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01/2022 Ready or not, here it [death of civilization and planet] comes,…

Updated: Jan 8

Ready or not, here it comes,…

““Four Meals for Anarchy”: Rising Food Prices Could Spark Famine, War, and Revolution in 2022”

“The political consequences of rising food prices are profound and could be the spark that lights a powder keg of anger and resentment that would make the 2020 protests look tame by comparison.”


700,000 people are without air-conditioning in Argentina as Heat Wave brings country to its knees,…or more precisely, it’s death bed:

“Ground Temperatures Hit 129 Degrees as Argentina Suffers Blackouts

The country is suffering through a heat wave that knocked out power in Buenos Aires and challenged all-time records”

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2021-07-26 _F2A4849aaap

“Extreme Selfishness is a Pandemic of Its Own

And no one is developing a vaccine “

“Pick almost any week in 2021 and there is a weather story. Last week saw hundreds trapped by snow for 24 hours or more on I95 in Virginia. And these are just American weather stories. And over forty percent of Americans not only don’t give a damn, they don’t even believe these events are related. The same 40% won’t get vaccinated against a deadly virus.”


Mark Trewick:

“Climate Reanalyzer”

“Run the slider back and forth and study the pattern. Watch how it changes pattern right at the end. Then note the fact that we're in the deeper part of the cold phase with the current La-Niná.

This is a climate 'changed' planet.”


“The Politicization of the Pandemic is Making Us All a Lot Stupider

Our Leaders Are in Denial About What Science Has to Say — And the Result is Adding Disaster to Catastrophe”

Quote: “Stop testing, play it down, normalize the deaths, deny the long-term consequences, learn to live with it, mock the scientists.”

“The most dismal development of 2022 is the politicisation of the pandemic. It comes from a weird, emerging set of people — not just politicians, but also doctors and scientists who seem to have forgotten about science and medicine, and who want to be rich and famous. They’re pushing a set of myths which are seriously dangerous, because they’re false…science says so. These people should know better — but the fact that they’re a disgrace to science and medicine, pushing the intellectual equivalent of fraud, seems to matter to them not a whit. They are more interested in money and power than science and medicine.”


“A NOAA report revealed the United States has sustained more than $2 trillion in damages wrought by over 300 weather and climate disasters since 1980. "Policymakers must take drastic actions to rein in global warming emissions across all sectors of the economy." As if.”



“Ron DeSantis is trying to ban teaching American history. DeSantis claims that he wants students to know about our history, and understand what this nation was founded on. There is no way to teach American History without teaching Black and Indigenous history as well. It’s interesting that the party of free speech is also all for banning books and outlawing free academic thought…”


In America we call it “civil asset forfeiture”:

“Turmoil in Turkey: Erdogan targets people’s jewellery to deal with financial crisis”

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