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Both Biden & Putin beg their own regime change and Zelensky is NOT a hero.

Updated: Jan 9

Zelensky is NOT a HERO

He knew what it meant to Russia when he allied himself with America & Nato but he took the West's check$$$ anyway.

Now with circumstances having come to fruition in a war his lack of planning shows he viewed Ukrainian citizens as an after thought. He even encouraged their committing social murder for the Western Oligarchs.

The Ukrainian people don't have any prospective leadership in this war that puts their best interests first.

“Pandora Papers: Ukraine leader seeks to justify offshore accounts

Files obtained by ICIJ claim Volodymyr Zelensky and his partners established a network of offshore companies in 2012.”


True colors of today’s Ukrainian govt,...their like American Government:

“The rats are fleeing a sinking ship. Officials of the State Office for Investigation detained a Ukrainian diplomat who tried to smuggle money, gold and jewelry abroad.

One of the employees of the Ukrainian embassy in the EU was detained in an attempt to cross the border at the Jagodin checkpoint. Gold and foreign exchange valuables worth about 1 million dollars were confiscated from the diplomats.

During the tour of the diplomatic car they found almost 68,000 euros, more than 140,000 US dollars, more than 12 kilograms of golden rods, gold jewelry with a total weight of 13.8 kg and a large amount of cigarettes. An embassy worker tried to take it all abroad under the guise of diplomatic immunity.”

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2015-08-11 440aaaa3

Zelensky is NOT a hero: “Zelenskyy has been acting on orders from Washington from the get-go.”

René M. Upshaw: “Traitors in the midst.....

Excerpt: “The Man Who Sold Ukraine” By Mike Whitney

“Zelensky has had numerous opportunities to smooth things over​ with Moscow and prevent the outbreak of hostilities. Instead, he has consistently made matters worse by blindly following Washington’s directives.

Zelensky has been lionized in the west and praised for his personal bravery. But — as a practical matter — he has failed to restore national unity or implement the crucial peace accord that is the only path to reconciliation. The Ukrainian president doesn’t like the so-called Minsk Protocol and has refused to meet its basic requirements. As a result, the ethnically charged, fratricidal war that has engulfed Ukraine for the last 8 years continues to this day with no end in sight.

Most Americans fail to realize that Zelensky’s rejection of Minsk was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Russian officials had worked for 8 years on Minsk, hammering out terms that would be agreeable to all parties. Then — at the eleventh hour — Zelensky put the kibosh on the deal with a wave of the hand. Why? Who told Zelensky to scrap the agreement? Washington?

Of course.

Take, for example, his complete unwillingness to address Russia’s minimal security concerns. Did Zelensky know that Putin had repeatedly said that Ukraine’s membership in NATO was a “red line” for Russia? Did he know that Putin warned that if Ukraine took steps to join NATO, Russia would be forced to take “military-technical” measures to ensure their own security? Does Zelensky know that NATO is Washington-controlled Alliance that has engaged in numerous acts of aggression against other sovereign states. Here’s a short list of NATO’s accomplishments:

The destruction of Yugoslavia

The destruction of Afghanistan

The destruction of Libya

The destruction of Iraq

The destruction of Syria

Yes, he knows all these things. Still, he publicly expressed his interest in developing nuclear weapons. What is that all about? Imagine the problem that would pose for Russia. Imagine if a US-backed puppet, like Zelensky, had nuclear missiles at his fingertips.

Zelenskyy has been acting on orders from Washington from the get-go. We know that. He’s also been implementing Washington’s agenda, not his own and certainly not Ukraine’s. We know that, too. But, that does not absolve him from responsibility. After all, he is a full-grown adult capable of distinguishing between right from wrong. He knows what he’s doing, and he knows that it’s wrong; worse than wrong, it’s inexcusable. He’s sending men to die in a war he knows they can’t win; he’s inflicting incalculable suffering and injury on his own people for no reason at all; and – worst of all – he’s cleared the way for the dissolution of Ukraine itself, the country he was sworn to defend. That country is going to be broken into bits as part of a final settlement with Russia, and Zelenskyy will share a good part of the blame.”


Marketing the Nazis:

Romeu Peitnho:

“The Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion have now renamed themselves the Ukraine National Guard.... on the advice of their American-NATO military advisers!

The American general public are averse to the word, "Nazi."”


“Neo-Nazi threat in new Ukraine: NEWSNIGHT”


Eric Prince has been busy:

“In the aftermath of Ukraine's massacre on Donetsk, MintPress News/Behind The Headlines' Dan Cohen speaks with independent journalist Patrick Lancaster, who has been reporting from the Donbass for eight years. They discuss Monday's bombing, and several of Lancaster's recent reports.”

“MintPressNews Exclusive: Massacre in Donetsk, Dan Cohen Speaks With Journalist Patrick Lancaster”



“KribsOo Diallo:

Don't forget the legacy of the NATO countries in the DR congo 🇨🇩: when Lumumba's determination to achieve genuine independence and to have full control over Congo's resources to utilize them to improve the living conditions of his people was received as a threat to western interests.

From 1961 till right now the imperialist powers hide behind puppet regimes to distribute the essential resources in DR Congo to satisfy imperial interests.

Did you know that the DRC produces up to 70% of the world's cobalt, an essential mineral for lithium batteries in products for western companies like Apple, Tesla, and Microsoft? And that 35,000+ of miners are children as young as 6?

The DRC is one of the poorest countries in the world. But its mineral wealth is estimated to be worth $24 trillion, resources which countries and multinational countries ruthlessly exploit at the expense of human lives.

if Patrice Lumumba was able to govern Congo DRC, we would be looking at a different nation right now.”


“Western Combatants Flee Ukraine After Russian Strike Kills Dozens: A Different Kind of War to Iraq or Afghanistan”

Romeu Peitinho:

“Pity. Was hoping to get all far-right Neo-nazis going to Ukraine, and ideally staying there, maybe as land-fertiliser. Then again, that might produce toxic crops.

“Following a March 13 Russian missile strike on a military facility at Yavoriv in western Ukraine, which reportedly killed several dozen Western combatants, Western volunteer fighters have reportedly begun to flee the country when faced with a much more intense kind of warfare than expected. After the outbreak of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine on February 24 it was widely reported that citizens of Western countries were volunteering in their thousands to join the war, a large proportion of them with combat experience. While their motivation appeared predominantly ideological they were dismissed in Russian media as mercenaries. Swedish volunteer Jesper Soder described the Russian missile strike as “Pure hell – fire, shouting, panic. And a lot more bombs and missiles,” stating that he had quickly led Western combatants including Scandinavians, British and Americans out of Ukraine across the Polish border. “They knew exactly what to hit. They knew exactly where our weapons storage was. They knew exactly where the administration building was. They hit the nail on the head with all their missiles,” he stated regarding the precision of the Russian attack.””


“Russian military assault on Ukraine's Azov [Nazis] in Mariupol & evacuation of civilians 17.03.22”


If Democrats’ racist filibuster and preservation of State voter suppression laws has made it clear, I’ll say it again, in America it is ALL about having the right color of skin:

“A real hero: 11-year-old Ukrainian boy travels more than 700 miles alone to Slovakian Border”

Central American boy locked up in Detention Center for traveling 700 miles alone to US Border”


“White House Using TikTok Influencers For Ukraine War Propaganda”


Biden’s Approval rating among the well-informed reasonably-minded non-rich is ZERO.

Mainstream Media reports of Approval are actually that percentage exploited Americans still believing our 2 Parties’ BULLSHIT


“Our nation, in reference to Ukraine, has the same premise at home with police as they do for conflicts abroad.

No de-escalation!”

[and it only gets worse for the 99%]


“Millions to Lose Medicaid & CHIP Coverage as COVID-19 Emergency Ends”

“Enrollment in CHIP and Medicaid increased 11.4 percent since the pandemic began in February 2020, skyrocketing the number of users to a record 83.6 million in July 2021. Now, one in four Americans and half of all American children are covered by Medicaid or CHIP, a plan generally reserved for only the lowest income people.

Soon, millions will automatically lose their coverage, will you be one of those people? Click below to learn more.”


“The US and Ukraine Have Every Reason To Lie About The War”

“US imperialist has lied over and over and over again in the past imposing wars and committing atrocities resulting in murdering of tens of millions of humans.

This war is no different. They say and do anything to fill up pockets of war Industrial complex. Humanity and human lives have no value to them whatsoever.”


Nazis, Nazis, everywhere! In America at home and next to America abroad:

“Dejan Kovacevic

So like this, my dear friends, when you write on the internet Pray for Ukraine you are in fact inviting us to pray for this. This is the Ukraine that Donbass has been fighting since 2014. years. This is Ukraine that has been since 2014. years to date she has killed over 15,000 Russian civilians. This is Ukraine that burned alive Russians. This is Ukraine of the Neo-Nazist Squad "Azov" whose members were during 2014. years in Odessa, a solider with over 80 Russians burned alive in flames. This is Ukraine that covered Kiev with graffiti "Death to the Moskalis". This is Ukraine against which Russia launched an invasion.

Think well and inform yourself well before becoming a herd of sheep who automatically divides statuses and prayers without knowing who you are supporting anyone for anything.

Thank you, warm greetings!”


“Clean Energy is Putin’s kryptonite”


“The Truth About Ukraine, Gas Prices, and U.S. Energy Security”

“The oil and gas industry is using the war in Ukraine to push false solutions that would keep us reliant on fossil fuels. Here’s what you need to know about how we can achieve real U.S. energy security.”


“Hedges: Waltzing Toward Armageddon with the Merchants of Death”

“The doctrine of permanent war dominated our lives during the Cold War and dominates our lives now.”


“This is the 54th anniversary of the My Lai massacre, committed against unarmed Vietnamese civilians by US troops in South Vietnam, during the Vietnam war. Although portrayed as a singular incident, this was US policy as many massacres occurred & no higher-ups were ever punished.”


And all the while the wealth of Rich grew and concentrated:

“Gravitas: From Iraq to Afghanistan: America's trail of deaths”

“From the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq to Guantanamo Bay near Cuba, American soldiers have left a trail of blood and death. Their war crimes are well-documented, yet ignored. Palki Sharma lists out America's crimes in the last two decades.”


“How Likely Are We To Survive An Extinction Event?”


“Siberia: Witnessing The Alarming Effects Of Melting Permafrost | Angry Planet | Earth Stories”


“Biden’s record on public lands and waters — in 3 maps”

“From day one, Biden vowed to treat the climate crisis with the urgency and seriousness that it deserves. But after one year, we’re still waiting for real progress. Here's Biden's record on public lands in waters — in 3 maps.”


I fear that many Americans who are going to die from climate collapse really have no idea how bad it is right now. And I know this lack of knowledge surrounding their scheduled human sacrifice is intentional by their very own Government:


"The buildup of the global atmospheric methane concentration (Figure 11) indicates that the oceans should start to boil off at 115°C to 120°C when the atmospheric methane concentration anomaly exceeds 20,000 ppb (20 ppmv) by 2080. [areas in the Arctic are currently, 2022, reporting 16,000 ppb]

The atmospheric temperatures will approach those on the surface of Venus (460°C to 467°C) when the atmospheric methane concentration anomaly reaches 80,000 ppb (80 ppmv) by 2100 (Figure 11)."

“Mantle Methane

High Rate of Spreading of the the Arctic Atmospheric Global Warming Veil South of the Gulf Coast is Driven by Deep Seated Methane Release from Giant Mantle Geopressured-Geothermal Reservoirs below the Siberian Craton at Depths of 100 km to 300 km and at Temperatures above 1200 Degrees Celsius”


“Climate and Extinction catastrophe - our deaths, suffering and environmental destruction will once again pave the way to their profit”

“Disaster Capitalists await their next opportunity

“Extreme violence has a way of preventing us from seeing the interests it serves.”

“The recent spate of disasters has translated into such spectacular profits that many people around the world have come to the same conclusion: the rich and powerful must be deliberately causing the catastrophes so that they can exploit them.”

“When it comes to paying contractors, the sky is the limit; when it comes to financing the basic functions of the state, the coffers are empty.”

Naomi Klein, “The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism? (2007)


“Russian scientists say they've found the highest-ever 'flares' of methane in Arctic waters”


“Methane rise is accelerating”


“Warming Temperatures are Driving Arctic Greening”

“When did the permafrost begin to thaw?

Between 1985 and 2016, about 38 per cent of the tundra sites across Alaska, Canada, and western Eurasia showed greening.

The forests in Siberia that are now burning are in fact new forests.… See more”


Kirk Brent Norring:

“The scientists found that the concentration of methane in the air in this area was up to 16 parts per million, more than nine times higher than the atmospheric average.

16 parts per million is 16000 ppb.

That's a tiny bit higher than 1900 ppb.”

“Scientists discover powerful Arctic Ocean methane seep”



“As Biden betrays his public option pledge and instead pushes more subsidies for health insurance companies, here’s a stat:

Unitedhealth and Anthem reported more revenue in just the last 3 months of 2021 ($110 billion) than all outstanding medical debt in America ($88 billion).


…like a hot potato:


Meaning – when on under the assumed support of others, stands up to an aggressor, ends up soundly thrashed by the said aggressor and looking around, finds assumed supporters absent”


“Using nuclear weapons against Japan was more about a demonstration of power to the USSR than it was “ending a war”. The US is still the only country to sue these weapons in a war indiscriminately kill all life in its wake. Just take a minute to think about the horror of that.”


“Gas was so high this morning, I was thinking do I fill up my truck or buy a senator.”


“Bomb cyclone over arctic … temp 50F over normal… ice melting fast …”


“Just your daily reminder that the guy on the left [Assange] is a journalist languishing in a maximum security dungeon for exposing war crimes, while the three guys on the right [Obama, Bush Jr., Clinton] are mass murderers still roaming free like birds after committing war crimes.


Washington Nazi’s are busy censoring:

“From Cancel Culture to full blown Amerikkkan Censorship”

“Oliver Stone, Abby Martin DEPLATFORMED From YouTube | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar”


“Capitalism Will End. What Is A Better System? - Economic Update with Richard Wolff”


Nice sentiment but it will never happen. People will be to busy trying t stay alive:

“A Native American prophecy states “When the earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of people from all races, creeds, and colors will put their faith in deeds, not words to make the land green again"

We’d like to invite you on a beautiful journey to watch an amazing movie for free by clicking LEARN MORE or using this link…”


“Ready For Warmer Temperatures? Here's Typically When the First 70s, 80s of Spring Arrive”


“How I learned to love weeds – and why you should, too”

“I once fought against the dandelions, nettles and docks that infiltrated my garden. But now I know they are essential, I’m glad I lost the battle”


“This is the Walton Family. They own Walmart. The average Walmart worker makes $24,960 per YEAR. The Walton family makes $25,149 in dividends per MINUTE. The Walton family makes more in one minute that the average Walmart worker makes in an entire year.

The cherry on top? The Walton family pays roughly half as much in taxes on their dividends as most Walmart workers pay. Can we please tax the rich?”


BEWARE How the circumstances surrounding your State and Local Government accept Federal Funding. What it is “earmarked” for may be irrelevant.

In Wisconsin and elsewhere Republicans want to change federal funding to grants. That way they can do what they want with the money and what it was intended for is irrelevant. That includes giving grant funding for, say, bridge safety, can be instead given to “job creators” or billionaires as fun money.

Until now I didn’t know Democrats also will do this

“City of LA Financial Transparency

The City received $639,450,464 from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) in 2021. We did a CPRA of the Controller’s office & found out that $317.4 M or 50% of our ARP funds were spent on “general government services (LAPD’s payroll expenditures)”


“This increase of individual wealth is most clearly shown by the rise and continuous increase of millionaires, who, by various modes, have succeeded in possessing themselves of vast amounts of riches crated by other, thus necessarily impoverishing those who did create it.” Alfred Russel Wallace


“India buys 3 million barrels of Russian oil: report”

Putin, Modi, and Trump:

“Indian Oil Corp. made the purchase despite international pressure, led by the U.S. and other western nations, to freeze Russia out of the global energy market over the incursion. India, the world's largest democracy, imports about 85 percent of the oil it uses.

The largest portion of India’s oil, 27 percent, comes from Iraq, followed by Saudi Arabia with 17 percent, the United Arab Emirates with 13 percent and the U.S. at 9 percent.”


“The COVID Heart—One Year After SARS-CoV-2 Infection, Patients Have an Array of Increased Cardiovascular Risks”

“JAMA reports on a major study that reveals alarming evidence: 1) COVID-19 increases the risk for cardiovascular disease, and 2) we need more research that focuses on women’s heart health too!

Read this important article to learn more!”


“Chris Hedges | Best way to END UKRAINE WAR”


“Orwell Was Right

From free speech to "spheres of influence" to our passion for endless war, we've become the doublethinkers 1984 predicted”


“Why a Ukraine “No-Fly Zone” is a One-Way Ticket to Nuclear War”


“Huge Sinkholes and Hills Occurring on Arctic Ocean Floor in Last Decade”


“If Julia Assange were exposing Russian war crimes he would be hailed as a hero by our Western media. But because he exposes the United States he is subjected to torture in an English prison with absolute silence from our media. Where are all the people calling for his release” comrade Klopp


“The most destructive thing I’ve ever done is believe someone else’s opinion of me.” Teal Blue Jay


“John Scheve:

The Uxmal Ruins are considered one of the most important archaeological sites of the Maya. Founded about 500 A.D., most of the building took place about 850 to 925. The Governor’s Palace in Uxmal had the longest facades of any buildings in Mesoamerica. Most building ceased about 1200, possibly due to a changing climate. About 15,000 people are estimated to have lived there. Uxmal had a heavily plant (corn and beans) based agriculture. Snakes are prominent in building decoration and rain gods were very important.

“Observing from there, Venus as evening star, when reaching its maximum northerly extremes, would have set behind the northern edge of the Governor's Palace. Since these events occur every eight years, always in late April or early May, heralding the onset of the rainy season, it is significant that the decoration of the building's facade contains almost 400 Venus glyphs placed in the masks of the rain god Chac, and that there are eight bicephalic serpents above the main entrance; additionally, numerals 8 in bar-and-dot notation appear on two Chac masks at the northern corners of the palace.” - Wikipedia

Uxmal was abandoned shortly after the Spanish arrived.

Just last year it was discovered that the massive mangrove swamps that extend an astonishing 60 miles inland in parts of eastern Yucatán had their origin about 125,000 years ago during a warm period when sea levels were 20 to 30 feet higher. The mangroves have survived despite the retreat of the sea as the climate cooled. Now, global anthropogenic climate change is being felt dramatically in the the Yucatán, as the area endures more frequent and severe heatwaves and droughts. The Yucatán is one of the the many places in the tropics where the climate is already close to the edge of human habitablility due to dew point temperatures occasionally rising to near the limit of human survivability (about 90 F, although even dew points above about 80 F for longer periods can be deadly without a means to cool down). The inland mangroves’ days are likely numbered, along with much of the agriculture the human population has depended on for thousands of years and on human life itself as increasingly deadly heat waves and droughts strike the Yucatán. Prayers to the rain gods seem to have gone unheard.

Yucutan, Mexico”


The CIA’s society busting ways should not be used against the American People:

“And this is how big oil fights to maintain their supremacy over us. They have been playing these mind games and worse for our entire lives. So if you are wondering about how we came to this stage of destroying our planet, this is a prime example.”

Also see Richard Carrie


“Let them drive Tesla!”


“Certain specialty pharmacy drugs double in price at hospitals, study finds”

“A recent study found that hospital drug treatment costs are marked up an average of $7,000 when compared to those purchased through specialty pharmacies.”


“Biden BEGS Venezuela For Oil”

If I was Nicolas Maduro I’d have to admit I’d tell Biden to kiss my backside


A decent society could not & would not dare to whack it’s population with an inflation after putting it through a failed preparation for this pandemic& a failed program to deal with it!

Prof. Richard D. Wolff


No I do not fu**ing want to pay more for gas supporting US warmongering and Supporting the fascist Ukrainian Govt. Ask oil companies, Biden-Dems donors, to profit a little less since they made hundreds of bns of $ during the pandemic.


“Demand Improvement

“All humans are fundamentally flawed; and because institutions are comprised of humans, they too are flawed. Consequently, when assessing the toutcomes of all human edeavor, it stands to reason that we can’t expect perfection anywhere, but we should demand improvement everywhere.

Just as ordinary people learn, grow and improve over time, it is not unreasonable to expect corporations and governments to do the same. Therefore, it stands to reasons that any unnecessary and avoidable harm caused by corporate or government negligence which remains unexamined, unresolved, and unchanged has not valid excuse and should never be tolerated.”


“From the Book "Is Carbon Dioxide from Fossil Fuels changing Man's Environment?

by Charles D. Keeling

Vol. 114 No.1, year 1970.

Latest CO2 reading : 417.88 ppm

"I recite these diverging points of view to illustrate that we hold widely divergent views concerning a possible peril. Have you noticed that practically all master plans do not project beyond the year 2000 A.D.? Our college students, however, today expect, or at least nourish the hope, to live beyond that date, and I predict that they will be the first generation to feel such strong concern for man's future that they will discover means of effective action. This action may be less pleasant and rational than the corrective measures that we promote today, but thirty years from now, if present trends are any sign, mankind's world, I judge, will be in greater immediate danger than it is today, and immediate corrective measures, if such exist, will be closer at hand. If the human race survives into the twenty-first century with the vast population increase that now seems inevitable, the people living then, along with their other troubles, may also face the threat of climatic change brought about by an uncontrolled increase in atmospheric COz from fossil fuels"

by Charles D. Keeling

Vol. 114 No.1, year 1970.”


“My GOD, What Have We Done?

“David Badagnani Comment: Michael Dowd believes it was all inevitable, and that we should accept our fate with grace.”

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