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10/2021 Dems: “DAILY POSTER: Media HIDES Rahm Emanuel's Corrupt Ties As He Shills for Pharma & Oil

Updated: Jan 16

Obama Lackey:

“More on Rahm ...

Key Passage:

$12 Million In Consulting Pay

According to Emanuel’s disclosures, he was paid over $12 million in consulting fees by the investment banking advisory firm Centerview Partners as a “senior adviser” after leaving office in Chicago.

Since Emanuel joined Centerview in July 2019, the firm has advised a host of pharmaceutical companies, utilities, and fossil fuel companies on billions of dollars worth of transactions. These are the same industries that are now funding attacks on the reconciliation package.

Emanuel was routinely invited to play pundit anyway, and he used the opportunities to actively attack progressive policies without ever disclosing his relationship with the companies that would benefit if the Democratic Party rejected progressive policies and stuck to a corporatist agenda.”

“DAILY POSTER: Media HIDES Rahm Emanuel's Corrupt Ties As He Shills for Big Pharma, Big Oil”

Walnut Sphinx (Amorpha juglandis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2012-07-14-1548-11 IMG_2174aaaa

“What Would A Total Collapse Look Like?”


Edward Snowden:

“Have you ever looked at who is behind these new for-profit “fact-checking” companies?

“NewsGaurd” is “advised” by one of the country’s most famous liars – the man who secretly built the global mass surveillance system that, once uncovered, courts condemned as an outrageous crime.”

“(Ret.) General Michael Hayden”


~360~ The Debt Limit Fight Is A Fake Controversy”


“Climate change already affects 80 percent of the world”


“The teaching of Republican Jesus

Feed only those that look like us & pass the drug test

Giver your money to those who are wealthy & already with privilege

Blessed shall be those who take away healthcare from the sick & the meek

If you get hit, hit back harder

The rich and the powerful shall inherit the earth.

Do not kill, unless they really deserve it

Do not give unto them aid, for their country is a sh*thole

If they are in need and are strangers deport them

Punish those from other nations that seek asylum. Take away their children & put them in cages

Do unto others, before they do unto you.”


“To understand the character of a nation, examine its heroes and determine how it defines “success”. Int eh United States, our heroes are often those with money and power; and success is defined by achieving one’s own ambitions. We celebrate rugged individualism and personal achievement, and we do it as the expense of others. It’s a mentality that says, “As long as I win, nothing else matters”. Our society is propped by these ideals. They form our worldview, and they serve as the foundation upon which our society’s values are based. A system of values that we’ve been acting upon, sanctioning, reaffirming, and strengthening over many generations.

“Our social bad habits have created a self-serving and unsympathetic culture that is far too selfish to truly care about anyone or anything but ourselves. A culture where careers that exploit people and planet for profit in a negligent free-market economy rob the human spirt of its intrinsic sense of dignity, self-worth and personal fulfillment. Driven by the spiritually vacant and petty pursuits of money, power and fame, we have created for ourselves a society that no longer understands the true meaning of joy. Without a pure and higher purpose to enrich our lives, we have become a nation without a soul.”


“Corporations get their payback in tax bill

Contributions to Corporate tax cut

Corporation Republicans 1990-2017 Under GOP Bill

Goldman Sachs $26,894,393 $6,091,800,000

General Electric $20,025,764 $15,990,000,000

Citigroup $19,759,908 $9,165,000,000

Microsoft $17,934,790 $27,690,000,000

Exxon Mobil $16,845,751 $10,530,000,000

Pfizer $15,673,394 $38,794,080,000

Walmart $12,894,979 $5,187,000,000

Chevron $12,779,874 $9,048,000,000

Eli Lilly $9,764,311 $5,460,000,000

Google $7,392,522 $11,836,500,000

Merck $7,245,040 $12,304,500,000

Johnson & Johnson $5,636,745 $12,909,000,000

Proctor & Gamble $3,682,275 $9,555,000,000

IBM $1,873,305 $13,923,000,000

Apple $500,381 $47,970,000,000


“A plant–pollinator metanetwork along a habitat fragmentation gradient”


“Moral Debt

Any abuse of corporate power that causes human or planetary harm carries a moral debt that must be repaid back to society, where cost is always greater than the anticipated financial reward.”


“Two plants can save the world

Meet Bamboo & Hemp

Grows anywhere. Creates jobs. Replaces Oil, Coal, & Wood.

When used in 50,000 products

It’s all good.”


Val Eisman \ Arctic News:


When oil giant Chevron lost a multibillion-dollar environmental lawsuit to a group of Indigenous Ecuadorians, the company refused to pay up — and instead went to war against Steven Donziger, the attorney who won the historic judgment.

Since 2009, hundreds of lawyers from 60 firms have made Donziger’s life a living hell. For the last two years, he’s been under house arrest in New York, forced to wear an electronic ankle monitor — and now he’s facing a six-month prison sentence after refusing to turn over his electronic devices to Chevron’s lawyers.

Donziger has appealed to his own New York congressional delegation for help, but powerful Democrats including Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler have remained conspicuously silent on the case.

Now, new reporting from The Intercept has revealed that Gillibrand has received almost $200,000 in campaign donations from the law firm leading Chevron’s attacks — where Nadler’s own son is an associate."

The Intercept


So Politico was forced to come out of the closet. Then again, that closet is so packed, they should be celebrating.

“The billionaire CEO of the multibillion-dollar corporation that recently purchased the news media outlet Politico has said that its newly acquired employees will be required to support Israel and the capitalist world order.

In a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mathias Döpfner, CEO of the German publisher Axel Springer, said that Politico staffers will be required to adhere to a set of principles which include "support for a united Europe, Israel’s right to exist and a free-market economy, among others."”

“Refreshingly Honest Billionaire Says Media Purchase Will Be Used For Propaganda”


“Scientists discover large rift in the Arctic's last bastion of thick sea ice ”


But they go out of their way to kill children in public schools:

“A private school in Florida will require vaccinated students to stay home for 30 days after each COVID-19 vaccination dose they receive. According to reports a letter sent to parents suggested that parents consider vaccinating their children in the summer "when there will be time for the potential transmission or shedding onto others to decrease."

"Because of the potential impact on other students and our school community, vaccinated students will need to stay at home for 30 days post-vaccination for each dose and booster they receive and may return to school after 30 days as long as the student is healthy and symptom-free," said a letter sent last week to parents at Centner Academy in Miami.”

“Miami private school orders vaccinated students to stay at home for 30 days as 'precautionary measure'”

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