Industrial Age”


American Petroleum Institute, Koch, Chevron, Manchin, etc. it’s a veritable Ecocide extravaganza at the single worst time in mankind’s history. And they own the White House, US Senate, US Congress and Supreme Court:

“In a world fighting Climate Change, Fossil Fuels take revenge”

“Demand for coal is moving back near peak levels”


Democrats & Republicans are vile – “…The United States is the only country in the world besides the Vatican that is not a party to the underlying treaty - the Convention on Biological Diversity.”

"This week environment officials, diplomats and other observers from around the world gathered online...for the meeting - the 15th United Nations Biodiversity Conference. The United States is the only country in the world besides the Vatican that is not a party to the underlying treaty - the Convention on Biological Diversity."

“The Most Important Global Meeting You’ve Probably Never Heard Of Is Now

Countries are gathering in an effort to stop a biodiversity collapse that scientists say could equal climate change as an existential crisis.”


Oct 16th 2021: “This is a very large 24 hour increase in methane. These are global figures from the Metop1 and Metop2 satellites”


“America's Unpleasant Fate: Oligarchy or Autocracy

The competing systems of power are divided between alternatives which widen the social and political divide—and increase potential for violent conflict.”

Christian baker:

“What's left when you remove all the glossy boxes, all the marketing, all the alleged grandeur? What's left when you remove all the fancy properties and sleek stores, the "look at how amazing my life really isn't" social media accounts and for-profit content? What's left when you remove the abstraction layers our malprogrammed minds have woven across humanity?

A cold world that was never designed to contribute to the well-being of the individual nor society as a whole. Fake storefronts and office skyscrapers full of unhappy people; forced into nonsensical jobs and a nonsensical culture. Slowly waking up to the realization: Nothing we have done made any sense and resulted in a collapsing biosphere and society; too detached from reality and itself to finally decide to completely redesign everything.

We could repurpose our monetary system, anti-economy, society, culture and lives within just a few years and save our planet and children's future. We could transform our collective experience into a lifelong vacation. We don't have to stick with this "bogus everything and poverty on top" nonsense.”


“Iran is not my enemy.

China is not my enemy.

Russia is not my enemy.

The Ruling class is my enemy.”


“The 9.9 Percent

The new aristocracy that is entrenching inequality and warping our culture” By Matthew Stewart


Caitlin Johnstone:

“The US Has Placed Itself In Charge Over Which Nations Get To Eat”

“The globally influential propaganda multiplier news agencies AP and AFP have both informed their readers that a "fugitive" has been extradited to the United States.

"Fugitive businessman close to Venezuela's Maduro extradited to US," reads the AFP headline.

"Alex Saab, a top fugitive close to Venezuela's socialist government, has been put on a plane to the U.S. to face money laundering charges," AP announced on Twitter.

You'd be forgiven for wondering what specifically makes this man a "fugitive", and what that status has to do with his extradition to a foreign government whose laws should have no bearing on his life. The Colombian-born Venezuelan citizen Alex Saab, as it happens, is a "fugitive" from the US government's self-appointed authority to decide which populations on our planet are permitted to have ready access to food. His crime is working to circumvent the crushing US sanctions which have been starving Venezuelan civilians to death by the tens of thousands.”



It’s NOT “times-up” but rather “we had our chance and blew it”: “Blue Ocean Event” (an ice free Arctic) is predicted to occur in 2022. Complete unraveling of global ecosystems projected to peak 1 (one) year thereafter.


Dwayne Polk:

“May as well.

So. The IPCC has created an Interactive Atlas that has all their models in use to show historical data and predict the future. Very long story short, I figured out how to use it and did an analysis on Maximum Temperatures for the Russian Arctic for the near term (2021-2040). I wanted to see what the IPCC said would happen. I used scenario RCP8.5 instead of RCP4.5. The reason for that was that RCP4.5 is the ideal case while RCP8.5 is more of the worst case scenario. Since the IPCC itself has clearly states that we are in worst case scenario for the Arctic sea ice, it makes sense to go with RCP8.5. So I did. And the graph below came up. Remember, now. This is direct *IPCC model* information. And we know that IPCC stuff usually conservative.

So, follow close. You see those 3 sharp raises between 2010 and 2025? The first two occurred in 2011 and 2018. Both times the Arctic broke records for heat and all kinds of chaos ensued...including reduction in sea ice extent. Now, that 3rd one? Where the white line is where it goes REALLY high? Thats 2022.

That's right. 2022.

Do you know what ELSE has been predicted by some scientists to occur in 2022? A practically ice-free Arctic. The Blue Ocean Event. After which, its pretty much feedback loop central and biosphere habitat is outta here.

Now, think about this. Scientists like McKinnon predicted the Blue Ocean Event in 2022-2023 *long before* the latest IPCC document came out. And here you have the IPCC itself predicting a massive spike in warming in the Russian Arctic in 2022. When you put those two facts together...what do you see?

Personally, I see a **very good reason** to believe that an ice-free Arctic will likely happen in 2022. Which means we only have about a year before all hell truly breaks loose well beyond what we have seen so far.

So, yeah. Just another PSA.”


Krysten Sinema and Joe Manchin must be held personally accountable to the fullest extent of the law and all the new laws that should retroactively:

“‘This is our last chance’: Biden urged to act as climate agenda hangs by a thread

Failure to pass legislation to cut emissions before the UN summit in Glasgow could be catastrophic for efforts to curb global heating”


This needs and MUST happen in AMERICA!

“Brazilian Leader Accused of Crimes Against Humanity in Pandemic Response

A report from lawmakers initially said Jair Bolsonaro should be charged with mass homicide and genocide, accusing him of letting Covid-19 spread in a failed bid for herd immunity.”

“A Brazilian congressional panel is set to recommend mass homicide charges against President Jair Bolsonaro, asserting that he intentionally let the coronavirus rip through the country and kill hundreds of thousands in a failed bid to achieve herd immunity and revive Latin America’s largest economy.”

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