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10/2021 Postmaster General DeJoy's 10-year plan: slower delivery while hiking prices

Updated: Jan 2

“Unable to afford to lose even a day’s pay, many California farmworkers toiled without protective gear, in dangerously unhealthy air, as heavy wildfire smoke lingered over fields for several weeks. But exactly what kind of risks are those workers facing?”

“Fires Fuel New Risks to California Farmworkers

As climate change amplifies the health risks of extreme heat and pollution from wildfires, researchers scramble to protect farmworkers.”

Walnut Sphinx (Amorpha juglandis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017 6/6 105aaa


“Sign Now: Tell the Navy to Stop Killing Marine Animals…”

“This massive Navy “test” bomb was the real thing for the unfathomable number of dolphins, whales, and other marine mammals it killed”


“UCI, NASA JPL scientists uncover additional threat to Antarctica’s floating ice shelves

Thinning of rift-healing slush is identified as a major cause of iceberg calving events”

“Physical processes controlling the rifting of Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica, prior to the calving of iceberg A68” - by Eric Larour et al.


“I again recommend a law prohibiting all corporations from contributing to campaign expenses of any party.” Theodore Roosevelt.


“Genetic Engineering of Major Crops: the Most Recent Depressing Episode”

"When it comes to genetic engineering technology and agriculture, we are rarely told the true story—instead, the negative impact and risk of how genetic engineering is deployed in agriculture is often woefully obscured." —David Bronner, CEO of Dr. Bronner's


“Wealth is socially created – redistribution just allows more people to enjoy the fruits of labor.”

“Don’t the Rich Deserve to Keep Their Money?”

A decade or so ago, it was estimated that Walmart employees consumed some $68 billion in govt aid to make ends meet even though they were working at Walmart.


Democrats are as vile as Republicans:

“Postmaster General DeJoy's 10-year plan to overhaul the USPS is set to take effect Friday, ushering in permanently slower mail delivery while hiking prices for consumers.”

“Calls to Fire DeJoy Intensify as 10-Year Plan to Sabotage USPS Takes Effect”


“just an fyi curfews were created because the protests were so peaceful and law enforcement needed a reason to advance on people – by being out past curfew, they could find protesters unlawful, even for peaceful protest”


“The Internet Should Be a Public Good”

“The Internet was built by public institutions — so why is it controlled by private corporations?”


“Again – billionaire philanthropy is PR. Stop falling for it. Yes, $50 M is a lot of money but had Musk simply paid his taxes at the actual 37% rate, he would’ve paid $51.8B in taxes – which is 104X his donation.”

Also, don’t forget philanthropic donations can be tax deductible


“To those who are repeating the tire fallacy that the US is a magical death unicorn that can’t enact universal healthcare unlike every other developed nation on earth because of vague economic “realities”…

Please remember that this was the same argument again abolishing slavery. Every other developed country did it but it just wasn’t “economical viable” to imagine paying people in the US for their labor instead of owning them and making the work for free.

People are dying by the thousands every year because they can’t afford healthcare, even with the ACA.

I don’t want to hear that it can’t be done. It can, it has been and the people who are telling you otherwise are defending their profit, period.”


“Infrastructure for Insects: Congress Should Invest in Bees and Butterflies”


Microbial 'theft' enables breakdown of methane, toxic methylmercury”


“Evidence for methanobactin “Theft” and novel chalkophore production in methanotrophs: impact on methanotrophic-mediated methylmercury degradation” - by Christina S. Kang-Yun et al.


Bah Bye NYC, Miami, DC, Savannah,..,East Coast



“First they ignore you.

Then they laugh at you.

Then they fight you.

Then they realize that ignoring you, laughing at you and fighting you generated a shit ton of evidence.

Then you win.”


“Naval sonar essentially “scares whales to death” researchers discover.”

“New Study Blames Naval Sonar for Hundreds of Whales Mysteriously Beaching Themselves”


“Classical economics

was part of a reform process to bring Europe out of the feudal era into the industrial age. This required overcoming the power of the landed aristocracy, bankers and monopolies to levy charges that were unfair because they did not reflect actual labor or enterprise. Such revenue was deemed “unearned.”

The original fight for free markets meant freeing th em from exploitation by rent extractors: owners of land, natural resources, monopoly rights and money fortunes that provided income without corresponding work – and usually without tax liability. Where hereditary rental and financial revenue supported the richest aristocracies, the tax burden was shifted most heavily onto labor and industry, in addition to their rent and debt burden.

The classical reform program of Adam Smith and his followers was to tax the income deriving from privileges that were the legacy of feudal Europe and its military conquests, and to make land, banking and monopolies publicly regulated functions. Today’s neoliberalism turns the word’s original meaning on its head. Neoliberals have re-defined “free markets” to mean an economy free for rent-seekers, that is, “free” of government regulation or taxation of unearned rentier income (rents and financial returns).

The best way to undo their counter-revolution is to revive the classical distinction between earned and unearned income, and the analysis of financial and debt relations (the “magic of compound interest”) as being predatory on the economy at large. This original critique of landlords, bankers and monopolists has been stripped out of the current political debate in favor of what is best characterized as trickle-down junk economics.”

Excerpt From: Hudson, Michael. “Killing the Host.”


“You have to ask yourself:

If our economic system actively destroys the biosphere *and* fails to meet most people’s basic needs, then what is actually the point?” Jason Hickel

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