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7/2022 “The Shock Doctrine: How Climate Fear is Being Weaponized to Make Billions”

Updated: Jan 16

“Republican Drive to Tilt Courts Against Climate Action Reaches a Crucial Moment

A Supreme Court environmental case being decided this month is the product of a coordinated, multiyear strategy by Republican attorneys general and conservative allies.”


“Planetary boundaries”


“The Shock Doctrine: How Climate Fear is Being Weaponized to Make Billions”

Virginia Creeper Sphinx (Darapsa myron)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2016-06-08 162aaa

Somebody is ideologically in sync with Washington:

“Russia pushes Ukrainian forces to outskirts of key eastern city”

“German TV Shows Nazi Symbols on Helmets of Ukraine Soldiers”


“UPDATE: Last month's global average concentration (amount) of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO₂) was about 418 parts per million (ppm), a roughly 50% increase since 1750 due to human activities, like burning fossil fuels and land-use changes.”

“Carbon Dioxide”


Swift and merciful


Risk of of methane hydrate release from continued warming of Atlantic Water intruding to Barents Sea Arctic region. Note Barents warming 5-7X Arctic average (K. Isaksen et al, 15 June 2021)

9 Sept 2021, Deglacial bottom water warming intensified Arctic methane seepage in the NW Barents”


“Distinct methane-dependent biogeochemical states in Arctic seafloor gas hydrate mounds”


“Fireflies spend the first two years of their lives underground”


Planetary hot spots reaching 130F Above Normal:

“The Heat is On

Mother Nature Puts the USA in the Oven Set on Broil HD Earth Overheats

in this Graphic you can clearly see the Heat Domes are being created by Jet Stream Collapse; Creating Lobes in the Jet which then causes Extreme temperatures.

The avg Temp for the arctic in winter in December is -30℉

100.4 degrees Fahrenheit

The United Nations (UN) has officially confirmed the highest temperature ever recorded in the Arctic. On June 20, 2020, temperatures reached a scorching 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit in the Siberian town of Verkhoyansk.Dec 17, 2021

So that is 130℉ Above Normal. Coming to City Near You one winter real soon.”


Not according to the US Supreme Court:

“Federal agencies need to improve monitoring methods and institute more rules regulating leaks to reduce methane pollution from oil and gas development on federal land leases in Indiana and other states, according to a watchdog report.”

“Watchdog says New Federal Rules Needed to Address Oil and Gas Methane Leaks”


"I used to think of those doomsday preppers as some fringe lunatics who were convinced that something unthinkable was going to happen. I’m sure plenty of them are still fringe lunatics. I’m just not as confident that the events they fear are 'unthinkable' anymore."

“Is There Even a Difference Between a Doomsayer and a Realist Anymore?”


Omg, they are committing lies of omission to get us further out on a ledge


Sure heading for planet Earth Arctic feedback runaway cataclysm

Two expert team studies in 2021 (below)

'The Arctic has warmed four times faster than the globe since 1980'

June 2021, Mika Rantanen et al, Finnish Meteorological Institute

'The Arctic Is Now Warming Four Times As Fast As the Rest of the Globe' NASA GISS team “

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