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12/2021 139 members of Congress collected $61 million+ in cash from corrupt fossil fuel Companies

Updated: Jan 8

“𝙐𝙎𝙋𝙎 𝘼𝙇𝙀𝙍𝙏: Trump-appointed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy -- who helped Trump try to sabotage vote-by-mail -- is still in power! Sadly, Joe Biden cannot DIRECTLY fire Louis DeJoy.

𝘽𝙐𝙏: President Biden can replace Trump’s appointees to the USPS Board of Governors and select a NEW Postmaster General!

So we’re launching a critical petition to DEMAND that President Biden fire Trump’s appointees.”


“A fun series of events in Finland:

1 Postal service cuts pay of 700 sorters.

2 Strike called. 60k workers join in solidarity, shutting down docks, rail, buses, airlines,

3 Postal service cancels pay cut.

4 Minister of state ownership resigns.

5 Prime minister resigns.”

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female, dark color form

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2022 1730aaa2

Democrats are poised to lose everything to Republicans:

“I am not surprised... Biden voted for NAFTA and China PNTR....two of the most important factors that gutted millions of manufacturing jobs and thousands of communities. Electing Biden in 2020 has setback necessary economic reforms for at least the next two election cycles.”

“Blue Collar Joe?

One of the more frightening poll findings I've seen in a while. From a new Democracy Corps report:”


“Stop Climate Deniers”

“139 members of Congress collected $61 million+ in campaign contributions from corrupt fossil fuel interests – and now deny the existence of climate change. Sign the petition demanding these climate deniers step up to support bold and progressive climate action. Add your name now!”

Excerpt: “In 2020, 22 extreme weather events caused more than more than $20 billion in damage in the United States alone. That's a new record.

Yet 25 percent of elected officials in the 117th Congress deny that climate change is real and caused by humans.”


“Nothing is more surprising than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few.” David Hume



Methane pollution is responsible for 25% of the global warming we're experiencing today. Cutting methane is one of the fastest ways to reduce the impacts of climate change worldwide and also improve air quality and public health in our own communities.”


Democrats are knowingly ushering the country to a very very dark place:

Words from the mouths’ of Democrats mean nothing, same for Republicans. America needs a representative Democracy:



“Tell the Forest Service you support safeguards for more than 9 million acres of vital fish and wildlife habitat in Southeast Alaska.”



Opinion of a Chinese economics teacher, on Europe:

1. European society is in the process of self-destructing. Your social model is very demanding in financial means. But at the same time, Europeans do not want to work. They therefore live well above their means, because these dreams need to be paid...

2. European industrialists relocate because they are not available to bear the cost of work in Europe, their taxes and taxes to fund their widespread assistance.

3. Therefore, they are indebted, they live on credit. But your kids won't be able to pay the bill.

4. Europeans have thus destroyed their impoverishing quality of life. They always vote for deficit budgets. They are suffocated by the debt and will not be able to honor it.

5. But apart from being indebted, they have another addiction: their governments 'bleed' taxpayers. Europe holds the world record for tax pressure. It's a real tax hell for those who create wealth.

6. They did not understand that wealth is not produced by sharing and sharing, but by working. Because the more you repair this limited wealth, the less you have for each one. Those who produce and create jobs are punished by taxes and taxes and those who don't work are encouraged by help. It's a reversal of values.

7. Therefore, your system is perverse and will implode for burnout and suffocation. Relocating your productive capacity causes lowering your standard of living and increasing China's...

8. Within a generation or two, 'we' (Chinese) will outgrow them. They will become our poor. We will give them

bags of rice...

9. There is another cancer in Europe: there are too many employees, one job out of five. These officials are thirsty for public money, they are of great inefficiency, they want to work as little as possible and despite the numerous advantages and social rights, they are often on strike. But decision makers think it's more worth an ineffective employee than an unemployed person...

10. (Europeans) will disintegrate directly at a wall and at high speed...”


Something is up with COVID origin stories.

Firstly, COVID2018-USA came from the United States – period.

Secondly, historically naturally-occurring deadly viruses don’t mutate into additional deadly forms. It is almost like COVID18-USA is “gaining in function” as it thrives. Or maybe it’s a first for novel visuses.

Anyway, we know have this:

“Glenn Greenwald updates Covid's Origin...

Key Passage:

In July of this year, The Lancet published a new letter from the same group which signed that seminal letter in February of last year. The July 2021 letter included two fundamentally new additions. First, the language about COVID's origins was radically softened from the smug certainty of the February letter that closed debate to humble uncertainty given the lack of proof. While continuing to affirm a belief that COVID was naturally occurring (“our working view” is “that SARS-CoV-2 most likely originated in nature and not in a laboratory"), they moved far away from the definitive posture of that original letter, acknowledging that “opinions are neither data nor conclusions” and urging further investigation on what they called “the critical question we must address now": namely, “how did SARS-CoV-2 reach the human population?” In other words, after telling the world in February that any questioning of the zoonotic origin was a malicious "conspiracy theory,” they now acknowledge it is “the critical question we must now address.””

“To Deny the "Lab Leak" COVID Theory, the NYT and WPost Use Dubious and Conflicted Sources

A bizarre and abrupt reversal by scientists regarding COVID's origins, along with clear conflicts of interest, create serious doubts about their integrity. Yet major news outlets keep relying on them.”



“Corporations are decimating the free market and replacing it with monopolies.”


“Over half of all Congress members are MILLIONAIRES

57% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a $500 emergency expense

Who exactly is Congress representing?


Only the rich can steal in America:

“Epidemic of smash-and-grab crime is definitely man-made”



JOIN US for a fireside chat via Zoom on December 9, 11a-Noon ET:

Dr. Dorothy A. Brown, author of “Whiteness of Wealth and Professor of Law at Emory University

Dr. Darrick Hamilton, founding director of the Institute for the Study of Race, Stratification and Political Economy at The New School.

Even when Black Americans make the same financial choices as White Americans, their wealth is extracted by a tax system structured by White male elites to build their own wealth, while extracting wealth from Black families. It’s past time that changed.

Please join Take on Wall Street and Americans for Financial Reform in a fireside chat with Dr. Dorothy A. Brown, Professor of Law at Emory University and author of The Whiteness of Wealth and Dr. Darrick Hamilton, director of the Institute for Race, Stratification, and Political Economy at the New School discussing the hidden racism in the tax code and how we focus our system on justice and equity.”


“Wisconsin Assembly passes critical race theory ban”

Republican Members include:

Scott Allen; Dave Armstrong; Elijah Behnke; Janel Brandtjen; Robert Brooks; Rachael Cabral-Guevara; Calvin Callahan; Alex Dallman; Barbara Dittrich; James Edming; Rick Gundrum; Cody Horlacher; Terry Katsma; Joel Kitchens; Daniel Knodl; Scott Krug; Mike Kuglitsch; Tony Kurtz; Amy Loudenbeck; John Macco; Gae Magnafici; Clint Moses; David Murphy; Jeffrey Mursau; Adam Neylon; Todd Novak; Loren Oldenburg; William Penterman; Warren Petryk; Jon Plumer; Treig Pronchinske; Timothy Ramthun; Jessie Rodriguez; Donna Rozar; Joe Sanfelippo; Michael Schraa; Ken Skowronski; Patrick Snyder; Shae Sortwell; John Spiros; David Steffen; Rob Summerfield; Rob Swearingen; Gary Tauchen; Jeremy Thiesfeldt; Paul Tittl; Travis Tranel; Ron Tusler; Nancy VanderMeer; Chuck Wichgers; Robert Wittke; Shannon Zimmerman

“Bill prohibiting critical race theory in technical colleges, UW System schools passes Assembly committee”


“214,690 children are going hungry in 6-county area of Central FL. If you lined up those kids Shldr to Shldr along the side of I-4, that line would stretch from Orlando to Daytona Bch and back again.115 miles”

“Close to 700,000 people in Central FL experiencing food insecurity. 1 in 6 are experiencing “ food insecurity “, a nicer name than starvation, used by the officials.”


“It is the 50th anniversary of NPR. NPR calls itself “trustworthy and dependable”s ource of news…even though it’s main source of funding has been Corp America in the past 15-20 years. Yep follow the money…..”


Biden’s American Private Equity:

“The World's Addiction to Palm Oil Is Only Getting Worse”


“Plants Buy Us Time to Slow Climate Change – But Not Enough to Stop It

New research from Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley shows that plants are photosynthesizing more in response to more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere”

Xavier Rosseel

“As human activities cause more carbon dioxide to be emitted into the atmosphere, scientists have debated whether plants are responding by photosynthesizing more and sucking up even more carbon dioxide than they already do – and if so, is it a little or a lot more. Now an international team of researchers led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and UC Berkeley have used a novel methodology combining remote sensing, machine learning, and terrestrial biosphere models to find that plants are indeed photosynthesizing more, to the tune of 12% higher global photosynthesis from 1982 to 2020. In that same time period, global carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere grew about 17%, from 360 parts per million (ppm) to 420 ppm.

The 12% increase in photosynthesis translates to 14 petagrams of additional carbon taken out of the atmosphere by plants each year, roughly the equivalent of the carbon emitted worldwide from burning fossil fuels in 2020 alone. Not all of the carbon taken out of the atmosphere through photosynthesis is stored in ecosystems, as much is later released back to the atmosphere through respiration, but the study reports a direct link between the increased photosynthesis and increased global carbon storage. The study was published in Nature.

“This is a very large increase in photosynthesis, but it’s nowhere close to removing the amount of carbon dioxide we’re putting into the atmosphere,” said Berkeley Lab scientist Trevor Keenan, lead author of the study. “It’s not stopping climate change by any means, but it is helping us slow it down.”


While this study highlights the importance of protecting ecosystems that are currently helping slow down the rate of climate change, Keenan notes that it’s unclear how long forests will continue to perform this service.

“We don’t know what the future will hold as far as how plants will continue to respond to increasing carbon dioxide,” he said. “We expect it will saturate at some point, but we don’t know when or to what degree. At that point land sinks will have a much lower capacity to offset our emissions. And land sinks are currently the only nature-based solution that we have in our toolkit to combat climate change.””


“New study shows plants struggle to keep pace with climate change in human-dominated landscapes”


Kevin Hester: “The best documented extinction event of them all !”

“Alaskan Lake on fire Methane Venting into the atmosphere”


Dec 8, 2021:

“Headed for a sixth mass extinction? MIT geophysicist warns oceans are on the brink

Daniel Rothman says carbon in the atmosphere may push our seas past a tipping point, triggering a cascading catastrophe for global ecosystems that we do not yet fully understand”


Keep it in perspective and it’s relative:

“Trees are biggest methane 'vents' in wetland areas – even when they're dry”


“Floods are going to get worse, and we need to start preparing for them now”


“The challenge of forest restoration: Where to obtain tens of billions of quality seeds”

Xavier Rosseel

“Restoring such a massive area requires a vast amount of seed, something which tends to be overlooked in restoration commitments. The strengths and weaknesses of seed-supply systems to support tree-based restoration projects in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and India are evaluated in a new publication in Diversity. The authors estimated that some 157 billion seeds (which is used to mean seeds, seedlings and wildings, among other regenerative materials) are needed to meet the restoration target of 47.5 million hectares.

While the study found promising trends—such as increased government support and funding—the researchers found at least two concerning shortcomings: a lack of access to quality seeds and untapped opportunities for local communities to participate in seed procurement. Clearing out these bottlenecks will be crucial to long-term success.

"This research shows very explicitly that there are major limitations at national capacity to deliver at scale, particularly when it comes to quality of planting material and native species diversity which are critical to making restoration socially and ecologically resilient," said Chris Kettle, a co-author and global lead on tree biodiversity at the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT. "Many prominent tree planting projects have been shown to fail to deliver benefits to local communities."”


“Majority of top chemicals on market deemed environmentally unsustainable by new metric”

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