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11/2022 USA: 163 extreme weather events that cost over $1billion ($1 T in damages & 6,162 dead)

Updated: Jan 11

White Admiral or Banded Red Spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019-06-26 _F2A8806aaa2

Reality Check: America is the new NAZI Germany.

And with the coming unfree & unfair elections it’s going to get worse.


Look at Zuckerberg and Meta.

Look at Musk and Twitter.

Washington’s billionaire-essential-creative-genius schtick is a 100% horseshit


Caitlin Johnstone:

“Hey so it turns out the US intelligence cartel has been working intimately with online platforms to regulate the “cognitive infrastructure” of the population”


The world’s people canNOT afford to wait for lawsuits to get the U.S.’s vile 2 parties to act like humans beings on the climate. Sue but impose EXTENSIVE sanctions on the US before we’re all dead. Issue arrest warrants for US politicians!

The US has ALWAYS acted in bad faith and that bad faith is on STERIODS under Biden & his democrats

Excerpt in response to a LYING JOHN KERRY:

"Secretary Kerry says that, you know, we cannot achieve it in six weeks, and we don’t have trillions, but we do see trillions going to military. We do see trillions going to bail out banks. And we also see trillions being made available to fight the COVID crisis or even now for the Russian war in Ukraine. So money is available, but U.S. has always blocked money going to poor people"

Trillions will flow out of America and are spent to kill our fellow human beings around the world for their wealth but NOT to save their life with climate reparations.

“Who Should Pay for Climate Crisis? Global South Demands “Loss and Damage” from Wealthy Nations”

““Climate Collateral”: How Military Spending Fuels Environmental Damage”


“In 2021 we lost 12.5% of all manatees in Florida. The EPA hasn’t stepped in as pollution killed the manatees’ food source, and now hundreds of manatees are starving. Earthjustice threatened to sue if the EPA didn’t act, and now we’re following through. Manatees deserve clean water. We all deserve effective environmental regulation. Your donation today makes that possible.”


“If your soldiers are killing themselves 4 times faster than the enemy is getting to them, then you can be relatively sure that the real enemy is your own military command.

Stop the wars.”

Caitlin Johnstone:

“US troops are four times more likely to die by their own hand than in combat. They’ve figured out how to protect US military personnel from enemy fire, but not from the psychological consequences of working for the US military.”


“Will foreign troops occupy Haiti - again?”

“Danny Shaw, professor of Latin American studies at CUNY, joins Max Blumenthal to discuss Western pressure at the United Nations for an international "peacekeeping" mission to Haiti, and the various questionable justifications for the intervention. Shaw has worked with Haitian social movements since 1998 and has interacted with major players in the country's current power struggle”


“Blue and Red state economies BOTH threatened yearly trend of record-breaking losses ($765B since 2017) and extreme weather events.

Our new report raises the alarm on the escalating toll of billion-dollar disasters over the last 40 years. #CostofClimate

“Billion Dollar Losses, Trillion Dollar Threats: The Cost of Climate Change

As the economic costs of climate change escalate, so do the economic opportunities associated with climate action.”


The end of abundance starts with price increases:

“1962 Cost of Living”


“PRO: Water scarcity in North Africa will continue to be a short-term trigger of social unrest and a medium-term threat to business and political stability. (access with free trial)”


“Racism may worsen brain health. New research suggests people who encounter discrimination are more likely to experience memory decline later in life. Learn more about the link between racism and the brain.”

“The Surprising Impact of Racism on the Brain

New research suggests discrimination is linked to memory decline in middle-aged adults”


Musk is a wage thief. The billionaire class knows their wealth comes from exploited labor – period:

“The second Musk takes over Twitter the employees are asked to work 84 hour weeks, days off are canceled, and they he lays off half of them.

This is why every single worker needs a strong union, across every industry.”


Send Big Oil a bill:

“Between 2011 and 2021, the U.S. saw 163 extreme weather events that cost over $1billion – resulting in $1 trillion in damages and 6,162 deaths.”

“And washington paid to cover only a fraction of the cost. Leaving states and municipalities to go begging to private disaster capitalists who will take their water rights and empty their art museums into their luxurious living rooms.”


You can bet China doesn’t give children credit for learning the world is only 5,000 years OLD:


“Sign up today to help us fight against rampant book bans and classroom censorship bills that aim to remove books that are by and about communities of color, LGBTQ people, and other marginalized groups.

We all have a right to read and learn free from viewpoint-based or partisan censorship. Join the fight.”


Cee Dub:

*Before Roe v. Wade:

I worked in nursing homes for a good while. Let me tell you some of the stories these 70, 80, and 90+ women told me.

~ “I kept telling my husband 6 kids was enough. After awhile, I just started throwing them in the river.”

~ “I knew it was my father’s so I just left it in the hole in the outhouse.”

~ “I just shoved dirt in its mouth and left it in the woods.”

~ “I gave birth on my friends couch. I don’t know what she did with it. We never talked about it again.”

There are so many more but I will stop here.”


“State abortion bans are preventing cancer patients from getting chemotherapy

Affidavits in Ohio show people had to leave the state for abortions before they could get cancer treatment. It’s an issue across the country.”

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