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“Calling for a National Biodiversity Strategy”

Updated: Jan 16

“Calling for a National Biodiversity Strategy”


Covid is still raging on despite Governments’ efforts to resume business as usual. Worse still, vaccinated or unvaccinated, if you get COVID and don’t die, the consequences to your body are not over..

“Risk of Mental Health Disorders Increases After COVID-19”


“According to analysis of health records collected during the early months of the pandemic, even a mild case of COVID-19 increases your risk of developing cardiovascular complications. Here's more on what the study found.”

“COVID Can Be Hard on the Heart

Coronavirus infections tied to 3 million new cases of cardiovascular disease in U.S.”

Virginia Creeper Sphinx (Darapsa myron)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2014-06-15 498aaaa

“For mental health, landmark climate report spells disaster

For the first time, the IPCC recognized what a warming world means for anxiety, trauma, and suicide.”


Zelensky’s zeal to curry favor with western interests has manifested into his calling for civilians to stay and commit suicide. I don’t think the Ukrainian People may not be as familiar with Social Murder than the typical American should be. His calls to his People to “stay and fight” are ill-advised. Ukraine will NOT ‘win’ what is going on right now:

“Putin’s Criminal Invasion of Ukraine Highlights Some Ugly Truths About U.S. and NATO

The fact that Putin is trying to justify the unjustifiable in Ukraine does not mean we must ignore the U.S. actions that fuel his narrative.”

“The fact that Putin is trying to justify the unjustifiable in Ukraine does not mean we must ignore the U.S. actions that fuel his narrative, writes Jeremy Scahill.”



Climate activists must seize the moment to transition the entire globe into renewables economy!”

Val Eisman:

“This article is not entirely true. Ukraine was preparing for war against Donesk and Russia. It's about NATO expansion East and US encirclement of Russia with Nuclear ARMED NATO states! Ukraine has a military force with thousands of Nazis in it and miltary installations installed by the US all over the country.

But nevertheless this article raises an important point: NOW IS THE TIME FOR EUROPE TO TRANSITION INTO RENEWABLES

“Whatever His Motives, Putin’s War in Ukraine Is Fueled by Oil and Gas”


[a void the American Petroleum Institute will invariably attempt to fill by calling for “energy independence” for the U.S.,…achieved by exporting energy out of the country!?]


If Democrats, Republicans, and their enablers insist on achieving the social cleansing goals in their Georgia Guidestones, then don’t use: COVID; lack of healthcare; environmental decay; war; skin color; or religion, as tools. Instead simply reduce the population from the top of the socio-economic ladder down and cap the percentage decrease between 1% and 10%


“Rob Standridge, a Republican state senator in Oklahoma, has introduced legislation to fine public-school teachers $10,000 each time they share information that contradicts students' religious beliefs.

Teaching that the earth is more than 6,000 years old? Discussing evolution? The history of slavery? LGBTQ rights? Sex ed? The Enlightenment? The list of potentially criminal subjects is endless.

This so-called "Students' Religious Belief Protection Act" is making international headlines at a time of increasing censorship and Christian nationalism -- and it could become a model for other states.

Standridge has also introduced a separate bill to ban books that reference LGBTQ topics from public school libraries -- and he does all of this while campaigning as someone "raised with strong Christian values."

“Sign now: New bills that use religion to attack teachers, ban books, undermine science, and exclude LGBTQ voices are not a true reflection of Christian values like love, dignity, and equality.”


“Marjorie Tayler Greene must stop using Jesus to defend white nationalists”

“No one should ever be allowed to abuse Jesus's name for white nationalism without facing a rebuke from the church. Add your name to show that Christians want Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene held accountable!”


“ news reporters have offered us clues. The Ukrainians, like any European family you might live next door to.” They are “people with blue eyes and blonde hair. Or, as one correspondent put it, they “are Christians. They’re white. “


“Severe storms threaten 75 million in the US after tornadoes killed 7 in Iowa”


An example of the resilient American people engaged in Washington’s “adapting” to change:

“The new Golden Girls: Baby boomers are moving in together to save money

Retirement insecurity and rising housing costs prompt more older adults to move in together”


“The reality of war. The ruling class doesn’t suffer, it’s the everyday people who pay, and die for it. The young men on the front lines, the families displaced from gunfire and bombs. They pay for this, while the ones responsible sit in their castles.”


Not my America:

Turns out referring to America’s Democrats, Republicans & political enablers as the Fourth Reich is NOT hyperbole! They are actual ‘here’s your check$’ Nazis and their Holocaust is the global environment.

“Congress Has Removed a Ban on Funding Neo-Nazis From Its Year-End Spending Bill”

They did this in 2016. They overthrew Ukraine and installed a puppet regime in 2014. Today, Pelosi and all not only know they are allied with Nazis but they are giving them US taxpayer resources. Very likely so Biden, pelosi, Kerry, and Romneys’ kids could all be safe in their highly exploitative$$$ jobs in the Ukraine gas industry.

Pigs at a very bad trough. I stand with the Ukrainian people flipping off America and the USSR.

Nuremberg anyone?!


Do you think that, with their children working in the fossil fuel industry, today’s American politicians didn’t know that the oil and gas industries greenhouse gas emissions FAR EXCEEDED what regulators thought?!:

“How Greenhouse Gases Released by the Oil and Gas Industry Far Exceed What Regulators Think They Know

The greenhouse gas emissions from “venting” and “flaring” excess natural gas over a decade is equal to those of nearly 42 million cars annually.”


We give the already Rich billions, while not investing in 100’s of millions of Americans as our Public Health Infrastructure - the Environment - dies. Democrats are in bed with the Nazis and Republicans attempted a coup.

Anybody think we can do better?

What's wrong with turning over all members of the Democratic and Republican Parties (including their big donors, lobbyists, & foundations) to Putin to ensure that there isn't a nuclear war?


Janel C:

“Respectfully, after the last two years I think we’re beyond the “is anyone else having trouble concentrating with everything going on” phase and need to be asking why we’re upholding a culture that expects us to carry on business as usual”


“Shorter Life Spans Cost U.S. Millions of Jobs

AARP report projects how racial gaps in life expectancy could affect the economy by 2030”

““Eliminating disparities is an economic, national and ethical imperative,” says AARP's Jean Accius. See what a new report says about the effect disparities in life spans among minorities could have on the job market.”



“In the midst of the 2014 Israeli killing of over 2,300 people in Gaza, not only did Google not ban any IDF Youtube channels, it actually allowed a game called Bomb Gaza to be sold from Google Play. Other Gaza inspired games available were Gaza Assault: Code Red and Iron Dome.”


American’s rage over Democrats not eliminating the Filibuster or negating voter suppression needs to be equal to that of refusing to accept an Authoritarian Fascist American Leadership after the next elections.


Caitlin Johnstone:

“We Ended It All Out Of Boredom”

“In the end we went the way of the dinosaur

not because of any asteroid or apocalyptic disease,

nor because we failed to adapt quickly enough to environmental changes,….”


There is nothing ‘natural’ about what is going on with the global environment.

Healthy indigenous ecosystems are failing. 100 million indigenous trees in California have died and the biodiversity along with it.

Our best bet going forward is to maximize the biodiversity of our green spaces... beyond historical definitions of ecosystems (e.g. Oak Savannah’s) that existed during the Holocene. These green spaces represent natures last stand and should be made to serve more plant and animals species than they did when the existed in a pristine state during the now gone Holocene Epoch.


Jason Scherl:

“Jim White UC Talks about All the ice on Earth Melting; Just Add 200ppm CO2 = Sea level Adds 300 Feet

All the ice will be gone in less than 70 years as i did not account for ACCELERATING CO2 growth rate so less than 70 years

Not including Methane!

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Growth Rate

by Carl Edward Rasmussen, 2022-02-08

Carbon Dioxide growth rate: 2.45±0.26 ppm/y (mean ± 2 std dev), January 2022.

Release of green house gases, such as carbon dioxide, or CO2, into the atmosphere is causing global warming. The underlying physical mechanism has been well understood for a long time; a quantitative account is given by S. Arrhenius in 1896 On the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature of the Ground; an essentially current overview is given by this report from the 1970s. More recently, attempts have been made to limit the release of green house gases both nationally and globally, most prominently the Kyoto Protocol in force from 2005 and the Paris Agreement in force from 2016. In this note I assess the progress made so far in limiting atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.

The Keeling Curve

An excellent source of recent historical monthly measurements of the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide at Mauna Loa in Hawaii is available at this site, the actual data being available here. Thank you to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for providing this. The data set contains monthly average measurements from 1958 until today, figure 1:

The monthly average carbon dioxide concentration in parts per million [ppm] is plotted as a function of calendar year in red in the top (left axis). This graph is sometimes known as the Keeling Curve. The data shows an increasing concentration of carbon dioxide from about 315 ppm in 1958 to about 415 ppm in 2021. For context, the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration remained constant at about 280 ppm for the 10000 years leading up to the industrial revolution. The Mauna Loa carbon dioxide concentration is not identical to the entire atmospheric average, but it's pretty close (there is a small dependency on latitude).

The data shows a pronounced seasonal variation, which is caused by plants taking up more carbon dioxide in the summer than in winter. The inferred seasonal variation is shown for three particular years in the top left inset. The seasonal component shows a fairly rapid decrease in the four and a half months between middle of May and end of September or early October (when photosynthesis is most active in the northern hemisphere), followed by a slower rise over seven and a half months to the middle of May. The seasonal component is itself slowly changing, becoming more pronounced with time, and moving earlier in the year. The peak to peak magnitude has grown from 5.8 ppm in 1958 to 7.0 ppm in 2020. The seasonal component has a wrap-around boundary condition between December and January, and its average over a year is zero.

We are not primarily interested in seasonal fluctuations, so figure 1 top main we have super-imposed a de-seasonalised black region, by subtracting out the inferred seasonal variations.

What is the growth of carbon dioxide in the graph? The growth rate is the instantaneous slope of the de-seasonalised curve (also called the derivative) and is measured in parts per million per year [ppm/y]. However, the raw instantaneous growth rate isn't that useful to plot for two reasons: firstly, the instantaneous growth rate is not itself that interesting, because it doesn't reveal much about how the carbon dioxide concentration is evolving over finite intervals of time, and secondly, the instantaneous growth rate is both very variable and associated with a large amount of statistical uncertainty, as our data only contains monthly measurements. To overcome this issue, we either 1) first compute the instantaneous growth rate and then average the result locally in time, or 2) first average the concentration values locally in time, and then compute the growth rates. In fact these two views are mathematically equivalent, so you can use whichever interpretation you prefer. The resulting growth rates are shown in figure 1 bottom (right axis).

The growth rate of the de-seasonalised carbon dioxide concentration for three different time averages, annual in blue, three-yearly in red and decadal in gray. The annual averaged growth rate tends to wobble about a fair bit. This is probably caused by random fluctuations in wind patterns leading to local effects of mixing of air volumes across altitude and latitude and to other short term variations in carbon dioxide fluxes. These effects are quite short term, typically lasting just a year or two. The annual averaged growth-rate is also associated with a fair bit of uncertainty, indicated by the width of the blue region, which corresponds to the 95% credible region. Note, that the uncertainty about decadal averaged growth rate is much smaller than the annual averaged growth rate (because it's based on more measurements). Note also, that the band is wider towards the boundaries of the data, reflecting that we're less certain about the rate here. In 1960-1970 the growth rate was slightly less than about 1 ppm/y, but the growth-rate has been steadily increasing, reaching 2.45±0.26 ppm/y (mean ± 2 std dev) at the beginning of 2022. This means that currently, the concentration of carbon dioxide is growing by about 2.45 ppm per year.

The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) also provide a graph of carbon dioxide growth, which looks similar to the plots presented here. The difference is that the plots presented here emphasises the continuous nature of the process (rather than discrete yearly, or decade-long average growth events), and they quantify uncertainty.

So, what does the data tell us? It shows that all is not well in the state of the atmosphere! In order to prevent further warming, the carbon dioxide levels must not grow any further. On the growth curve, this corresponds the curve having to settle down to 0 ppm/y. There is absolutely no hint in the data that this is happening. On the contrary, the rate of growth is itself growing, having now reached about 2.46 ppm/y the highest growth rate ever seen in modern times. This is not just a "business as usual" scenario, it is worse than that, we're actually moving backward, becoming more and more unsustainable with every year. This shows unequivocally that the efforts undertaken so-far to limit green house gases such as carbon dioxide are woefully inadequate.

Misleading interpretations of the data

Unfortunately, the carbon dioxide data has been subject to some misleading interpretations, due to poor statistical reasoning. For example in the Nature Communications paper [Keenan et al, 2016] entitled "Recent pause in the growth rate of atmospheric CO2 due to enhanced terrestrial carbon uptake", the authors identify "a pause in the growth rate of atmospheric CO2", lasting from 2002 to (at least) 2014. They also identify a "point of structural change" in the growth rate in 2002. In fact it is highly unlikely that any such pause or point of structural change actually exists. On the growth rate figure above, the decadal average growth rate was 1.935±0.009 ppm/y at the start of 2002 and 2.416±0.010 ppm/y at the end of 2014 (mean ± 2 std dev), so the growth rate has indeed grown. In fact, the growth rate of the growth rate (also called the acceleration) within the start of 2002 to end of 2014 interval is 0.0370±0.0010 ppm/y2, whose lower bound is well beyond the upper bound for the average acceleration in the 40 years prior to that (1962 to 2002) at 0.0297±0.0016 ppm/y2, showing that it is very likely that the growth rate has in fact grown faster in the 2002 to 2014 interval, than during the 40 years prior to that. Publishing such flippant ideas should be avoided, as they create confusion where there should be clarity. It would be prudent of the authors to retract their paper (or explain why it is a valuable contribution when it doesn't agree with observations).

The Long Term

It is indisputable, that in the long term, the carbon dioxide growth must be brought down to zero, otherwise the earth will just keep getting warmer. However, it is unrealistic to assume that carbon dioxide growth can be halted instantaneously. It is more realistic to assume that the reduction in the growth will take place gradually. The level at which the concentration will stop growing depends on the schedule of the growth reduction. Let's assume that the global growth will be reduced at a fixed relative rate, at some percentage per year, indefinitely. Below is a figure showing what the equilibrium carbon dioxide concentration will be depending on the rate of growth reduction:


“Human fingerprint in global weather”

Frankie AJ Bear, scientists have evaluated all natural forcings and factors capable of driving the Earth's climate to change using multiple lines of consensus evidence, including the slow, long-term changes in the Earth’s movement around the Sun (Milankovitch cycles or orbital forcings) and volcanic eruptions, and it is only when the anthropogenic forcing is included that the observed and ongoing warming since 1750 can be explained.

Natural vs Anthropogenic Climate Forcings, per the 4th US National Climate Assessment, Volume 2, in 2018:

To add to that, scientists have even tested for unknown forcings of climate and ruled them out.

Scientists have quantified the warming caused by human activities since preindustrial times and compared that to natural temperature forcings.

Changes in the sun's output falling on the Earth from 1750-2019 are about 0.01 Watts/meter squared.

By comparison, human activities from 1750-2019 have warmed the Earth by about 2.72 Watts/meter squared (AR6, WG1, Chapter 7, section, Table 7.8, p. 7-50).

What this means is that the warming driven by the GHGs coming from the human activities since 1750 is over 270 times greater than the slight extra warming coming from the Sun itself over that same time interval.

In the early 20th century human activities caused about one-third of the observed warming and most of the rest was due to low volcanic activity. Since about 1950 it's all humans and their activities. What this means is that human activities are causing all of the recent observed warming and offsetting the ongoing natural cooling of Earth’s surface at the same time. This recent observed warming is unprecedented over at least the past 24,000 years.

Further, the detection of the human fingerprint in the observed tropospheric warming caused by the increase in atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases like CO2 has reached 6-sigma levels of accuracy.

Essentially, the fingerprint of human-caused climate change is detectable from any single day in the observed global record since early 2012, and since 1999 on the basis of a year of data.

To sum, nature can cause climate change but so do humans; right now the human causes are much faster and stronger than natural causes.

Humans have effectively wrapped a thin, silver space blanket around the planet and it warms accordingly.


“Solar panel-covered Sun Rock will generate 1 million kWh of clean energy per year”


2022 is going to prove a significant step in the direction of our releasing Hell on Earth:

“61 Year Old Heat Records Destroyed 30F Above Average

is my math correct?

you know what this means [At +40F humans go extinct]


Girl Scout cookies contribute to deforestation for Palm Oil production.


“The poleward enhanced Arctic Ocean cooling in a warming climate – Nature Communications”

Mike Ohlinger:

“Am researching the most critical area of the N Atlantic currents along the Eurasian shelf break in the Arctic ocean, Barents, N Kara and Laptev seas. This is where i have focused most of my research for years. Y R we seeing methane satellite plumes? The bottom waters heating up in the West Spitsbergen current SB Svalbard branch and also St Anna trough leading into the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago of the Russian Arctic sector. Most of the CMIP6 models consistently show a poleward advance of the Arctic Ocean cooling machine and Arctic Atlantification (Supplementary


The significant model spreads in the simulated linear trends of sea ice concentration, sea surface heat flux, MLD, and sea surface stress (Supplementary


imply possible uncertainties in the predicted timing and strength of the changes in the cooling machine and Arctic Atlantification represented by the MMM. In particular, the underestimated trends in sea ice decline, ocean surface heat flux, and MLD in the CMIP6 MMM compared to observations and reanalysis as shown in


imply that the future development of the poleward expansion of the cooling machine and the strengthening of Arctic Atlantification are very possibly underestimated in the CMIP6 models on average.”


Peter Carter:

“2021 RECORD METHANE EMISSIONS from the 23 Feb 2022 International Energy Agency's Global Methane Tracker. Methane emissions are increasing, now at record high, like atmospheric methane. The natural gas industry is leaking enormous amounts of methane (natural gas is mainly methane) making the three fossil fuels emit about equal amounts of methane. The only solution is to get off all fossil fuels replaced by 100% clean zero carbon combustion everlasting energy. “

“Edited: This is a head spinner in its wording. After reading the IEA report, the heading to the graphic by Peter Carter of the CEI is restating the IEA conclusions. What has been reported officially and used by IPCC and WRI says energy sector emissions are 42Mt CH4 but satellite data is showing 135Mt from the energy sector.”

“WRI image says fugitive CH4 from energy in 2018 is 5.9% of 48.9Gt CO2e = 2.89Gt CO2e = 42Mt CH4 ... which is less than a third of what IEA is reporting as spotted by satellites and traced to energy sector.

[Note: We know molecular wt, CH4:CO2 is 16:44 = 0.3636 the weight/ molecule.

WRI says they factor CH4 as 25 x as potent as CO2, so 2.89Gt CO2e should represent (0.3636 x 2.89)/25 = 42 Mt CH4.]

IEA continues by saying their satellite struggle to capture all instances, dues to weather and the intensity of some short bursts. The charts WRI has issued over the past 18 years show only incremental changes in Methane's share of CO2e.”

“IEA, Global Methane Tracker 2022”


Mike Ohlinger:

“7 years old but this will give an example of the heat flux in St Anna trough leading into Severnaya Zemlya archipelago and Nansen basin in the Arctic ocean. In the Copernicus loop this is the area of where the loop model shows that there is a new methane surface plume surfacing. In Fig 11 the white finger on the right side of the diagram is a permafrost finger jutting out into the N Kara sea.”

“Atlantic water flow into the Arctic Ocean through the St. Anna Trough in the northern Kara Sea”


Mike Ohlinger:

“Much more to the Arctic ice birth place in the Laptev sea. Both Fram strait and St Anna trough are critical warming channels for the Arctic ocean.”

“Warm North Atlantic water in inhibits Arctic sea ice formation”


“'Carnivore cleansing' is damaging ecosystems, scientists warn”

“Extermination of large predators such as wolves and bears has a cascading effect on delicate ecological balance”


2017: “Scientists Agree: It’s Time To End The War On Wildlife”


2019: “Wolves Naturally Limit Their Own Numbers”


“"On the 150th anniversary of America’s first national park one-third of its wolves are dead."

Petition: Tell the Biden Administration to Move Faster to Protect Wolves”

“‘Unprecedented killing’: The deadliest season for Yellowstone’s wolves”


“Teach your children there is no glory or heros in war.

That the glory comes from the actions that prevent war, and the heros are the ones who implement those actions.”


“Private prisons are Profiting from Human Rights Violations.”


“Joe Decesare writes

In the same week that Russian forces entered Ukraine, the United States bombed Somalia, U.S./Saudis bombed Yemen, and Israel bombed Syria and Gaza.....Wouldnt it be nice to see the same outrage and protest for all these atrocities?”


“Vote for Wolf Conservation center to share in $500,000 of grants”


“We Need Answers About the CIA’s Mass Surveillance”


“Foes of Medicare For All Are Also Gunning for the VA: Why DSA Should Care”

Charles Koch,…again:

“Social Security benefits have been cut 30% since 2000. Medicare is being corporatized and benefits slashed by Medicare Advantage & other schemes. Now Wall Street is gunning for Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Although there have been problems at V.A. medical centers, most Veterans get excellent care. Talk to a Veteran about how much they like the V.A.”


“Prof. Rupert Read - ...the greatest obstacle to the truth about climate breakdown being fully told and heard is not denial — it is the fear on the part of many activists that, if we were to tell the whole truth, we lose our audience. That fear is understandable, but erroneous. In fact, I would argue it is the opposite. The more we tell the whole truth, the more it will be heard and the more people will build the psychological resilience needed to handle it...””

“The inconvenient truth about telling the truth about climate breakdown”


“Chris Hedges On Ukraine, Russia & NATO”


“Many point out hypocrisy of media on the nobility of Ukrainian resistance and illegitimacy of Palestinian resistance.”


Romeu Peitinho:

“Another misinformation salvo from Washington’s controlled media.

“Reports suggest Belarusian president accidentally revealed that Moscow plans to invade Moldovan breakaway state Transnistria

A televised meeting of security officials in Belarus may have inadvertently revealed that Russia plans to expand its war in Ukraine by invading neighboring Moldova, according to Western media reports. However, the stories specified the attack target as Moldova’s breakaway state of Transnistria, a close Russian ally.

The reports were based on a meeting Tuesday in which Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko stood in front of a map, apparently pointing to Russian military operations in Ukraine. Belarusian journalist Tadeusz Giczan claimed that the map shows Ukrainian military facilities that have been destroyed by missiles launched from Belarus, as well as a possible future attack from the Odessa area of southwestern Ukraine into Transnistria.

Fox News, Newsweek and other US media outlets picked up on the alleged blunder. However, Lukashenko has denied that Belarus is participating in Moscow’s attack on Ukraine. As for the notion that Russia would stage forces in Odessa to attack Transnistria, the breakaway region is populated largely by ethnic Russians and already hosts Russian troops.

In fact, Transnistria is financially supported by Russia and has special military, political, cultural and economic relations with Moscow. The Russian government hasn’t recognized the breakaway province as a sovereign nation, but it’s Transnistria’s closest ally. A 2006 referendum found that most Transnistria residents want their territory to become part of Russia. Many already carry Russian passports. Mikhail Burla, then parliamentary speaker in Tiraspol, asked Moscow to annex Transnistria after Russia reabsorbed Crimea in 2014.

Western media outlets, including the New York Times, previously reported that Russian troops were stationed in Transnistria during the buildup to last week’s invasion of Ukraine. The US and NATO last month proposed that Russia remove its forces from Transnistria as part of an agreement to ease security concerns in Eastern Europe.

Fox News acknowledged that Transnistria is controlled by “pro-Russian separatists” and has a Russian military presence, but the outlet made no attempt to reconcile how it could also be an attack target for Moscow. Some outlets, such as The Hill, suggested that Transnistria is an attack target without mentioning that it’s a Russian ally.””


America IS the Fourth Reich:

Josefina Vazquez:


As a people interested in the safety and well-being of humanity it means that we must demand all accurate information on the table. Yet MainStreamMedia (MSM) turns around and offers us a scripted version of the Administrations rhetoric. All good and saintly equals the USA and all evil and satanic equals Russia.

The truth remains critical today as immediately after 9/11 when George Bush and Colin Powell knowingly lied to the US public and the world community that Iraq dangerously maintained hidden weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Even though intelligence officials clearly reported to the administration that Saddam Hussein remained totally disconnected with any responsibility to 9/11. Bush purposely kept the people of the United States in the dark, in other words blind to the facts.

Why is it that other valid voices remain obscure — longtime analysts on the importance of accountability in protecting both the United States and supporting the international community’s goal for overall safety. The pragmatic views of the following experts standing against Biden in his gross ineptness include:

Doug MacGregor, Retired Army Colonel;

Daniel L. Lewis, Retired Lieutenant Colonel;

Scott Bennett, Former United States Army Psychological Warfare Officer;

Tulsi Gabbard, United States Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel and former Congresswoman from Hawaii serving eight years.

These United States patriots agree that Biden purposely failed diplomatically with Putin in not paying heed to his legitimate concerns. Russia in the 20th century was mercilessly attacked twice

by Western armed forces using the Ukraine to cross into Russia. The first time in 1920 to end the communist revolution, the attacking forces included the United States; and then during WWII when the German Nazi forces again cross the Ukraine to commit the world’s worst war crimes known internationally ending in the deaths of 27 million Soviet citizens with 15 million Russian citizens among them.

The expansion of NATO eastward remained a major security concern for Russia after the Soviet Union was dissolved by the Agreement signed by Boris Yeltsin, even though the overwhelming majority of the Soviet Union voted to remain united and connected. Meanwhile, James Baker, Secretary of State, agreed that NATO would not move one inch eastward, even with the reunification of Germany. This as the international community understood, just naturally deepened suspicions considering the role Germany played against the soviets.

There are hundreds of ballistic missiles throughout western Europe facing Russia. If Ukraine were accepted into NATO it dramatically threatens the civilian population in Russia. While Russian troops amassed on Ukraine‘a borders and crossed, the USA increased its bombing of Somalia; also gave the go-ahead to Israeli zionists to bomb Damascus, the capital of Syria; and strengthened Saudi Arabia’s capacity to bomb war torn Yemen.

The outright hypocrisy and collusion practiced by the MSM as a direct duplicitous voice of the government can only be stopped by the people themselves. Facts surfacing since 2013 of the CIA financial involvement and political instigation against Viktor Yanucovych, the democratically elected president of the Ukraine. To the extent, where Senator John McCain in violation of the UN Charter and rules of USA diplomacy, stepped on Ukrainian soil calling for the ouster of its legitimate president at the infamous Maidan Square. Yanucovych and his administration favored the Russians.

Through USA underhanded political involvement and steep financial backing, Volodymyr Zelensky, longtime popular Ukrainian comedian with zero political experience won by a landslide. Zelensky also happens to favor the extreme right wing militias that were responsible for the coup in the Ukraine. Currently functioning on his behalf in different areas throughout the Ukraine.

Once Zelensky settled in office these extremist militias consistently during the past eight years used on-the-ground missiles to bomb the Donbas region of the Ukraine, populated primarily by Russians and Russian-speaking civilians. Zelensky did nothing and the civilians pleaded with Putin to defend them. Bombs kill people and destroy homes, schools, churches and hospitals. These fascist pro-Nazi militias also attacked people, looted their homes and businesses. But, MSM never reported on this massive scale of abusive gangsterism.

Whatever anyone thinks of Biden’s sanctions, the weight will be borne initially by Europeans, yet fairly quickly by the USA. Biden needed a gigantic world disruption to distract the population of the US from his weak political leadership instead of understanding that if he could never permit a security partnership between Russia and Mexico, literally on the border of the USA, why should Russia. Biden’s diplomatic skills are fraught with dishonesty.

As the following photos of the Ukrainian fascist Nazi militias indicate — have been operating for years within the Ukraine. Then why do the media outlets within the USA keep it quiet. Because the reality of the international collusion practiced by the US is covered-up by media and at different levels within the government, which then slips into obscurity.




“Russia was baited into war but that does not absolve its criminal act of aggression.”

““ Preemptive war, whether in Iraq or Ukraine, is a war crime. It does not matter if the war is launched on the basis of lies and fabrications, as was the case in Iraq, or because of the breaking of a series of agreements with Russia, including the promise by Washington not to extend NATO beyond the borders of a unified Germany, not to deploy thousands of NATO troops in Eastern Europe, not to meddle in the internal affairs of nations on the Russia’s border and the refusal to implement the Minsk II peace agreement. The invasion of Ukraine would, I expect, never have happened if these promises had been kept. Russia has every right to feel threatened, betrayed, and angry. But to understand is not to condone. The invasion of Ukraine, under post-Nuremberg laws, is a criminal war of aggression.””

Jonathan Cook:

“Russia instantly banned by Fifa and instantly subjected to an ICC war crimes probe. Meanwhile, decades after it began occupying and ethnically cleansing Palestinians, apartheid Israel is still in Fifa and still spared any ICC war crimes trials.”


“Ukraine On Fire - Oliver Stone documentary (2016)”

“This documentary is being removed from platforms. Consider downloading it (for example via before it's removed from this upload.”


Sam Carana:

“Accelerating melt rate makes Greenland Ice Sheet world’s largest ‘dam’

The world’s second-largest ice sheet is melting from the bottom up – and generating huge amounts of heat from hydropower”

“Rapid basal melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet from surface meltwater drainage” - by Tun Jan Young et al.


The days of a campfire or sitting around the hearth can longer be sustained by the environment American politicians have put us in:

“Pollutionwatch: wood fires are bad for planet, more evidence shows

Notion of wood burning as climate neutral source of energy is quickly being invalidated by hard facts”


Biden’s thinning of forests is climate suicide. Forest restoration (aka “purification” or “forest cleansing”) need to be more sensitive. Cutting down any tree contributes to our climate peril and burning the fallen tree’s branches only makes it worse:

Sam Carana:

“Deforestation emissions far higher than previously thought, study finds

Carbon emissions from felling of tropical forest doubled in just two decades and are accelerating, research says”

“Doubling of annual forest carbon loss over the tropics during the early twenty-first century” - by Yu Feng et al.


“The Arctic Seafloor Is Degrading and Could Be a Climate Time Bomb

Up to a trillion tons of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, may be locked away in the decaying ocean floor of a vast Arctic continental shelf.

“In-situ temperatures and thermal properties of the East Siberian Arctic shelf sediments: Key input for understanding the dynamics of subsea permafrost” - by Evgeny Chuvilin et al.


“Smoke from Black Summer bushfires depleted ozone layer, study finds

More intense bushfires due to climate change will slow recovery of ozone layer, scientist says”

On the stratospheric chemistry of midlatitude wildfire smoke - by Susan Solomon et al.


“Climate Breakdown”


“Wildfire Smoke is Destroying Earth's Ozone Layer - Extinction Level Event HD

With James G Anderson NASA and Tom Hanks as Finch

Atmospheric chemists have found that the smoke from Australia's 'Black Summer' wildfires set off chemical reactions in the stratosphere that contributed to the destruction of ozone. The study is the first to establish a chemical link between wildfire smoke and ozone depletion.

February 28, 2022

Massachusetts Institute of Technology”


“Biden sends defense delegation to Taiwan”

“US President Joe Biden is sending a delegation of former senior defense and security officials to Taiwan in a show of support for the self-ruled island following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Taiwanese officials said Tuesday.”



"Putin blows up NetZero and the green reset". Financial Times

Putin has almost certainly condemned the world to fossil fuel climate annihilation #climate #Putin

“Terence Corcoran: Putin blows up NetZero and the green reset

Massive failure of two branches of the United Nations”


“S. Korean wildfire destroys 159 homes, forces 6,200 to flee”


“IEA’s 10-Step Plan For Europe: Diversified Gas Imports And Clean Energy”


“Q&A: Gov. Jay Inslee’s Thoughts on Countering Climate Change in the State of Washington and Beyond

Inslee, who unsuccessfully ran for president in 2019 as a climate change candidate, says, “The way to build hope is to take action.””


Enbridge is probably behind this:

“‘They put a gun to my head’: Colombian anti-fracking activist tells of ordeal”


“Deforestation emissions far higher than previously thought, study finds

Carbon emissions from felling of tropical forest doubled in just two decades and are accelerating, research says.”


“The highly flammable politics of high gas prices

Even for a so-called “climate president,” Biden’s reliance on fossil fuel reserves during the Ukraine crisis is not surprising.”


Distracting the people with another killer:

“Russian war overshadows IPCC warnings – Climate Weekly”




Democrats and Republicans are the enemy of every living person and thing on the planet. They must all be brought before an international court:

“Republicans at CPAC Say ‘Drill Dummy Drill’ in Response to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Speakers at the conservative conference likened environmental regulations to sanctions and claimed that bad American energy policy had laid the groundwork for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.”


“Crimea Congo hemorrhagic virus spreads through Spain”


“The First Step Toward Saving the Planet Is Ignoring the Economists”


“IPCC Report Calls Out ‘Vested Interests’ Delaying Climate Action

The report also pointed the finger at journalists for providing false balance to “contrarian” voices in their coverage of the issue.”


“Britain’s second empire: how London became an oligarchs’ playground

The UK has been cultivating a reputation as a gateway to the offshore world since the end of its territorial empire.”


“Even Soaring Wages Got Crushed by Inflation in Hot Labor Market: Fed Gets More Rate-Hike Ammo (as if it Needed More)”

Take the billionaires' wealth

“World faces 'energy starvation' as oil and gas prices soar even higher- Efforts to offset disruption to energy markets will not provide sufficient relief, analysts warn.”



“World faces 'energy starvation' as oil and gas prices soar even higher- Efforts to offset disruption to energy markets will not provide sufficient relief, analysts warn.”


“Russia’s attack on Ukraine represents a demand for a new world order”

“Gail Tverberg: Russia's attack on Ukraine represents a demand for a new world order that, over the long term, will support higher prices for fossil fuels, especially oil.”


“Why Ukraine could spark a global financial crisis

The ripple effects of this war are potentially enormous; finance will be on high alert to see how things unfold”


“Rice Soars as Ukraine War Starts Scramble for Any and All Grains”


“War in World’s Breadbasket Leaves Big Buyers Hunting for Grain”

“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is threatening shockwaves through two of the world’s staple grain markets, prompting countries that rely on imports from the region to seek alternative supplies.”


“We must disrupt Davos culture to end decades of failure on climate”

“How is it that carbon emissions today are 60% higher than they were in 1990, when the first IPCC report was published? Davos culture represents the status quo, business as usual for capital, while the costs are borne by those not in the room.”


“Half the World Faces Severe Water Shortages if Global Warming Continues”

“Severe water shortages are going to affect up to half of the world’s population if current warming trends are not curtailed, according to the latest scientific estimates consolidated in this week’s impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability report from the IPCC. Within 30 years, very large areas of the globe and among the most heavily populated areas are at highest risk.”


“End USPS Sabotage”


Chase Strangio:

“I would rather my kid change their sense of their gender 200 times before puberty than die before they could live. Your anxiety over young kids claiming a truth of who they are is about you, not them, not medicine, not some grave threat. Deal with your shit and let others live.”


Obama’s Presidential Library in Chicago is an environmental disaster:

“Karon Langford Because we believed what our politicians told us they would do. And, if they didn't do what they said they would do, we thought we could hold them accountable.

I don't believe what Pres. Obama says anymore. And I'm trying to hold him accountable. Would you please help me by sharing our posts? Thank you!”


“For anyone interested in what is happening on the Obama Presidential Center site daily. We have aheard that CDOT is going to start rerouting Cornell Drive, which means destroying Cornell Drive to get the OPC next to a body of water, the Jackson Park Lagoon, and cut down more trees, 489 total beautiful, mature trees. Chicago and Illinois taxpayers are footing the bill on that. Last estimate: 2.5 million dollars. The Obama Foundation has already cut down 301 mature trees to build the Obama Presidential Center, those trees worth over 3.5 million dollars (as estimated by the Bartlett Tree Report).”


Where America goes, dead children are left in her wake:

Photo: “A memorial to Ukrainian children killed by neo-Nazi Ukranian military units in the Donbass region over the last eight years”


“Our updated Family Budget Calculator provides data on the cost of living in every county & metropolitan area. It is a stark reminder that many workers in low-wage jobs do not earn enough to meet their family’s basic needs.

See how your community compares:”

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Friend (it’s an insult to the monkeys):


“No system in history has been more relentless [than capitalism] in battering down ancient and fragile cultures, pulverizing centuries-old practices in a matter of years, devouring the resources of whole regions, and standardizing the variety of human experience” Michael Parenti


“Calling for a National Biodiversity Strategy”

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