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5/2021 The best way to reduce risk of future pandemics? Conserve forests

Updated: Jan 8

“Via Scottish meteorologist Scott Duncan: 'It reached +30°C (86.5°F) in the Arctic today. Hotter than pretty much all of Europe right now. Truly exceptional for any time of the year but mind-boggling for May. More updates to follow.'”

Viceroy (Limenitis archippus)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020 7/24 _F2A3060aaa


“James Hansen last post was about how earth has been cooling (Not Arctic) recently due to El Nino / La Nina effect. 13 May 2021 -The World Has Cooled Off – What’s the Significance? James Hansen and Makiko Sato

Global temperature in April continues to be much less than a year ago (Fig. 1: left side). ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) is the principal cause of year-to-year global temperature change. We are in a moderately strong La Nina (Fig. 1: right side) and NCEP (NOAA’s National Center for Environmental Prediction) current forecast (Fig. 1: right side) suggests that tropical temperatures are headed for a double-dip La Nina. Nino forecasts are notoriously difficult, however, so we need to wait a few months to see.

Global temperature is highly correlated (61.4%) with the Nino3.4 index, with global temperature lagging Nino3.4 by 5 months (Fig. 2). The 12-month running mean temperature is dropping fast (Fig. 3) and probably will not reach a minimum until November this year.[1]

That minimum is likely to be well below the 1970-2015 trend line (Fig. 3) and 2021 will be much cooler than 2020. Will that global cooling imply that the apparent global warming acceleration of the past six years was a misleading deviation, rather than a significant change of the warming rate? Global temperature will ultimately respond to global climate forcings. We know that Earth is now out of energy balance – more energy coming in than going out – at a record imbalance[2] close to +1 W/m2. Moreover, greenhouse gases (GHGs) continue to increase rapidly and there is growing evidence that human-made aerosols are decreasing. Aerosols have a cooling effect, so they partially offset GHG warming, but that offset is now decreasing, as we will discuss in a future paper and temperature update. etc.”


“When the rich rob the poor it’s called business. When the poor fight back it’s called violence.” – Mark Twain.


“Antarctica gives birth to world's largest iceberg”


“Land required to feed 1 person for a year:

Vegan:1/6 of an acre

Vegetarian: 1/2 an acre

Meat Eater: 3 acres”


Biden is full of bologna on Afghanistan:

Yes draw down official US Military troops AND let’s see a proportionate reduction in total cash outlays or else you’re just blatantly privatizing. Where’s the Government Accounting Office (GAO)?


Biden is full of bologna on his and Netanyahu’s slaughter of Palestinians:

““We Want Real Dignity and Freedom”: Gazans Welcome Ceasefire But Demand End of Siege & Occupation”


“Jailed at 14, Shot Dead at 17: The Story of Obaida Jawabra’s Childhood Under Israeli Occupation”


“The Biden administration just blocked *for the FIFTH time* a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in Israel.

5 times.

Every other council member wants a ceasefire.

If it wasn't already as clear as day, this shows without a doubt how the real rogue regimes are the USA and Israel. The rest of the world wants peace, but they want more war.”


Some “Israel settlers” are actually recent arrivals to the Middle East having just moved to Palestine from America:

“How the United States and Israel Have Normalized a Culture of Complicity”


“Joe Biden vs the U.S. Left”


“Democrats have treated the Biden presidency’s first 100 days as the calm after the Trumpian storm. Yet the real storm of U.S. corporate rule continues, this time without the partisan opposition that existed under Donald J. Trump.


“"If I don't steal it someone else is gonna steal it" - Zionist settler Yaqub 2021”


Washington allows the rich to use chemicals hazardous to our health and then denies Universal Healthcare to all its citizens when the damage expresses itself:

“This article is more than 1 month old

Rates of Parkinson’s disease are exploding. A common chemical may be to blame”


Biden and Netanyahu are guilty of War Crimes:

“Israel fires chemical weapons against Gaza, Palestine denounces”


“If voting for Republican policies is the “path to prosperity”…

Why are the states that consistently vote Republican also usually the poorest and most uneducated?”


“A perfect depiction of the “pro-life” movement:”


”Israel bombing Gaza to stop Hamas rockets shows why its U.S. military aid should end

As Israel inflicts a lopsided death count on the Palestinians, it’s clear that U.S. funds merely polish the armor of a regional Goliath in its contests with David.”


Rainforest Alliance:

“The best way to reduce risk of future pandemics? Conserve forests. Add your name and help us stop deforestation.”

“Nearly half of the Earth's original forest cover has already been lost, and each year an additional 32 million acres are destroyed. Deforestation not only drives mass extinction––it fuels our climate crisis, imperils the rainfall that farmers depend on, and increases our exposure to infectious disease pandemics through zoonosis (the transfer of disease between animals and humans).”


“Workers and young people joined protests across Europe Saturday, including in London, Paris, Berlin and Madrid, to oppose Israel’s bombardment of the Palestinian population in Gaza.”

“Protests across Europe against Israeli war on Gaza”


“To all Republicans who insist on banning abortion because it “kills innocent humans.”

So do chemical spills in our waters. And gun ramapages in our malls and at our schools. And starvation because mother can’t earn a living wage even working 60-hour weeks. And curable diseases when parents have not access to affordable healthcare.

And yet while you sanctimoniously stick your nose in my family-planning choices, you have smuggle opposed every attempt at safety regulations, gun control, raising the minimum wage, and the ACA.

You are the worst kind of hypocrites: arrogant and ignorant. You are what’s wrong with America Today.”

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