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3/2023 "Dems are no different than Far Right"

Updated: Jan 2

Waved Sphinx (Ceratomia undulosa)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018-07-10 289aaa

Warren Gunnels:

84% want Medicare to cover dental, vision, hearing

82% want to expand Social Security

80% want a windfall profits tax

71% want universal Pre-k

67% want Medicare for All

64% want a $15 minimum wage

63% want tuition free public colleges

Remind me again, how does democracy die?”

“Bert Wolfe writes

Unfortunately for the average working people of America, the political toadies of BOTH major political parties in the US Congress simply DO NOT CARE what laboring America thinks, wants, or desires from their federal government. This conclusion is supported by a major study of the US Congress by scholars from Princeton and Northwestern Universities — for those who are skeptical about what I am saying.

What does go on in the halls of the US Capitol is just so much political shadow boxing, a political kabuki dance designed to get the fairly ignorant, uninformed, and largely distracted people of America thinking that there is a real controversy going on in Congress over how to best serve the needs of the American people. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The two major bourgeois political parties have achieved a silent, unspoken consensus that the only needs that require active government action and intervention are those of the American oligarchs. Occasionally, one or the other party may throw their deluded partisans among the laboring people of America a political bone with a few meager shreds of meat on it, just to help maintain the illusion. They do so with the full knowledge and consent of the oligarchs. After all, the illusion must be maintained.

Their REAL constituency is the American oligarchy, the fabulously wealthy one percent, who control their political sycophants in Congress with the Big Money they can lay at the politicians’ feet.

The only REAL way the average working people of America will ever get the attention of the US Congress and anything approaching real, substantive reform and change is through mass demonstrations the streets, like the Yellow Vest Rebellion in France, and general strikes that paralyze America, bring the oligarchs to their knees, and their bought off, bourgeois politicians to the bargaining table ready to FINALLY deliver the REAL legislation, programs, and policies that the American people so desperately need and want.



“How corporations are buying up houses – robbing families of the American Dream”


“The People in power rely on you giving up, DON’T”

“Td Notabank writes

the corporate overlords carefully manufacture nihilism to the ppl because nihilistic ppl do not fight for a better future. i chose not to fall for their op and will continue to hold on to revolutionary hope.”


“DeSantis appointee to new Disney oversight board suggested tap water could turn people gay”



“Leaked chats, documents and online materials have revealed that Atomwaffen Division (AWD) founder Brandon Clint Russell was secretly but tirelessly active as a white-power propagandist and organizer between his release from prison in 2021 and his arrest on charges of plotting terror attacks.

The materials show Russell, 27, of Orlando, Florida, encouraging others to commit similar crimes to those he is now accused of, and advocating armed attacks on electricity, water and transport infrastructure.”


“Hersh: US bombed Nord Stream to prolong the Ukraine proxy war”

“Seymour Hersh joins Aaron Maté to discuss his report on how the Biden administration bombed the Nord Stream gas pipelines, which blew up not only a vital Russian-German infrastructure project but a key off-ramp to peace in Ukraine.”


“From installing a puppet in the Philippines to beefing up armaments about China’s borders, Washington seems to adhering to the same game plan to solicit war with China as they did with Russia in Ukraine:”

“China Is Not Russia. Taiwan Is Not Ukraine.

While it’s tempting to compare the two, Taiwan and Ukraine are different countries with dissimilar geopolitical circumstances.”

War with China is coming. Western Rich have nothing to lose - they'll pocket the any gains and stick the 99% with the costs,..gonna have to use the bunkers anyway might as make it further worthwhile


“Simulated Nuclear strike between China and the US”


China never said it wanted to nuke LA – it is just pro-Washington propaganda:

“A Myth Is Born”

Quote: “On January 24, 1996, the New York Times carried the following account of a conversation between a Chinese official and Chas. W. Freeman, a former U.S. assistant defense secretary: "Mr. Freeman quoted a Chinese official as asserting that China could act militarily against Taiwan without fear of intervention by the United States because American leaders 'care more about Los Angeles than they do about Taiwan,' a statement that Mr. Freeman characterized as an indirect threat by China to use nuclear weapons against the United States."

Thus was born one of the more enduring myths in contemporary U.S. foreign policy -- namely, that China might nuke Los Angeles


Manufacturing War relies heavily on generating fear:

“Top general warns China could soon spring surprise nuclear strike on US”

[also bear in mind ex military brass often take lucrative appointments in the private sector defense industry]

There has now, 3/7/2023, been over 100 mass shootings in America in the year 2023 and the Chinese govt had nothing to do with it



In January, the U.S. and Israel conducted the largest joint military exercise in history.”


“The US consensus: fight Russia to the last person in Ukraine, and maybe earth

There is bipartisan agreement that the US should use Ukraine to fight Russia to the last person in Ukraine. The only dispute is over whether the US should increasingly risk every last person on earth.”


“Chris Hedges: Dems are no different than Far Right” [making their funding of far right candidates complicity and not some bologna 3 dimensional chess thing]

“This is why I won't be supporting Adam Schiff's Primary campaign for the US Senate seat vacated by Dianne Feinstein. He was literally one of THE WORST Democrats out in the media slogging the fictional parts of the Trump/Russia narrative. I cannot separate his face from that. There was SO MUCH about what Team Trump was doing that was so terrible for the country & the planet, but corporate Democrats like Schiff didn't want to talk about that because they do so much of that themselves.


Yes, the way that Trump manipulates the media to purposefully divide the country & gain political power through fear & lies is horrific.

It's also horrific the way that the wealth behind the DNC & the California Democratic Party & their army of corporate lobbyists wield oligarch money to manipulate elected officials like Barbara Lee to use her stature in the state to try to derail Katie Porter's campaign & sweep an actual progressive Democrat who stands up to corporate power under the rug to make room for a corporate centrist like Adam Schiff.

BOTH are ploys to unfairly consolidate power, in one case for an authoritarian regime to control the country, in the other for a corporate/oligarch regime to control the country. BOTH ploys are profoundly undemocratic.

The Democrats are just a little slicker than what's going on in the Republican Party.”

Linda Carpenter Sexauer

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