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8/2021 animal agriculture is responsible for approx 18% of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions

Updated: Jan 8

IPCC Report:

"The role of humans in climate change is no longer in dispute, according to Dutch experts involved in writing Monday’s landmark report published by the IPCC. The United Nations climate panel is forecasting that the sea level will now rise faster than at any time in the past 3,000 years as global warming speeds up. The IPCC says that humanity’s damaging impact on the planet is a statement of fact and that it is now ‘code red’. "

“Climate change report proves humanity’s role, Dutch experts say”

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018 5/18 161aaa

IPCC Report:

“Another look at the report, this time with more explanations on what things mean:

"Some of the most dire forecasts of warming appear to be less likely in this recent report, but so do many of the more favorable outcomes. According to the report, it now seems impossible that the world will get lucky and warming will somehow stay within the Paris agreement targets without massive action to limit emissions, starting right away."”

“The devastating new UN report on climate change, explained

“There’s no going back” — and there’s no room for wishful thinking, top climate scientists say.”


IPCC Report:

“The new IPCC report confirms that if the Biden administration gives us a repeat of Obama’s climate denialism and refusal to aggressively cut back emissions, the climate crisis will radically escalate, devastating the lives and livelihoods of workers around the world.”

“The Planet Can’t Survive a Repeat of Barack Obama’s Climate Denialism”


IPCC Report:

“The IPCC may have missed an opportunity to underscore the need to quickly address methane, a greenhouse gas far more potent than CO2. A White House official says reducing methane emissions is a top priority for the Biden administration.”

“The IPCC Understated the Need to Cut Emissions From Methane and Other Short-Lived Climate Pollutants, Climate Experts Say

A landmark report on the science of climate change underplays the quick benefit of reducing methane emissions, but the Biden administration says they’re on it, anyway.”


IPCC Report: Greta Thunberg Responds

“The new IPCC report contains no real surprises. It confirms what we already know from thousands previous studies and reports – that we are in an emergency. It’s a solid (but cautious) summary of the current best available science. “

“It doesn’t tell us what to do. It is up to us to be brave and take decisions based on the scientific evidence provided in these reports. We can still avoid the worst consequences, but not if we continue like today, and not without treating the crisis like a crisis.”


IPCC Report:

“Fires, Floods, Heatwaves: We’re Just Getting Started, Says IPCC

Without aggressive action, the world is on track for truly apocalyptic warming.”


“In the Face of Climate Change, We Must Act So That We Can Feel Hopeful—Not the Other Way Around”


“Education isn’t something you can finish” Isaac Asimov


One strategy of Democrats and Republicans for dealing with environmentalists is to demoralize them by annihilating iconic species like the wolf, manatee, insect pollinators, black footed ferret, spotted owl, etc. It’s pure Koch:

“Wolves are magnificent animals. Unlike us, they live within the limits set by nature and at the same time improve the health of their environments. We could learn a lot from them.

Sadly, no other animal on the western landscape has experienced more sustained brutality and ignorance at the hands of humans than the wolf. And it’s only getting worse.”

“Defanging Nature: How Human Exceptionalism is Destroying the Wild”


Photo of “American geologists looking for oil”



Tara Reade, who has accused President Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993, speaks with TRNN contributor Molly Shah about Andrew Cuomo’s resignation and the fight to have her story properly investigated.”


Washington’s diseased thinking:

“Definitely worth to keep on reading.

“ Jonah Goldberg and Michael Ledeen have much in common. They are both writers and also cheerleaders for military interventions and, often, for frivolous wars. Writing in the conservative rag, The National Review, months before the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, Goldberg paraphrased a statement which he attributed to Ledeen with reference to the interventionist US foreign policy.

“Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business,” Goldberg wrote, quoting Ledeen.

Those like Ledeen, the neoconservative intellectual henchman type, often get away with this kind of provocative rhetoric for various reasons. American intelligentsias, especially those who are close to the center of power in Washington DC, perceive war and military intervention as the foundation and baseline of their foreign policy analysis. The utterances of such statements are usually conveyed within friendly media and intellectual platforms, where equally hawkish, belligerent audiences cheer and laugh at the war-mongering muses. In the case of Ledeen, the receptive audience was the hardline, neoconservative, pro-Israel American Enterprise Institute (AEI).


“US Foreign Policy Adrift: Why Washington is No Longer Calling the Shots”


“The War on Wokeness”


“LA Progressive”:

“The rapid disintegration of the Afghan forces that the U.S. and its Western allies have recruited, armed and trained for 20 years at a cost of about $90 billion should come as no surprise. On paper, the Afghan National Army has 180,000 troops, but in reality most are unemployed Afghans desperate to earn some money to support their families but not eager to fight their fellow Afghans. The Afghan Army is also notorious for its corruption and mismanagement.

The army and the even more beleaguered and vulnerable police forces that man isolated outposts and checkpoints around the country are plagued by high casualties, rapid turnover and desertion. Most troops feel no loyalty to the corrupt U.S.-backed government and routinely abandon their posts, either to join the Taliban or just to go home.



"...the animal agriculture sector is responsible for approximately 18 percent or nearly one-fifth of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions.

“Sector by sector: where do global greenhouse gas emissions come from?”

Meat, Egg and Dairy Alternatives


Timothy E. Wheeler:

“One hectare of hemp produces 25 % more oxygen than one hectare of forest and guarantees a cellulose supply that is approximately twice as high.

One acre of hemp grows within 6 months, while a forest grows for decades before it is harvested.

By making hemp paper, we could save millions of hectares of forest every year.

Hemp can be used in textile production, construction and even as biofuel.”


“Ferocious heat spreads out of North Africa into Southern Europe right now… And this is just the beginning of an atrocious heatwave!”


“Indigenous Brazilians Seek Genocide Charges Against President Bolsonaro at International Court”


“Florida Reopens Schools, with Masks Optional, as State Becomes Coronavirus Epicenter”


“WHO Warns World Could Log 100 Million More COVID-19 Cases by 2022”


Inflation?! Well,...

#1 it’s America, most of the $5 Trillion in “infrastructure” will find its way to the already rich, and

#2 99% of Americans will try to replenish their savings so govt can’t force them into starvation etc in the next pandemic thing

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