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4/2022 “Let Them Plant Trees”: The Mega-Rich Are Laughing At Us”

Updated: Jan 8

““Let Them Plant Trees”: The Mega-Rich Are Laughing At Us”

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)

Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, USA

2019 8/10 _F2A7442aaa

Matthew Benson:

“We have to greatly reduce and work to eliminate animal agriculture. The best way to do this is to make the personal choice to go largely or completely vegetarian or vegan. The methane livestock produces, and the petroleum they require, exceeds the entire transportation sector and energy sectors respectively. We must reforest the earth that is now occupied by topsoil stripping livestock, work to further sequester the CO2 and other greenhouse gasses, especially methane; become more sustainable; and restore our rainforests and greater global environment for future generations to be able to live comfortably on earth.”

“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” Albert Einstein


Jean-Michel Pourny\Climate Chaos Info & Data:

Peter Carter: “March 1.4C warming A 10 year smoothing of NASA GISS gives 1.4C which is the best guide for 10 years from now- bound to be hellish 1.5C at 2030. Berkeley Earth has 1.38C with the big Antarctic record. NASA GISS Land 1.7C”


“There were no flood warnings for the area in Tasmania targeted by a cloud-seeding operation the day before floods devastated the town of Ouse.”


“Pesticides found in over 70 percent of non-organic produce”


“Sally Scalera: Improper use of pesticides can cause harm to people, pets, the environment”


“Beyond Pesticides Makes Science-based Case that It Is Imperative to Phase Out Pesticides in a Decade”


It is more important to increase profit than protect human life, same old story:

“‘Dirty Dozen’ warning: Fruits and veggies rank on danger list”


“How Illinois’ ‘fragmented system’ of monitoring pesticide exposure ‘allows individuals to get poisoned over and over’”


“How weapons manufacturers lobby governments 'to accelerate business opportunism' for nukes”


“Methane emissions jumped by record amount in 2021, NOAA says

Carbon dioxide emissions also rose more than 2 parts per million for the 10th consecutive year”


“Powerful 'rivers in the sky' could cause Antarctic Peninsula's biggest ice shelf to collapse”


“Why Did Two Antarctic Ice Shelves Fail? Scientists Say They Now Know.

The collapse of the two ice shelves was most likely triggered by vast plumes of warm air from the Pacific, researchers have found.”

2019 8/10 _F2A7442aaa

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