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10/2021 “Biden administration asks court to toss kids' climate lawsuit”

Updated: Jan 18

There will be no justice for the people coming from the Biden Administration and Democrats as a consequence of Big Oil destroying our planet:

“Biden administration asks court to toss kids' climate lawsuit”


Blah, blah, blah,…what they mean is - Biden and the Democrats are colluding with Republicans to frustrate justice in court case brought by children in a last ditch effort to salvage global environment they have to live in:

“Red States Warn of ‘Collusive’ Tactics by Biden in Climate Case”

Variegated fritillary (Euptoieta claudia)

Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, USA

2012-08-28-0638-56 IMG_6946aaaaa2020

“Court Quashes Youth Climate Change Case Against Government (Published 2020)”


Biden violates human rights:

“UN Human Rights Council declares access to a clean environment a human right”


“Democratic lawmaker smears anti-racist faculty at Rutgers University”


Democrats know the children fetch a better price up north?:

“Psaki Confirms Illegal Immigrants Being Flown to New York in Dead of Night”


“The Everglades ecosystem is at the core of Florida’s outdoor recreation economy. Landscape-scale conservation projects could rehabilitate this ecosystem, improve water quality, and create stability for outdoor recreation businesses. Take action today and urge Congress to fully fund Everglades restoration.”



“If you’re in trouble or hurt or need – go to poor people. They’re the only ones that’ll help – the only ones.” John Steinbeck “The Grapes of Wrath” (1939)




“This is a carbon capture and storage plant!

This is a psychopathic delusion. [CO2 capture and storage]”


“You don’t “make” $15/hr. You “make” 100s or 1000s of $$ worth of product each hour and sell it for $15 each hour. You didn’t make anything for yourself. You sold an hour of your life and your body for $15. Don’t let them convince you otherwise. Your labor value is getting stolen.”


“Did you know?

Commoners in ancient Rome occasionally exercised a social strategy called secession plebis, or secession of the plebs, in which the entire working class would evacuate a city en masse and refuse to work of fight in the army, leaving the patrician class to fend for itself. The secessions were an effective means for winning legal and economic concessions.”


“Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician and I’ll show you a crook.”

Harry S. Truman


“The Operational Reason Why Federal Taxes are Not Revenue for the Federal Government”


Understanding Modern Money: How a Sovereign Currency Works


Washington politicians are guilty of homicide:

“Approximately 90,000 covid-19 deaths could have been avoided over four months of this year if more U.S. adults had chosen to be vaccinated, a new study has found.”

“Biden urges more people to get vaccinated as FDA panel recommends Moderna booster”


“Nonlethal Management of Wildlife Damage”


Not uncommon in countries that have authoritarian and fascist leaderships as the poaching goes to mitigate the majority of citizens alienation from their economy and food:

“Thousands of individuals are arrested for poaching in the United States each year. However, experts believe that only between one and five percent of poachers are caught.”



“Curtail Wildlife Trapping - “The public has been misled to believe that trapping is a necessary wildlife management tool. Available data point to the opposite conclusion.””

“Pat Monteferrante: Curtail wildlife trapping”


The right to liquidate and spoil Wildlife and other aspects of our Natural world are negotiated away by our Politicians in their quest for votes and campaign contributions:

“Scientists Agree: It’s Time to End the War on Wildlife - A growing body of evidence is showing that killing wolves, mountain lions and other carnivores to reduce predation on other wildlife and farm animals is ineffective and devastates ecosystems.”

“Scientists Agree: It’s Time To End The War On Wildlife”


“Based on Available Evidence, Nonlethal Predator Control is More Effective than Lethal Means - A study recently published in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment indicates that “there is very little evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of lethal methods.””

“Based on available evidence, non-lethal predator control is more effective than lethal means”


“The Killing Agency: Wildlife Services' Brutal Methods Leave a Trail of Animal Death - United States taxpayers fund the killing of millions of wild animals per year at a cost of about $250,000 per day primarily upon requests from farmers and ranchers. “

“The killing agency: Wildlife Services’ brutal methods leave a trail of animal death”


“Most state wildlife agencies primarily make wildlife management decisions based on the needs and wants of hunters, trappers and fishers - often (if not always) ignoring the interests of the vast majority of citizens who do not partake in these activities."

“Lethal vs. Non-Lethal Control”


“In tree rings and radioactive carbon, signs of the Vikings in North America

Wood at a settlement in Canada's Newfoundland that was cut with metal tools helped researchers pinpoint when the Norse first reached the continent — well before Columbus.”


"In one niche of American economic life after another, private equity kingpins like Kravis and Roberts have been hollowing out the hopes of average working people and the communities they call home."

“A Smiling Sayonara from Private Equity’s Pioneers

After 45 years, the long-time head honchos of havoc at KKR are hanging up their spurs.”


“Fazaa: Protecting Palestine's olive harvest from Israeli settler violence”

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