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02/22 Omicron BA.2 More Contagious & Severe, Yet Officials Committed to Relaxing Protections

Updated: Jan 8

Wealthy special interests and their politicians are depraved mass murderers

“New Data: Omicron BA.2 More Contagious and Severe than BA.1, Yet Officials Committed to Relaxing Protections”


Special Interests (Koch etc) & Politicians just decided it’s time to kill us more freely.

People are being manipulated into committing Covid suicide because it helps the rich

“This in while we're surrendering to the ignorant: A new pre-print study suggests the Omicron variant BA.2 is not just outcompeting “original” Omicron, variant BA.1, but is also more pathogenic. The article estimated BA.2 as 1.4 times as contagious as BA.1, which means BA.2 has gained a lot of ground against an already fabulously contagious variant.”

Link recently marked “Web server is down”:


“Charles Koch Is Trying to Gut the EPA’s Power to Limit Carbon Emissions”

Charles Koch and his U.S. Supreme Court represent two very powerful enemies of all humanity:

“Dark money groups funded by the fossil fuel billionaire Charles Koch are lobbying Supreme Court justices to block the Environmental Protection Agency from limiting greenhouse gas emissions.”

Viceroy (Limenitis archippus)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2012-09-05-0756-36 IMG_7458aaaa

“Americans are tired of the pandemic. But disease experts preach caution – and endure a ‘kill the messenger’ moment.”


“The masks are coming off. Blue state governors are lifting mask mandates. The country is surrendering to a broad backlash from many conservatives and libertarians, not only against the ongoing mask mandates but against the past two years of public health measures. Meanwhile, data show about 2,300 people every day, on average, dying of the disease.”


“Extreme Drought Is Crashing Food Production Whether Russia Invades or Not

In a world increasingly feeling the effects of climate change, the media must examine the role climate can play in igniting and inflaming conflicts.”


The Finance industry has quietly been given $10 trillion dollars in the last 2 years:

“There’s no money? Then how can there be $10 trillion for financiers in two years?”

Elon Musk was given $4 billion and Bezos gets countless billions in a variety of ways, etc. etc.!?

America is a kleptocracy to a cabal of government insiders– period.

“Noting that there is always money to be thrown at the finance industry but little for social needs is by now about as startling as noting the Sun rose in the east. But what is eye-opening is the truly gargantuan amounts of money handed out to benefit the wealthy. We are talking trillions.”


“How Long Until We Run Out Of Food?”


“Why Truth Died and Nothing Matters Anymore

Our Societies are Dying Because Truth Did”

“Nothing matters— except one's own infantile narcissistic regression to tantrums, rage, defensiveness, fury — Anti vaxxing. Covid denial.

Climate change denial. Nationalism and extremism. Outright fascism worldwide. The death of the truth goes by — the Age of the Big Lie. A Big Lie is a dead truth.

And so to really understand this age of Big Lies, the question that needs to be asked is this: why and how did truth die? Why does nothing matter anymore?”


“The Winter of Our Discontent: Hubris Is Ascendent”

“We're constantly assured everything's on the mend but this trying-too-hard marketing has the opposite effect: it confirms everything's unraveling. Meanwhile, back in the wintry real world, everyone facing a dime in higher costs is jacking up their price by a dollar.”


“Edge of Extinction: Why "They" Will Not Fix Anything”


“The world spends 6,000 times more on environmentally harmful subsidies than on carbon offsets”


Marked as false information by Facebook:

“Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones”


“Humanity Subsidizing 'Our Own Extinction,' Warns Study

World governments are spending $1.8 trillion annually to support fossil fuel emissions, deforestation, water pollution, and other harms to biodiversity and the planet.”


“What Do You Do When A Society Lies to Itself?”

“America does not speak the language of reason anymore. One half of the story is that the American right is divorced from empiricial, factual, rational reality. But the other half of the story is that the American center and left are divorced from historical, social, and economic reality. Together, that means that America has a Reality Problem.”


American politicians openly manipulate a segment of the population into destroying our democracy, forfeiting out rights and inflicting inequality & injustice on us all because judges appointed by a man who attempted a coup won’t object


Climate\Biosphere Collapse - it has been decided that the vast majority of us will die. Hope you’re okay with that.


“Civilization Is Flinging Itself To Pieces — Stand Back”

Flinging our poo and being encouraged to shit at the same time. So long as it helps get the rich richer our politicians will keep promoting it. Ain’t that just America for ya?:


"There is nothing more grotesque than a media pushing for war." — Edward Snowden


“'Mind boggling' See how rising sea levels will affect the coasts.mp4”


“Derrick Jensen: The Myth of Human Supremacy”


“We Need an Outrage Outage”

“The raging inflation that is grinding this country down is not monetary, it is rage inflation. Outraged Kens and Karens feel entitled to express their disgruntlement by accosting people in public places, waving guns at them (sometimes actually shooting them) and quite often sending an email describing in lurid detail the manner in which they intend to butcher the offender’s entire family. This, of course, is a sure sign of a disintegrating society.”


“Why Solar Geoengineering is A Bad thing explained by its inventor”


“War Is A Racket”


"War is a racket”


Members of our Military:

“These men are not heroes, they are pawns being used in the immoral game of wholesale murder”


“Earth's failing magnetic field and extreme magnetosphere disturbances. Feb 15, 16, 17. None of this is normal.

Warning: Approaching instantaneous geological pole shift.”

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