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12/2022 Human's might COPE (in the short term) but we will NOT ADAPT to this Change in Climate

Updated: Jan 8

Viceroy (Limenitis archippus)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2016-06-08 445aaa

“Methane discovery sheds new light on world's largest mass extinction event”

“High temperature methane emissions from Large Igneous Provinces as contributors to late Permian mass extinctions” - by Chengsheng Chen et al.


““Washington’s refinery-hosting communities deserve a transition plan that includes both high-paying jobs and a clean environment.” –Emily Moore, Senior Researcher, Sightline Institute

Since 2019, seven refineries across the US have shuttered, almost all without warning, leaving workers and local tax coffers at a massive loss. And oil companies have managed to forestall cleanup of almost all the heavily polluted sites by “idling” them, converting them to storage facilities, or converting them to process biofuels with a sliver of their former workforce. Oil companies decided the fate of these places without community input or planning. It doesn’t have to be this way in Washington state.

Our new report details each of the closures, with lessons and urgency for community leaders and elected officials in the Northwest.”


Measuring the employment and tax losses to communities and how oil companies are avoiding or delaying cleaning up their long-polluted sites. Plus, looking ahead for Washington state planning.”


“When your boss’s income has risen 937% since 1978 and yours has increased by only 5.7%, it’s time to stop blaming minorities for your woes.”


“Money in politics

Money’s dominance over politics is a top problem our nation faces.

It prevents us from tackling anything else.

We have reached a stunning point: Either we are a country that makes decisions based on the common good, or one where the size of your wallet determines the worth of your ideas.

Either we uphold the values of a representative democracy or we allow greed and wealth to destroy the great American experiment in self-governance.” Alan Simpson, former US senator


“The largest mass slaughter of dolphins in recorded history just turned the sea red”


Soon American citizens here in the US fleeing heat and rising sea levels:

“Doctors without Borders”

“URGENT UPDATE: Extreme flooding has displaced hundreds of thousands of people in South Sudan. Urgent aid is needed.

An estimated 835,000 people in South Sudan have been affected by severe flooding, forced to flee with nothing. Those living in flood-affected areas have lost their homes and live in makeshift camp sites, where they face food insecurity, loss of income, malnutrition, and a lack of clean drinking water.

Doctors Without Borders teams run a hospital in the Bentiu camp, which is South Sudan’s largest camp for internally displaced people. Our teams have set up sanitation and water treatment services inside the camp to reduce the risk of disease outbreaks, and are providing critical aid to those in the camp.

More help is needed. Make a donation today to support emergency care in South Sudan and wherever it’s needed most.”


“Nuclear Waste Still Pollutes Vast Swaths Of The U.S. Landscape”

“For the first time, ProPublica has cataloged cleanup efforts at the 50-plus sites where uranium was processed to fuel the nation’s nuclear arsenal. Even after regulators say cleanup is complete, polluted water and sickness are often left behind.

ACTION: Tell Congress to protect our communities from cancer-causing chemicals.”


The renewable energy transition is failing! #TellTheTruth #EcologicalCrisis #ClimateCrisis #EconomicCrisis #auspol It’s time for #PlanE

“The only way to lessen risk altogether would be to reduce substantially society’s scale of energy and materials usage”


“More than 500 Labor Historians Condemn Biden’s intervention in Freight rail dispute”


“Rail workers aren’t threatening the economy over more paid sick time.

Rail companies are threatening the economy to protect their record profits.”


“If it came from a plant, EAT IT.

If it was made in a plant, DON’T”

Michael Pollan


“No, planet can’t afford it.

Private jet travel is booming. No, you still can’t afford it.”


“Climate change is impacting how people play sports.

From professional athletes all the way down to youth leagues, our warming planet is forcing people to adapt to new extremes.”

Human kind will not “adapt” to the unnatural crisis we face. We are coded to make true physical adaptation, not coping, to new external factors over a time frame more consistent with our physiology. Meaning, provided the new circumstances are consistent over time you can expect an in kind change in our genes to occur, on average, in 100,000 years. Anything else, like a randomly occurring genetic mutation or aberration that may or may not help you cope will not suffice.

What’s more, we are in a fluid worsening situation where real permanent adaptation, not coping or randomly occurring\disappearing flukes, will require profound and extensive physiological change. The kind of change that occurs on a geologic timeframe well in excess of 100,000 years.

Change in our planet is happening too fast. And our fundamental physiology will remain gravely at odds with surviving under what we have done to the planet.

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