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4/2022 "social murder" by Environment is merely "extrajudicial killing" by legalese

Updated: Jan 8

At this juncture in history, a shocking number of the earths’ 99% will die from our planet’s continuing death. Even with just our “leaders” failings to date, our situation is going to get much worse. Yet despite this future, America and other governments remain steadfast in their refusal to take the action required to save loss of life. Our public and private policy makers have knowingly sentenced many of us to a horrible death at some point in the near future and the number of their victims grows every day.

Sadly, what they may have realized is that social murder by environmental destruction is – in addition to being profitable for a few - often involves a time lag, as well as complex natural systems, that can be used to distance themselves from accepting personal responsibility. If your not comfortable with the concept of social murder than perhaps you can think of it as a form of “extra judicial killing” that uses legalese instead of bullets.

Whatever is going on, make no mistake of it, People must accept the fact that our public and private policy makers are knowingly sentencing many of us to a horrible death by their inaction. And that the number of their victims so murdered grows everyday they don’t take the required action.

A question each of us has to ask ourselves is this: do I tolerate this unjust death sentence, or do I do something about it?

Well, our killers have anticipated this question, as well as the most rational answer and you will now probably be arrested if you take action to save your life and/or your children’s lives from being taken by your own government.

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2011-08-16 IMG_0861aaaa2p

“Civil disobedience by scientists expected this week over climate change”


Notice that the Democrats & Mainstream media made no mention or protest about Koch’s US Supreme Court killing the Clean Water Act (without even so much as writing an opinion!)


“Five decades after Clean Water Act, half of US waters too polluted to swim or fish


“SCOTUS just unceremoniously overturned the clean water act in a 5-4 decision without even filing an opinion.

Will Obergefell fall with the same deminimus consideration?”


“Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted”

“"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. In this powerful indictment of a venerated institution, constitutional law expert Ian Millhiser tells the history of the Supreme Court through the eyes of everyday people who have suffered the most as a result of its judgements. The justices built a nation where children toiled in coal mines an

d cotton mills, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where women were sterilized at the command of states. The Court was the midwife of Jim Crow, the right hand of union busters, and the dead hand of the Confederacy. Nor is the modern Court a vast improvement, with its incursions on voting rights, its willingness to place elections for sale, and its growing skepticism towards the democratic process generally. America ratified three constitutional amendments to provide equal rights to freed slaves, but the justices spent 30 years largely dismantling these amendments. Then they spent the next 40 years rewriting them into a shield for the wealthy and the powerful. Similarly, the recent, nearly successful legal attack on Obamacare was in the spirit of early twentieth century decisions like Lochner v. New York and Hammer v. Dagenhart that treated the American people's right to govern themselves with great skepticism. Recently, cases like Citizens United allowed rivers of money to flood our democracy; and Shelby County tore out the heart of American voting rights law. These cases are hardly anomalies; they fit a pattern of justices placing powerful interests above the welfare of the general public. In the Warren Era and the few years following it, progressive justices restored the Constitution's promises of equality, free speech, and fair justice for the accused. But this era, Millhiser contends, was an historic accident. Indeed, if it wasn't for a several unpredictable events-such as a former

Ku Klux Klansman's decision to become a passionate supporter of racial justice, or a fatal heart attack that killed the Chief Justice of the United States-Brown v. Board of Education could have gone the other way In this book, Millhiser argues the Supreme Court does not deserve the respect it commands. To the contrary, it routinely bent the arc of American history away from justice"--

"Constitutional law expert Ian Millhiser tells the history of the Supreme Court through the eyes of everyday people who have suffered the most as a result of its judgements. The justices built a nation where children toiled in coal mines and cotton mills, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where women were sterilized at the command of states. The Court was the midwife of Jim Crow, the right hand of union busters, and the dead hand of the Confederacy. Nor is the modern

Court a vast improvement, with its incursions on voting rights, its willingness to place elections for sale, and its growing skepticism towards the democratic process generally. In this book, Millhiser argues the Supreme Court does not deserve the respect it commands. To the contrary, it routinely bent the arc of American history away from justice"—"


Annie Mond:

“Dire warning on climate change ‘is being ignored’ amid war and economic turmoil

"The third segment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report is being overshadowed, just like the previous one

The third segment of the landmark scientific report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – which could be the last comprehensive assessment of climate science to be published while there is still time to avoid the worst ravages of climate breakdown – will be published on Monday, warning that the world is not shifting quickly enough to a low-carbon economy.

But the previous instalment of the vast report – known as working group 2 of the IPCC – was published a month ago, just as Russia invaded Ukraine, and received only muted attention, despite warning of catastrophic and irreversible upheavals that can only narrowly be avoided by urgent action now." See less”


“Prof Jason Box & Jim White UC and the Melting of All ice on Earth”

image 2011 IMG_0861

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