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9/2021 New study strengthens link between wildfire smoke and severe COVID

Updated: Jan 8


“Me watching monsters inc as a kid: how did it take so long for anyone to figure out that human child laughter not only produced energy like screams, but was more effective, and that children aren’t actually dangerous at all?

Me watching monsters inc now: monsters incorporated, a multi-billion dollar corporate giant, stood to make extra profits off a scream shortage because low supply with high demand makes it possible to charge a fortune for a necessary commodity and everyone has no choice but to pay the high prices because they can’t go without electricity. Therefore Monsters Inc., as well as another major powers that may have existed at the start of the era of using scream energy. Fabricated the idea that only screams could generate sustainable energy sources in order to create artificial scarcity, because laugh energy was far easier to obtain and for more efficient, and therefore stood to lower the value of energy due to surplus. The also fabricated the idea that human children were toxic, in order to a) make other monsters too afraid to go near them to do research and possibly discover the secret of laugh energy, and b) to make monsters so afraid of going near them that there is a shortage of scarers, making it harder for rival companies to rise up and create competition. Even in the monster world, capitalism is based on lies, greed and cruelty, and even monster companies have no qualms about using and abusing children to maximize profits.”


“Capitalism has outlived its usefulness. It takes necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019 6/3 _F2A4299aaa

Harvey Lewis:

“Documents Reveal that Betsy Devos, Donald Trump's Education Secretary's Brother, Erik Prince;

Had Planned to Receive $10 Billion Dollars from the U.S. Government to Create a Private Military for the Ukraian Government, and the Ukrainian Government Backed out of the deal.”

“Exclusive: Documents Reveal Erik Prince's $10 Billion Plan to Make Weapons and Create a Private Army in Ukraine”


“Pres. Biden—Bail Out Students Not Oil Companies!”


“Latinos account for over half of the country's population growth

One of the biggest findings is the big growth in Latinos who identified as more than one race, while the number of Hispanics who identified as white dropped significantly.”


“With Another Day Above 90, Boston Heat Wave Becomes Official”


"How did this relatively new and technologically advanced gas plant fail so catastrophically? Why is California racing to get this power plant back online? And what does this situation teach us about California’s energy challenges?"

“I Toured “the Best Damn Plant in the Fleet.” Two Years Later It Exploded.”


Afghanistan: We came. Our corporations fed at will. And then we dropped them like a hot potato:

“Kabol has fallen. The Americans soldout the Afghan people to the most brutal and backward radical wahabi ideology on earth. Afghanistan just went back in time by 1400 years.

On the other hand this couldn't have happened without the Americans cutting a deal with the Taliban. The question is, what was in the deal. What resources of Afghanistan did the Taliban give up in order to steamroll into the capital today and take over the country.”


“Can it tell you a secret? I don’t care if there are undocumented immigrants in this country. I think it is a non issue. Without social security numbers they’re not getting the welfare people claim they’re getting, the vast majority of them are normal people trying to live a better life.

This whole wall deport-the-illegals bullshit is just the one percent convincing the working poor to blame a subset of the working poor for the fact that they’re all poor, instead of realizing they’re all poor due to vast income inequality and resource price inflation in combination with wage stagnation.

The existence of another poor person is not why you’re poor. Its’ because the people who control everything refuse to increase your wage.” Jess Memer


If you don’t want your child amongst the American public, then you should be amongst the American public:

“In Finland. Charging fees for tuition is illegal, which means rich kids have to mix with normal kids, which means rich families had to make sure the school their kid went to was good which mean the rich were prompted to invest in public schools. Finland, take a bow.”


“Don’t Blame the Babies”

““Don’t start a family — it’s bad for the planet.” The latest bad take on climate change forgets one little thing: whether or not you have a kid, the fossil fuel industry will still be there.”


All facilitated by a similar arrangement here in America:

“Ex-Israeli pilot: 'Our army is a terrorist organisation run by war criminals'”


“July Temperature Update: Faustian Payment Comes Due” 13 August 2021 - by James Hansen and Makiko Sato


“An incredibly poignant documentary about the collapse of an ecosystem that until recently was part of the US bread basket.

Fascinating to watch the different emotional responses from the settlers and the indigenous.

Civilisation became possible with the growth and storage of grains at scale, that luxury is going away.”

“No water, no life: running out of water on the California-Oregon border”


“New study strengthens link between wildfire smoke and severe COVID

Smoke from last year’s West Coast wildfires was associated with almost 20,000 excess COVID-19 cases.”


“As U.S. troops leave Afghanistan, we should remember the horrific legacy of the war and occupation—including the American backing of warlords who have operated with impunity.”

“The U.S.-Trained Warlords Committing Atrocities in Afghanistan

A village alleges dozens of civilian deaths at the hands of a single U.S.-trained strongman—just one example of the “Afghan special forces” to whom the U.S. has delegated its war.”


“Both climate change and the failure of essential services to respond to its deadly effects are the consequence of the anarchic capitalist mode of production, which views environmental destruction as one of the costs of doing business.”

John Vassilopoulos

“Scale of forest fire devastation in Greece threatens to ignite social and political unrest”


“Climate change puts North Water Polynya, a source of Arctic life, in imminent danger”


Vulnerability of the North Water ecosystem to climate change - by Sofia Ribeiro et al.


99% had to stimulate their own economy as washington really only ever bailed out the rich

William Pettus:

“Total U.S. consumer debt hit $14 trillion in the first quarter of 2019, surpassing the roughly $13 trillion of leverage accumulated in credit cards, auto loans and mortgages and other debt back in 2008, when those souring loans and securities pegged to them helped to send global markets into a tailspin (see attached chart).”

“If history shows anything, it is that there's no better way to justify relations founded on violence, to make such relations seem moral, than by reframing them in the language of debt—above all, because it immediately makes it seem that it's the victim who's doing something wrong.”

― David Graeber, Debt: The First 5,000 Years

“U.S. consumer debt is now above levels hit during the 2008 financial crisis”


It was never about winning or losing, or geospatial politics, only war profiteering (which is still illegal but as American as apple pie):

“In all the public punditry and babble about the wisdom of Biden’s decision to pull US troops out of Afghanistan, the sycophantry of media talking heads and elected officials (on the right and the left) rightly decry the 2+ billion dollars spent on a senseless adventure and the death of 2,312 US personnel and 20,066 wounded. Sadly, there’s been hardly any mention of the tens of thousands Afghani dead, wounded, and maimed. And that includes women, children, the elderly, hospitals, schools, and entire villages vaporized in heinous drone attacks.”

“Déjà Vu: Saigon, Vietnam, 1975; Kabul, Afghanistan, 2021”


“Mendenhall Glacier’s retreat is exposing new land. The Forest Service doesn’t want it to be mined.”

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