Viceroy (Limenitis archippus)
Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA
2022-06-17 _F2A7344aaap
With fascism if you are unable to be exploited for surplus profits (eg. The elderly) you are welcome to die and the govt will facilitate it in ways that include social murder:
“Two million U.S. nursing home staff and residents remain behind on shots according to our new analysis. The lack of vaccine uptake has sparked concerns, especially as another winter surge of the virus infiltrates facilities. Here’s what the data shows.”
“COVID-19 Booster Uptake ‘Far Too Low’ in Nursing Homes as Winter Surge Returns
New AARP analysis finds more than a 50% increase in cases, as over 2 million residents and staff remain behind on shots”
“The World Economic Forum 2023 showed us a ruling class incapable of resolving global crises”
“Davos 2023 Showed Us a Ruling Class Incapable of Resolving Global Crises
Uncertainty and fractures among the lords of transnational capital were on display at the World Economic Forum in Davos.”
Shocking statistics from the EPA. Shrink the lawn and plant native!
a. We have 50 million acres of lawn in the U.S. which is as much land as all the national parks combined
b. Our lawn-obsessed mow and blow culture uses:
Three trillion gallons of water,
800 million gallons of gas
59 million pounds of pesticides per year according to the E.P.A.
(the pesticides we use to keep our lawns pristine aren’t just bad for the us, they’re deadly for pollinators and other wildlife.)
“Love Nature? Your Lawn Says Otherwise.
A new homeowner digs deep into the world of native gardening after learning her yard is an environmental sin.”
“Accuracy and precision in battlefield sensors and munitions have shaped the war in Ukraine. This offers important implications for the Taiwan Strait, Mauro Gilli writes in FP's Winter 2023 issue.”
“Lessons for the Next War
Twelve experts weigh in on how to prevent, deter, and—if necessary—fight the next conflict.”
Interesting website for Europeans interested in Climate Change:
“Unprecedented Heat: in 2020, Major European Cities “moved” 425 kilometers south on average.”