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01/2022 “2022 is Going to be The Most F**ked Up Year on Planet Earth Since -66,000,000”

Updated: Jan 8

“Georgia Guidestones” are getting obvious, Washington is using Global Warming\Mass Extinction to engage in Social Cleansing

Increasing evidence suggests that Washington is using Global Warming (and social murder in general) to engage in “social cleansing”:

This includes, in no small amount links to a man, Charles Koch, a Republican oil tycoon whose father Fred Koch was instrumental in Hitler realizing his holocaust. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

Again, when it comes to Global Warming Washington, the Pentagon, and Business leaders know precisely what is going to happen and yet they are choosing not to do what needs to be done. And their doing so his is indicative of more than just the usual profit motive.

Govt inaction on all manner of social murder is “social cleansing” in disguise.

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female

Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, USA

2021-07-29 _F2A5081aaa2

Jean-Michel Pourny \ Arctic News on FB:

“How many here think we will see 2023?”

Answer by Mark Trewick:

Joe wrote to me a long time ago when I asked for an opinion on how long we had left.

The reply was a bit different to not exaggerating.

(The Republicans collected money from Registered Republicans in 1977 - 1978 to build the Georgia Guidestones. My father was one of those millionaires who was solicited. He refused their request as the brochure that was handed out to the potential donors in a meeting at Carlsbad, California called for turning Southern Asia, Africa and Latin America into Nature Preserves. My father was married to a beautiful Samoan Island Royal Princess, and Dad saw the Pamphlet to be Racist.

I saw the pamphlet on his study desk and asked him about it when I was home for Christmas from Naval Officer Candidate School in Rhode Island.

Well, in 1980 the Georgia Guidestones were erected, and they called for a Global Population Reduction to below half a Billion people. Right now that would require us to kill over Seven Billion People.

The initial plan was to use viruses to wipe out those Billions of people who needed to Go! By 1990 - 91 the Republicans were talking about using Global Heating to remove the undesirable people of color in proximity to the Equator to gert down to the Georgia Guidestone MANDATE of half a Billion. I was in management with AT&T (SBC) at the time. When I attended social engagements in Rich Republican houses, many people would talk about Global Heating and the fact that it would help remove our surplus population on the planet. When I asked how they were going to stop the global heating before it killed everybody, I was informed that the plan was to use nuclear weapons to blast Sulfur, Dirt and Dust into the stratosphere to block out sunlight for up to two years. That would provide enough cooling to stop Global Heating in its tracks.

The Rich Republicans have been building underground shelters by the thousands so they can survive the coming riots when the people realize that they are going to die. After most of the potential rioters (the Unrich and Unfed - about 6 Billion) will be dead when the Republicans use the Nukes.(nuclear weapons) to freeze the planet. Using all of their formulas and math from their paid scientists, they project that we will see a new spring in slightly less than two years. The refreezing of the Arctic is the major goal and that could be accomplished in a year and a half. The only problem is that the Nuclear Winter that they initiate will kill another Billion people above 32 - 33 degrees Latitude.

If everything goes perfect, there will be about 400,000,000 people on the Earth.

If the Republicans screw up, we will probably all die.

It is a toss up. We know what they are going to do, but we are not certain of the end result. Personally, I do not expect to live through this.)

Joe Neanderbarth, this was 3 years ago.”

Correspondence of original inquiry:

“Hi Joe, thanks for accepting my fr.

I’m going to cut straight and ask “Do you personally believe, excluding hope, that human existence is possible beyond the end of the middle of this century?”

“My personal belief is that it’s not. This is the conclusion ive made from hearing what other far more learn’ed people than me have said on the matter. I’ve had interest in lots of things in my later years. Climate change being the one subject that tied in with all the others, I guess, haha.”

“Anyhow, that’s where im at with all this latest research and science. Many things are still to be understood but we’ll only learn when its too late and its too late.”


“Watching the World Go Bye”

“2022 is Going to be The Most F**ked Up Year on Planet Earth Since -66,000,000” - by Eliot Jacobson


“Leaked report of the IPCC reveals that the growth model of capitalism is unsustainable” Aug 23, 2021


“100 degrees in the Arctic? Climate change is destabilizing the north and south poles.

Rising temperatures prompt World Meteorological Organization to add new category to its climate extreme archives.”

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