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5/2022 Washington controls the price of gas at the pump – period.

Updated: Jan 9

Washington controls the price of gas at the pump – period.

Don’t believe otherwise.

Found this on line trying to provide cover to Washington for high gas prices. It’s propaganda:

“Most people don’t know what controls the price of gas.

The price of gas is set by…

~Price of Crude Oil/Availability

~Cost to refine

~Cost to distribute

~Tax both Federal and State

~The oil companies desire for profit.

None of these factors are controlled by The President of the United States.”


Your a tool. Biden is craven and weak minded. A president can most definitely influence the price of gas. All along the “consumer delivery costs” chain you laid out there are points of leverage against the participants. Pressure can be applied, “aid” can be given, and options pursued or threatened. You make no mention of Wall Street’s participation. You must know how the roles they play in the cost structure. And how about that strategic oil reserve? Exporting? Presidents most definitely CAN influence the price oil. Biden and our 2 party abomination are letting corporations feed at will on the American people. They operate with impunity. They break laws without being prosecuted. The have practices that manipulate prices, costs and profits that our President allows. They can be nationalized and eliminated along with the environmental costs they fob off on the people. Monopoly laws could be enforced but aren't. I don’t know who you really are but you are part of the problem

Viceroy (Limenitis archippus)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021 6/17 _F2A6974aaa

“Congress Must Increase Funding for Environmental Law Enforcement! “

“Despite the fact that many more people die from living and working in unhealthy environments than from homicides or traffic crashes, resources put into preventing those deaths have been lacking—even decreasing in recent years. TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress to increase funding for environmental law enforcement!”


“You are not alone

All across America a quiet rage is building against the assault upon American values.

More so than ever in the history of America, the concerns and patience of it’s people are being tested, tried, and attacked by a group of elitists that are hell-bent on the destruction of this country

Refuse to remain silent.”


In general, America’s education system does not produce what the country needs to compete on the international stage. In America education is viewed as a profit source that produces labor compliant to exploitation. The beast has been tamed and they will now see how far they can take it:

“Stand up for free speech on campus. Sign the petition.”


“The Untold History of NATO and Case for Its Abolition”

James Parris:

“NATO is a club

And price of admission is

'Buy weapons from US'”


“‘People should be more aware’: the business dynasties who benefited from Nazis”

Charles Koch is one of them and Washington has put him and Private Equity in charge of America:

““A new book, Nazi Billionaires, investigates how Germany’s richest business dynasties made fortunes by aiding and abetting Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich. It also examines how, eight decades later, they still escape close scrutiny and a nation that has done so much to confront its catastrophic past still suffers a very particular blind spot.””


“The role of vegetation in reducing thermal stress in urban areas”

“John lieber

Researchers found that vegetation cover of approximately 40 percent is needed to bring about lower summer temperatures in the German city of Würzburg”


“UK bread shortage warning: Supermarket crisis now 'almost inevitable' – bakers sound alarm”


Expect cannibalism, it’s just happens and always has


“(Temperatures in parts of southern Spain are forecast to exceed 42C on Saturday as a heatwave of “extraordinary intensity” brings dusty skies, a heightened risk of forest fires and blistering conditions more usually seen in high summer than mid-May.)”

“Spain braces for heatwave of ‘extraordinary intensity’

Country warned of risk of orange dust storms as forecasters predict France will see hottest May on record”


Mark Trewick:

“If you've had Covid-19, there's a higher risk that when the next global pandemic virus happens, you may lack sufficient and/or adequate natural immunity to combat it. It could even be that the next regular flu season wipes lots of people out.


Dr. Anthony Leonardi, PhD, is a T-cell immunologist who studied at Johns Hopkins University.”

“People keep asking me if sars cov 2 could alter T cell function to other pathogens and tagging me


And we need to look at T cell "exhaustion"



Worst drought experienced in 12,000 years in America’s western states is expected to get worse:

“How Bad Is the Western Drought? Worst in 12 Centuries, Study Finds.

Fueled by climate change, the drought that started in 2000 is now the driest two decades since 800 A.D.”


“Brits “Most Miserable” In 30 Years As Inflation Soars To Thatcher-Era High”


New Book:

“No empire lasts forever. How do we avoid making the same mistakes that have led other great empires to decline?

Find out in Ray Dalio's new book, Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order.”


The March of Tyranny, by Democrats and Republicans:


“the metamorphosis of Jesus Christ from a humble servant of the abject poor to a symbol that stands for gun rights, prosperity theology, anti-science, limited government (that neglects the destitute) and fierce nationalism is truly the strangest transformation in human history.” Rainn Wilson

“Bert Wolfe writes

America faces a deep spiritual crisis today, and many of the so-called "Christian" churches aren't doing a thing to address it. In fact, they are all too often a large part of the problem.

The REAL issues here are not "Christian" or "family" values, but rather money, ego, status, and power as represented by the sick political ideology and deeply corrupted vision of Christian doctrine espoused by so many self-proclaimed "Christian" preachers who view the Orange Mussolini's years in power as just a step removed from the Second Coming of Republican Jesus.

The REAL split in America isn't political or ideological, it is spiritual, and is between those who care and those who don't care. That's a gap that is simply not going to be healed. Either America will be a society of compassion and caring or America will be a society of indifference at best, and hostility and hatred, at worst.

Sadly, those who don't care are ascendant at the moment. The great tragedy is that so many of these people who don't care profess to be Christians, and attend church services regularly. More sadly still, in many of the pulpits of these so-called "Christian" churches hatred, callousness, and selfish indifference are preached to a noncritical congregation that hangs on every word that justifies their hardheartedness. These so-called "Christians,” full of smug, sanctimonious self-righteousness, view those in need as lazy and parasites, and the marginalized as perverse and outside of God's love. They view those who wish to help the needy and marginalized as misguided, at best, and foolish enablers, at worst.

These noxious anti-Christian attitudes sync comfortably with the unfortunately all too pervasive American myth of the "rugged individualist" of the frontier who "pulls themselves up by the bootstraps" and provides for themselves and their families. There were no successful "rugged individualists" in early frontier America; those who succeeded and thrived did so with a great deal of assistance from family, friends, and neighbors. The "rugged individualists" of the frontier were the people who failed, they were the people who died. And "pulling oneself up by the bootstraps" assumes that you have a pair of boots — resources and opportunities — and that those boots have straps — the ability and possibility to take advantage of those resources and opportunities by yourself. These assumptions, considered nonsense back in frontier days, are becoming more and more specious in a 21st century America that is becoming more and more atomized and hyperindividualistic.

The deluded people who don't care are playing into the hands of the proto-fascist libertarians among the American oligarchy who wish to end all public assistance programs, and not just the dole — “welfare" — and food stamps that those living in poverty depend upon, but also the Social Security and Medicare that older middle class Americans like and depend on.

In order for ALL Americans, regardless of life circumstances, to survive and thrive in the 21st century, it will be necessary to revive that vital frontier spirit of interpersonal cooperation and assistance — what has been called “the social contract” — through governmental programs that make sense for today, such as free public college or technical school education, free or low cost daycare; free, universal single payer healthcare; and a strong and sound system of Social Security that lets older people retire with dignity and financial security.

All these things are possible and affordable in America today, and those who say they are not are misguided, at best, or flat, outright lying, at worst.”

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