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“Renewable energy growth in the US lags far behind Biden’s climate ambitions”

Updated: Jan 16

Humanity. Toward the end things got very ugly:

“Which governments are most likely to be toppled when hungry people riot?”


“Infamous day at Parliament as protest erupts in violence”


“Blinken says NATO countries have "green light" to send fighter jets to Ukraine”

Twin-spotted Sphinx (Smerinthus jamaicensis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018-08-08 504aaa

“Ukraine is just the Beginning”


“The US Chose This Conflict: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix”

Caitlin Johnstone:

“Just your regular reminder that the US empire (A) had solid intelligence that this war was coming, (B) knew they could prevent it by making very reasonable, low-cost concessions like promising not to add a nation to NATO that they didn't want to add anyway, and (C) chose not to.”


“Tulsi Gabbard: They want this to continue”

“Tulsi Gabbard tells Laura Ingraham that this war is not in the best interests of the American people or the world.”


“Abby Martin: How the media manufactures ‘bloodlust’ for war”

“From the moment Russian troops invaded Ukraine the entire corporate media apparatus in the US moved to 24-7 coverage, filling airwaves with talking heads relentlessly beating the drums of war. Combined with Big Tech’s sophisticated means for silencing and punishing dissenting voices, the increasingly hostile and propaganda-filled discourse that is taking shape today is eerily reminiscent of the “Russiagate” fervor and the cultural hysteria that permeated the post-9/11 years. TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez speaks with longtime journalist and activist Abby Martin about how the media’s manufactured “bloodlust” for war makes us all less safe and how we must use independent media to advance the cause of peace.”


“Ukraine-Russia War Fever & Censorship: No Criticism of NATO Allowed”

“The war fever is in high gear as U.S and European politicians, corporate-controlled media, and all of “civil society” are trumpeting NATO as the answer to Russia’s war on Ukraine – and shutting down any criticism of Western policy as “whataboutism” or “Russian propaganda”.”


In a couple of words “George Stephanpolous”:

“Russia-Ukraine: Western media are acting as cheerleaders for war”


“Former UN Inspector Scott Ritter on What The Hell Is Happening”

“We are the targets of the most intense propaganda and censorship campaign in recent history. Lee Camp and other anti-war voices have been censored. You can watch this segment with Scott Rittter to find out why.”


“Children of war hiding in a cellar in Donbass, 2014, is the quintessential image of the region’s suffering that the western establishment would rather ignore. A conflict longer than WWII.”


“Pete Buttigieg after telling someone who drives a 15 year-old Honda to buy a 60 thousand dollar electric vehicle if gas is too expensive.”


Mark Trewick:

“Taken from the IPCC's 6th report, issued 28-2-22.

(Observed changes in the atmosphere, oceans, cryosphere and biosphere provide unequivocal evidence of a world that has warmed. Over the past several decades, key indicators of the climate system are increasingly at levels unseen in centuries to millennia, and are changing at rates unprecedented in at least the last 2,000 years.)

Temperatures are currently tracking higher than the worst case scenario, according to 37 climate models. 2021 broke all records for global CO² emissions.

We'll all be done and "Dusted" by 2030.

*Image below is from the 5th report in 2014.*”


“Gulf Stream Collapse”

“Oh, Look. Another Doomsday Scenario To Worry About.”


“Renewable energy growth in the US lags far behind Biden’s climate ambitions”


“Can we survive the coming decades?”


Peter carter:

“EUROPE SEVERELY IMPACTED by already committed climate change IPCC AR6 WG2.

Immediate global emissions decline imperative”



“Citigroup invested $238B in fossil fuels from 2016-2020 AND it is the top financier of state-owned oil companies in the Amazon.


Mark Trewick:

“Civilization is at risk. Humanity is confronting the possibility of careening backwards into a world of stagnation and misery.”

“Global collapse is in view”


“We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other’s children.” Jimmy Carter


“America Was Wrong About Ethanol”

Ethanol production triggered a Palm Oil like destruction of ecosystems throughout the USA, only to now find out burning it is just as bad for the climate as gasoline. This is what money in politics results in.


Be Warned about your own home garden – plants will simply die under extreme heat. Dig them up and bring them inside?!: How do Democrats and Republicans expect us to eat?:

“Farmers in Canada report massive crop damage in heat wave”


“The east coast rain seems endless. Where on Earth is all the water coming from?”


“Men rescue almost one million bees from Camden floods”


Private Prisons are Profiting From Human Rights Violations.”

“The U.S. immigration detention system has become a booming business for private prison companies.

Most of ICE’s detention facilities are owned or run by these corporations that profit off the detention of immigrants and people seeking safety.

These facilities are notorious for poor treatment of people in detention, including unsafe and unsanitary conditions, reports of assault and abuse, and negligent medical care, making them all the more dangerous during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We must put an end to this — now.”


“The best board game that represents capitalism isn’t Monopoly, it’s actually Jenga.

Each party takes turns to make the current situation more precarious until a total collapse where only the last person to fuck up takes any blame while everyone else is declared the winner.”


“McDonald's, Pizza Hut, and Chipotle were just a few of the restaurants that a disturbing new study found to contain industrial chemicals called phthalates which have been linked to serious health issues!”


“Worker productivity is up 62% since the 1970s, yet wages have barely budged in the same period – meanwhile, CEOs in this country have seen their pay explode by 1,322%.

Does anyone REALLY think CEOs are working 1,322% harder than they did in 1978?” Bernie Sanders


“10 Reasons why: Wolves”

“Why is wolf recovery critical in maintaining healthy ecosystems and how does it positively affect human populations?”

Scavengers benefit from wolf kills

Wolves could prevent CWD

Wolves help small mammal populations

Wolves benefit local economies

People love wolves

Wolves are a keystone species

Wolves lower the spread of disease

Fragile ecosystems thrive near wolves

Plants benefit from wolf kills

Wolf packs are families”


“Is the world ruled by a small group of hyper-wealthy psychopaths?

No. It would’ve been on the news, which is owned by that small group of hyper-wealthy psychopaths.”


They want war:

“US/NATO Provoked Ukraine War Say Most Experts On Russia”


“Pick a Side: Freedom or Slavery (The Great Financial Reset)”



“Rob Standridge, a Republican state senator in Oklahoma, has introduced legislation to fine public-school teachers $10,000 each time they share information that contradicts students' religious beliefs.”

“Teaching that the earth is more than 6,000 years old? Discussing evolution? The history of slavery? LGBTQ rights? Sex ed? The Enlightenment? The list of potentially criminal subjects is endless.

This so-called "Students' Religious Belief Protection Act" is making international headlines at a time of increasing censorship and Christian nationalism -- and it could become a model for other states.”

“Sign now: New bills that use religion to attack teachers, ban books, undermine science, and exclude LGBTQ voices are not a true reflection of Christian values like love, dignity, and equality.”


It’s not going to matter to Putin that the vast majority of Americans never benefited from DemGOPs practice of killing, destroying, and stealing from countries - we allowed them to get elected & for that we will be NUKED

Again, the world may no longer tolerate America’s age old tried and true recipe of wealth creation for a few by death, destruction and theft

[Unless we can get Putin to agree not to nuke us in exchange for letting him arrest those Americans from our 3 branches (and their financiers) that he finds most offensive!]


American Politicians can’t have their millionaire children working in the Ukraine fossil fuel industry inconvenienced by Putin. What would working Americans here in the United States do with $1.5 Trillion?

“House passes $1.5 trillion spending bill with billions in emergency aid for Ukraine”


There are lies, damn lies and then Statistics:

Labor and Politics posted something that is misleading and pro oligarchy. It’s the kind of thing that got us to where we are with the climate and environment.

Let me explain. Say, historically 5 jobs are created per period. Covid hits and 100 jobs are lost. They force us to go back to work and school to die and a period occurs where an unprecedented 17 jobs are created.

This 17 jobs is the “greatest year of job growth in American history and fastest economic growth (e.g.___% of GDP or GNP or whatever?) in almost 40 years”.

After which a period is recorded where 6 (aka 678,000) jobs are created.

This is the essence of Labor and Politics’ claim. Organized labor is misrepresenting the situation and I find that disturbing as they are supposed to fight for workers.


“In February, the economy created 678,000 jobs, following the greatest year of job growth in American history and the fastest economic growth in almost 40 years.

Here are some reactions.

Reader comment

“Really how many new and just back to work after lockdown?”

Reader comment:

“This is about rate of growth in comparison to the recession that hit in 2020. It's a relative comparison. GDP growth still not comparable to pre-pandemic levels. And, inflation and the threat of "stagflation" makes the post simplistic propaganda designed to help keep U.S. oligarchs and their two political parties grinding along and chewing up working people in the process. "Labor and Politics", eh? Whose labor, whose politics?”

Reader comment

“Earle L. Bailey when you have 72 million mostly women with children make 9 dollars an hour or less as in the minimum wage $7.25 an hour and our government has refused to raise the minimum wage in over 12 year's that's why so many are sucking wind.

What the mass of workers making better money be it 15. 20. 30k a year dont seem to understand economics 101, raise the lowest pay and all other pay rises too.

In 2017 91 billion dollar corporations paid zero in taxes and some like Jeff Bezos not only made 13 billion in profit that year but also received nearly 250 million of our tax dollars through loopholes.”

Now ask yourself what does privatizing the United States Postal Service do to labor statistics? Privatization takes jobs out of the Government column and puts them in the private\for profit business column. Does this change in how postal workers are treated in the calculation of labor statistics therefore “create” for-profit business jobs?

Long story short. I’ve completely lost all faith in organized labor. Excepting for exclusively - and narrowly – any ability they have that actually results in increasing the amount of take home pay to non-millionaire\billionaire workers. Labor leadership appears to have been co-opted by our corrupt 2 political parties and the ossified capital they answer to.


“Workers in right-to-work states make, on average, about $1600 less than in non-right-to work states. That’s why we call it ‘right to-work for less’.”


“Leadership is about submission to duty, not elevation to power.” Gordon Tootoosis


“The US can’t say they support investigation of Russia for war crimes, when the US itself doesn’t recognize the authority of the International criminal court”


“Exxon Mobil, Exxon made $23 billion in profits last year #CorporateGreedTakingFromThoseInNeed

“Shell bought Russian oil at the biggest discount in recorded history at the same time the price you pay at their pump is rising at the fastest rate ever.”


“Big Oil Profits Soar To $174 Billion As Americans Bear Higher Gas Prices”


Musk is a legend in his own mind. Sometimes, I wish he’d just put his face back in the bong and shut up:

Elon Musk: “Defeating traffic is the ultimate boss battle. Even the most powerful humans in the world cannot defeat traffic.

Gravel Institute: “Please for the love of God just Google the word “train.””


Sorry but mankind is not a going concern:

“Here is the methane forecast from 2019” and “Look at the difference in March 2022”


“When war is declared, truth is the first casualty.”

Ten Commandments of War Propaganda:

01: We do not want war.

02: The opposite party alone is guilty of war.

03: The enemy is the face of the devil.

04: We defend a noble cause, not our own interest.

05: The enemy systematically commits cruelties; our mishaps are involuntary.

06: The enemy uses forbidden weapons.

07: We suffer small loses, those of the enemy are enormous.

08: Artists and intellectuals back our cause.

09: Our cause is sacred.

10: All who doubt our propaganda, are traitors.”

-Arthur Ponsonby


“You know what would be effective in stopping the use of Russian oil? A Green New Deal.”


John Collins:

“The petroleum industry wants us to believe that the only way to reduce our dependence on Russia oil is to produce more of it ourselves.

How about we just reduce our dependence on oil, period?”


“Since the Russian Invasion, the cost to produce wind energy has gone up $0.00”


“Why do I support cancelling student loan debt for 45 million students? Because we canceled trillions in taxes for 600 billionaires. That’s why.”


“Oil company revenue increases since last year.

ExxonMobil 57% chevron 84% shell 49% BP 45%.

But higher gas prices for a country with the majority in poverty (The USA) is because we must help the Ukraine.... Step right up folks simply throw the ball in the basket and win big....”

Jackson Hinkle: “Infrastructure bill negotiations started at $10B and made their way all the way down to just above $1B by the time of its passage. The military assistance & aid package for Ukraine started at $650 M and has skyrocketed now to $14B.”


One way Washington subsidizes the oil and gas industry for the rich is by sacrificing the people’s public health infrastructure – environment. The cheaper the energy, the greater the wealth the rich can extract including from labor.

Washington uses war making to launder tax payer dollars to the rich via the stock market and other spending. The planet’s 99%’rs are killed in the process but that doesn’t stop them.

Propaganda facilitates the transfers.

All represent a huge transfer or taking of wealth from the People to the few.


They can afford to damages for their destruction to the climate and environment and if the Supreme Court protects then the judges should be impeached:

“BP profits soared to an 8 year high of about $13 billion.

Shell’s earnings skyrocketed to $19.3 billion.

Chevron raked in $15.6 billion

Exxon Mobil reported $23 billion in profits.

They can afford to lower prices, but they’d rather exploit global crises for profit.”


“Massive methane emissions by oil and gas industry detected from space”


America must stop being a tax haven for foreigners who steal from their societies:


“The 10 richest men doubled their fortunes during the pandemic, while the incomes of 99% of the population decreased because of COVID-19. 13 million fewer women are at work now than there were in 2019, and millions left facing more unpaid care work. We must stop this. Sign this petition to demand an end to the inequality crisis!”


In America politicians actively seek to divide the American People because it earns them donations from the rich.

Again, Govt in the US is all about dividing the People in order to serve the rich. How many other countries’ politicians actively and openly engage in dividing the society they were elected to preserve?


“Ecological Civilisation: Beyond Consumerism and the Growth Economy (Introduction)”


“Study: Climate-changed rainfall dampens economic growth”


“The End of Growth

No more cheap energy, no more growth”


“Philosophy for the End of Growth

New ways of thinking for a time after capitalism”


“Why We Have To Give Up On Endless Economic Growth

Sustainability efforts are scaling and speeding up — but the treadmill of global economic growth is still faster.”


“Ozone is going away”

Wildfire Smoke is Destroying Earth's Ozone Layer - Extinction Level Event HD

With James G Anderson NASA and Tom Hanks as Finch

Atmospheric chemists have found that the smoke from Australia's 'Black Summer' wildfires set off chemical reactions in the stratosphere that contributed to the destruction of ozone. The study is the first to establish a chemical link between wildfire smoke and ozone depletion.

February 28, 2022

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


“If you stopped spending money at the grocery store next week they would never even notice you were gone.

If you took a small fraction of that money and spent it at the farmers market you would help a local farmer pay the rent. You might even save his farm.”


“Eastern Europe impacted by an Extreme Arctic Cold Blast and Snow next week, as the southern lobe of the Polar Vortex heads over Russia”


“This Map Shows Where Biodiversity is Most at Risk in America”

“The extinction crisis is far worse than you think”

“How you can help save wildlife”


“Sydney floods: two found dead, roads inundated, homes and suburbs across the city swamped

Streets become rivers amid shocking deluge as Manly Dam spills and Roseville bridge flooded, with evacuation orders covering more than a dozen suburbs”



Privatization of Medicare\caid & Postal Service;

Energy “Independence” by exporting domestically sourced environmentally destructive fossil fuels;

Weaponized SCOTUS;

Transfer of the residual value of the people’s public health infrastructure into the hands of the rich, resulting in a War on wildlife and extinction crisis;

abject failure on a climate collapse disproportionately effecting non rich

The list can go on and on

I have never, in my adult life, seen the USA act as quite as big as a predator state than under the current Democrats. It’s as if Biden made an announcement “Come! Come all ye rich! Feed at will on the American People”

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