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01/2022 One Million Dead and Climbing: “Supreme Court halts COVID-19 vaccine rule for US businesses”

Updated: Jan 8

It’s a well documented fact that depression can be the result of external stressors (“environmental factors”)

“The big push to label the cause of depression as purely “chemical imbalances is often just a way to conveniently ignore the social cultural, and environmental problems at play. If you present depression as a brute biological fact you don’t need to address any systemic causes.”

“As if global depression just coincidently skyrocketed under capitalism...”


"Can those who advocate hitting the brakes on economic growth get their message across before it's too late?"

‘Debunking the Eternal Economic Growth Model”

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2021-07-29 _F2A6050aaa3

“The U.S. population grew by 0.1 percent in the past year, according to new data released by the Census Bureau, which is the lowest growth rate since the nation's foundation. The Census Bureau believes that this is likely due to a drop in fertility, and also an increase in mortality due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“With the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic this… has resulted in a historically slow pace of growth,” a demographer in the Census Bureau stated.”

“Census numbers show record low US population growth”


Turns out Mayor Tom Barrett of Milwaukee resigned in the wake of Jill Biden’s visit. They are saying that he was given a job as foreign ambassador.

As many know, Milwaukee, WI is home to the well heeled alt-right Nazi’esque Bradley Foundation. And yea, Wisconsin is also home to ALEC and the State’s also referred to as Kochland.

Already neoNazi’s are lining up and pitching for votes for the office of Mayor. One solicitation to voters mentions all the violent crime being caused by left. Rich conservative interests in Wisconsin have already claimed one city as their fiefdom and I fear Biden appeased the right by booting Barrett.

Pence’s visits heralded the coup of Jan 6. Very possibly he had to come to WI because to discus stuff you don’t want to say over any phone.

In any event, what’s happening to the nation has already happened to Wisconsin, and it’s sad to watch


Dystopia on Steriods:

Jan 2022 “Fukushima Takes a Turn for the Worse”


“Past seven years hottest on record - EU satellite data”


The melting South Pole is taking weight off volcanoes:

“MOUNT EREBUS (Ross Island, Antarctica. ) Regarding active volcanoes, this volcano from Antartida is the most Australian active volcano in the world. With more than 3,700 meters in height, along with three other inactive volcanoes present on the island is also part of the so-called "Pacific Fire Arch. ”It has been active since 1972 and features one of the few permanent lava lakes in the world. An exclusive detail is that its steam emissions tend to freeze directly at the crater exit, forming remarkable ice chimneys by which the steam continues to come out.”


Kevin Hester:

“Two years ago I wrote an article titled "The Insurance Industry, soon to be the first pillar of Capitalism to succumb to Abrupt Climate Change".”


“Climate change destroying homes across the Arctic”


“Are You Ready for Collapse?

MIT analyzed it and KPMG updated it: economic collapse is nigh.”


“Thawing Permafrost Is Poised to Unleash Havoc in The Arctic, Scientists Warn”


Resignation to hell on earth:

Alex Colby:

“Okay, unless you have a better idea, how about we just relax. We mean nothing. Abandon god. Be nice to everyone. Of course shit is falling apart at the seams. It was always going to fall apart at the seams. Maybe we somehow managed to speed that up a -little- bit. Kind of an accomplishment when you think about it. A shit accomplishment, sure but we also went to the moon and produced David Bowie. Not so bad! Anyway, I’m going to chill the fuck out and go do some loving while there’s still time. Bye!”

“The last stars will die out 120 trilllion years from now, followed by 10 to the 106th years of just black holes.

Condensed, that’s like the universe starting with 1 second of stars and then a billion billion billion billion billion billion billion years of just black holes.

Stars are basically the immediate after-effects of the Big Bang. A one-second sizzle of brightness before settling into eternal darkness.

We live in that one bright second.”


In a middle finger to public safety & a bid to divide and conquer the states, Koch’s US Supreme Court strikes down Biden’s vaccine mandate for corporations’ workers saying only state govts can force citizens to get vaccinated

“Supreme Court halts COVID-19 vaccine rule for US businesses”


Pennie legat:

So 31% of Americans are registered Democrats,

41 % of Americans are registered Independents,

only 25 % of Americans are registered Republicans most of which support the far right agenda,

80% of registered Republicans support the Big Lie.

Our Supreme Court is now representing the will of just a quarter of our citizens, endangering our health, our rights over our own bodies, and democracy as we know it.

This is legal tyranny of the minority. Reform the Supreme Court so it represents all of us instead of the clearly far right partisanship 6 Justices that currently hold those sacred seats and were acquired by cheating norms, dark money, and in bad faith. Reform the Supreme Court”


Running out the clock: Dems know voting rights won’t pass and want to bide time so it’s also too late to add Supreme Court Justices to fix suppression.

Voter Suppression laws will be in effect for future voting:


“The FBI just admitted a horrible — but unsurprising — fact. They did not truly investigate Brett Kavanaugh, an accused sexual predator, at all. Yet this man is still sitting on our Supreme Court.”


Donna Davies:

Biden – “Polling at 33 approval points and still cratering. Dems shocked. Couldn’t see it coming”


The real face of the DemoRats:


“New study pinpoints twin triggers of Triassic era extinction event “

Kevin Hester:

“All of these characteristics are under way again, except faster this time.”


“Australia equals hottest day on record at 50.7C”


“Brazil Floods - Dozens Die - Heavy Damage to infrastructure Reported BBCA”


Argentina is being roasted alive

and the heat wave has just begun – their electric grid already collapsed


“The United States of Apocalypse”

“When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehood and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns it’s back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of catastrophe.” Frederic Bastiat


In their own way Democrats were as responsible for Jan 6 coup attempt as Republicans. And they will continue to be:


“Repealing Glass-Steagall Thus setting the stage for the ’08 crash

Exempting student debtors from bankruptcy protection in 2005

Bailing out only the rich in 2008 and 2020 setting up the feudalism of the “new normal”

Refusing to cancel student loans, despite campaign promises by party that won

And people are dying:

“Killer loans – college debt triggers depression and suicide

J6 rioters made those cops commit suicide”


Madison, WI: USPS raises rent on non-business post office boxes by $30.

Democrats’ failure to do what it takes to stop Biden’s Private Equity cronies from having DeJoy Privatize the Postal Service is – like all privatizations - raising the basic cost of living:


If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s a damn solid slide in the direction of – if not is effectively outright – Democrats pushing child labor. Oh, and look, Republicans are in favor of it!:

Solve labor problem by allowing people who don’t fully have typical adult financial obligations work!? Effectively a child’s finances,...Democrats are the effectively promoting child labor,...this is Buttigieg’s solution?!

“Biden Administration Rolling Out Teenage Truckers To Ease Supply Chain Woes

The bipartisan infrastructure bill included a big favor to the trucking industry.”


Corporate Dems want to be members in America’s New Permanent Ruling Class after the next elections:

“The White moderates MLK warned us about”

“Altercation: Why Journalism Isn’t Conveying the Threat to Democracy”


“Trump’s super-rich mega-donors aren’t the least bit sorry that Trump and his MAGAs took over the party, or that a mob of Trump’s minions stormed the Capitol to overturn an election and even kill his political opponents. The MAGA army exists to defend their wealth and power.”

“Trump’s REAL Enablers”


“Seattle police faked right-wing radio talk during social justice protests: probe”


“California police dog mauled and maimed man who missed rental car payment, lawsuit says

Ali Badr, 42, alleges a K-9 with the San Ramon Police Department bit and severely wounded his right arm following a 2020 traffic stop, according to a federal lawsuit.”


“‘Paramount importance’: Judge orders FDA to hasten release of Pfizer vaccine docs”


“A High-Risk Medical Device Didn’t Meet Federal Standards. The Government Paid Millions for More.”


“Ghislaine Maxwell's guilty verdict will 'very likely' get tossed and her case retried after juror comments on sexual abuse, experts say”


“@WholeFoods has got to be kidding. They’d better have an *extensive* list of causes they ban from their stores, or this just looks like straight up #Racism #BlackLivesMatter

Whole Foods Claims Constitutional Right to Disallow ‘Black Lives Matter’ Masks”


“Portland and other cities ask Oregon lawmakers to change restrictions on protest response”


“The Portland City Attorney, Oregon Association Chiefs of Police and the League of Oregon Cities are asking the state Legislature to amend HB 2928 to, among other things, permit officers to use impact munitions for crowd control in circumstances where physical force would be permitted. The current law forbids the weapons’ use in crowd control except to address immediate officer safety or when deadly force is authorized.

The city attorney’s proposed changes would also allow law enforcement to prevent protest medics from treating people injured by impact munitions, tear gas or sound devices.”


“Iran imposes sanctions on Americans over 2020 killing of top general”


America isn’t far behind:

“Kazakhstan's president orders troops to "shoot to kill" protesters”


“Are We Really Facing a Second Civil War?”


“Can Algorithms Predict Political Unrest? These Data Scientists Believe So

The Pentagon, the CIA, and the State Department are already using the technology.”


“November 8, 1923:

Hitler and his Nazis stage a violent, failed coup against Germany’s democracy, The Beer Hall Putsch. Hitler is charged with high treason the same day.

Despite the conviction, Hitler is released from jail before the end of the year, with his political position stronger than ever. No real consequences. No fundamental changes.

March 1933:

Hitler and his Nazis take power.

Never Forget:

When a coup goes unpunished, it becomes a training exercise.”


“As high court signals Roe v. Wade reversal, states eye same-sex marriage protections

Some state lawmakers have taken steps in recent weeks to protect same-sex marriage in the event the high court reverses its landmark 2015 decision.”


The Rich won’t allow Biden to improve the IRS’s funding:

“A historically underfunded IRS is preparing for a rough tax season and only has 1 person for every 16,000 calls it gets”


“Researchers are building a black box in Tasmania to prevent the 'crash' of civilization”


America = Christofascist White Nationalism:

“780 men have been held in Guatanamo Bay since it first opened in 2002 – and only two have been convicted by a military commission”


“The closer the collapse of an empire, the crazier its laws.” Marcus Tullius Cicero


“Noam Chomsky, one of the most important intellectuals alive today, has elaborated the list of the 10 strategies of manipulation through mass media.

Take 5 minutes and you won't regret it.

If only to expand your knowledge.

1- The strategy of distraction

The primary element of social control is the strategy of distraction that consists in diverting the public's attention from important problems and changes decided by political and economic elites, through the flood technique or floods of constant distractions and meaningless information.

Distraction strategy is also indispensable to prevent the public from interested in essential knowledge, in the areas of science, economics, psychology, neurobiology and cybernetics. Keeping the public’s attention deviated from the real social problems, imprisoned by topics of no real importance.

Keeping the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think, back to the farm like the other animals (quoted in "Silent weapons for peaceful wars").

2- Create problems and then offer solutions.

This method is also called “problem- reaction- solution”. A problem is created, a “situation” intended to cause a certain reaction from the public, with the aim that this is the mandate of the measures they want to be accepted. For example: letting urban violence be rampant or intensified, or staging bloody attacks, in order that the public is the one demanding security laws and policies at the expense of liberty. Or also: create an economic crisis to make the regression of social rights and the dismantling of public services accepted as a necessary evil.

3- The strategy of graduality.

To get an unacceptable measure accepted, you just need to apply it step by step, with droplets, for consecutive years. This is how radically new socio-economic conditions (neoliberalism) were imposed during the decades of the '80s and '90s: Minimum state, privatization, precariousness, flexibility, mass unemployment, wages that no longer guarantee decent salaries, many changes that would have caused a revolution if they were applied at once.

4- The strategy of deferring.

Another way to get an unpopular decision accepted is to present it as "painful and necessary", gaining public acceptance, for the time being, for a future application. It is easier to accept a future sacrifice than an immediate sacrifice. First, because the effort isn't what's put in immediately. Second, because the audience, the masses, always tend to naively hope that “everything will be better tomorrow” and that the required sacrifice could be avoided. This gives the audience more time to get used to the idea of change and accept it resigned when the time comes.

5- Addressing the audience like children.

Most advertising directed at the general public uses speeches, topics, characters and a particularly childish intonation, often close to weakness, as if the viewer were a creature of few years or a moron men such. The more you try to deceive the viewer, the more you tend to use a childish tone. Why? “If someone refers to a person as if they were 12 years old or younger, then, based on suggestability, they will tend, with some probability, to a response or reaction that is also of a person 12 years old or less.” o” (see “Silent weapons for peaceful wars”).

6- Use the emotional aspect much more than reflection.

Take advantage of emotion is a classic technique to provoke a short circuit on rational analysis and, finally, the individual's critical sense. In addition, using the emotional register allows you to open the door to the unconscious to implant or inject ideas, desires, fears and fears, compulsions, or induce behaviors.

7- Keeping the audience in ignorance and mediocrity.

Making the public unable to understand the technologies and methods used for their control and slavery.

“The quality of education given to the lower social classes must be the poorest and mediocre possible, so that the distance of ignorance that they plan between the lower and the upper classes will remain impossible to fill the lower classes".

8- Encourage the audience to be complacent with mediocrity.

Pushing the audience into believing it's trendy to be stupid, vulgar and ignorant...

9- Strengthening self-guilt.

Making the individual believe that he is the only one to blame for his misfortune, because of his insufficient intelligence, ability or effort. Thus, instead of rebelling against the economic system, the individual self devalues and blames himself, which in turn creates a depressive state, one of which effects is the inhibition of his action. And without action there is no revolution!

10- Knowing individuals better than they know themselves.

Over the past 50 years, science’s rapid advances have caused a growing gap between the public’s knowledge and those owned and used by the dominant elites. Thanks to biology, neurobiology, and applied psychology, the "system" has enjoyed an advanced knowledge of the human being, both in its physical and psychological form. The system has managed to know the common individual better than he knows himself. This means that, in most cases, the system exercises greater control and power over individuals, greater than that individual exercises over himself.”

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