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5/2022 In India 20% of Earth’s population is in EXTREME heat in actuality being cooked alive

Updated: Jan 8

Right now in India, 20% of the Earth’s population is fainting from EXTREME heat, many are fainting more than once, people are dying - as in Mexico with signs of being cooked alive - and it’s only 2022. Washington is blocking this news from American citizens.

It is possible this heat will switch to the northern hemisphere this coming summer.

“‘Some Faint, Some Die’: These People Are Living Through the World’s Worst Heat Wave

Roughly 99 million people are surviving record-breaking heat that experts say is nearly impossible to survive.”

“(Over the last two months, heat waves across South Asia have been impacting roughly 99 million people, especially the region’s most vulnerable, triggering anxieties about the future. Experts say that the South Asian temperatures are exceeding “wet bulb temperatures,” in which the body stops sweating and starts heating up exponentially. This year, India touched its hottest March in 122 years, while the same month for Pakistan was the hottest in 60 years.)”

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female, dark color form

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2019 9/2 _F2A4953aaa

“The Age of Cataclysm

Human Beings Have Never Experienced What’s Beginning to Happen to the Planet. We Are Not Prepared. - by Umair Haque”

Text of the Article follows:

“See that pic above? This weekend, it was 62 degrees celsius in the Indian subcontinent. That’s 143 degrees Fahrenheit.

Approximately a billion and a half people — maybe 20% of humanity — lives there. And every summer now, the temperature is only going to rise.

I am going to struggle to express the following set of ideas, so bear with me. And don’t read this if you want to have a happy day, either.

We are on the cusp of something that is unthinkable. Beyond our capacity to really imagine, or our words to express. We call it “climate change,” so far, but that isn’t really an accurate description at all anymore of what we face, in our lived reality. What we are about to live through is a cataclysm which human memory has no record of, nothing to compare to, because humanity has never experienced what we are about to go through before.

“Climate change” serves to neatly hide really beginning to understand all this. This is about us. Not just abstract things like “temperature” anymore. It is about life and death. It is about how civilisations collapse.

We are at the merest beginning of this cataclysm, which is of a scale that we cannot even yet imagine, and yet is already beginning to happen faster than we can comprehend.

This will be the single greatest cataclysm in human history. All of it. Nobody has ever experienced anything remotely like we are about to. It will be worse than all the wars and atrocities in human history put together. All the depressions and dislocations. It will make all the previous struggles of history look easy.

We cannot yet imagine any of this. It is beyond us still. Our culture doesn’t help us — it’s made of Marvel movies, not stories which explain the sure trajectory to follow. Our society is tuned out of this as a result. Our economies tell us all we are to do is work at meaningless jobs which make billionaires richer — and never think about our plight.

So we don’t.

How to even begin to express the scale and scope of the greatest cataclysm in human history? Let’s go backwards before we go forwards. Nearly every civilization in history has had some kind of strange vestigial memory. Of a catastrophic age. A great flood, pandemics, failing harvests, wars over it all — and the civilization which preceded theirs falling as a result. That is a good way to begin to think about it. We need to go back to mythology to understand this, because those are the only stories of an event of this scale.

To put it another perspective, think of the greatest catastrophes in human history. Vesuvius, great earthquakes, the way the Minoans — one of the first great civilizations — were suddenly blown to bits by a volcano, and just an archipelago was left. We’re the Minoans now. All of us.

The cataclysm to come will go something like this. The temperature will rise, inexorably. 62 degrees Celsius, or 143 degrees Fahrenheit, is where we already are. Where is the absolute limit of human habitability? We don’t know for sure — at some point, water itself can’t condense anymore. Kiss air conditioning goodbye — it won’t work. 150 degrees? 160, almost certainly.

Fact one. At this rate, we will be at that temperature — in the world’s equatorial regions — possibly by the end of this decade.

Fact two. Most of the world’s population lives there.

Fact three. Those temperatures are on the verge of unsurvivable. If you’re caught in them, there’s a pretty good chance that you will not survive the next 24 hours.`

The implications of all this are straightforward — and yet they seem completely impossible to us even now, because we can’t grasp the scale of what is to come.

Many of these regions are going to be uninhabitable. The Indian subcontinent. Much of the Middle East. Much of Australia. The list goes on.

Billions of people are going to flee. But where will they go? Well, first, they’ll head to the nearest mountains and highlands. But of course there’s not nearly enough room there for everyone. Those regions will be contested — doubly so because they will be the last remaining source of water.

We have never — never — seen a world like the one that is to come, billions of people fleeing for their lives, not millions, but billions, and yet the story’s only just barely begun.

There is nowhere to go. The mountains and highlands can’t contain the billions who’ll be displaced. Rich countries will hardly make room for them.

The inevitable conclusion is that there is going to be an Event.

We don’t have a word for any of this, but all of this is going to culminate in a series of…things…which I’ll just call the Event. A great dying like never before in human history. Of these displaced billions, a very large fraction is going to perish.

And even that’s just the beginning. See what I mean by “we’re not even beginning to grasp the immensity of this?” That “this cataclysm will be the greatest in human history, period, full stop?”

What happens next? Well, many things do, and none of them are good. Just this weekend, some clever professors at Georgetown bravely did a pioneering study and found that climate change accelerates pandemics. Why? Because it forces animals from different habitats together. With people. Where? In highlands, which are the last habitats available. They call the age to come “the Pandemicene.”

Covid is just the beginning of this trend. It was never “just a fluke” — it was part of a trend, SARS, MERS, Covid, all of which were Coronaviruses. But now it looks like that itself is an effect of climate change. And there are going to be more to come. Again, this isn’t speculation. These fellows built a computer model and more or less proved it. This is going to happen.

And even that’s only one effect. The average rich Westerner seems to think that they’ll be OK, even if unthinkable numbers of people — ten, a hundred times more than the Holocaust — perish in the greatest cataclysm in human history. They are badly, badly wrong.

The rich world is not insulated at all from this cataclysm. Who feeds it? All those fertile fields in equatorial regions, more or less — and they’re going to be ashes. Where does its water come from? It’s already running dry in many places, because the temperature’s rising, and it condenses that much faster. What about its energy grids? Good luck running a city like Las Vegas or Miami at 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

Our civilisation’s systems are going to fail. The rich world will not be able to feed itself. Provide itself water, medicine, or even enough shelter for its own internal climate refugees. What happens when the American West is dry — and uninhabitable, a Fire Belt? What happens when Red States are Plague Zones? Or when, say, southern Europe is on fire?

Nobody has any idea what happens.

Economies are going to go into shock — they already are. Harvests failing worldwide are the real root cause of inflation, and that’s a climate change effect. Imagine that, but now the temperature’s 160 degrees Fahrenheit. The fields of Punjab feed a billion and a half people. That is what the world’s fertile belts do. But they are not going to exist anymore. Neither are its water sources. Neither is easy access to its raw materials, ways to distribute them, energy, all the things that life as we know it depends on. It is all going to skyrocket in price, and then — poof — suddenly disappear. One day, it will be gone. There will be no more of it. Because there is no more of where it came from.

Think about all that for a second. Can your mind contain it? Mine can’t. It’s too big.

All of that — all of it — is going to happen at once. Not over a millennium, or a century. But over the next fifty years. More likely, over the next three decades.

[“Three Decades. Three Revolutions. Or Our Civilization Will Collapse. Why the Next Three Decades Will Define the Future of Human Civilization” See web version of originally posted article for more hyperlinks]

We are at the cusp of the greatest cataclysm in human history.

We are sleepwalking into the greatest cataclysm in human history.

The next few decades, I’ve come to understand, are going to shape human history forevermore.

More people will die than have ever died before, in all of history’s disasters and wars and catastrophes put together, all at once. By an order of magnitude or two. Economies will go into shock, at once — and they will never recover, because there won’t be any going back to consumption and production on a planet that’s burning and flooding and scorching.

We are at the beginning of a thing we don’t understand. Don’t have words for, language to express, concepts to use to symbolise it. The death of a planet.

Yes, life will survive. So will human beings. But that elides the far more urgent — and greater truth — extinction is upon us. In ways we don’t understand, and cannot grasp, and have not even begun to contemplate at all. The extinction of much of the life on this planet. The extinction of entire nations of us. The certain end of our civilization.

Only deep history — going back millions of years — has seen anything like what the process which has now just begun, and we are beginning to witness. Extinction on a planetary scale. The sudden reconfiguration of the planet’s ecosystems in survival mode, so that something has a chance to live on, while most perishes. It is a virtual certainty that by the middle of this century, extinction will be the only thing history remembers about it at all.

History is full — full — of examples of civilisations who, depleting their resources in the lowlands, or facing drought, moved desperately into the highlands in a last bid for survival. None of them made it. Neither will we. Because there isn’t enough up there. A few can eke out a living — but a whole civilization can’t.

I’ve struggled to convey to you the scale and scope of what is happening to us now. None of this is speculation, opinion, or some kind of idle fantasy. This is already happening, and it’s sure to keep happening. It wasn’t my “opinion” that it was 143 degrees Fahrenheit in the Indian Subcontinent. It actually was.

What do we even call all that? I’ve recounted the story of many things. Our civilization collapsing. Our planet dying. Extinction at a planetary scale — which doesn’t mean, no, that all life dies off, but much of it does. All that happening suddenly. Our economies failing as a result. Nations simply disappearing off the face of the earth. Desperate streams of billions with nowhere to go. The greatest dying off in human history, period, full stop, at a level that has never remotely happened before.

What do we even call all that? Only old myths seems to be able to contain the scale and scope of it. Our modern minds don’t seem capable of even imagining a planet dying, and a civilization going with it.

You see what I mean when I say: we’ve barely even begun to understand.

Umair, May 2022


Peter Carter

US AGRICULTURE RECORD DROUGHT 21 April 2022 Forbes Record-breaking drought is reordering American agriculture.”

“Dry Weather Forecast Calls For Higher Food Prices—And Billions In Farm Losses”

“Record-breaking drought is reordering American agriculture.”



“As of May 5, 2022, more than 79% of the U.S. population lives in an area with a substantial or high COVID-19 *transmission* level.

Transmission levels are a better metric to judge risk than "Community Levels" which focus on hospitalizations, a lagging indicator.

COVID is not over, and it will only continue if we do not work to prevent transmission.

Wear a mask. Social distance. Get a vax.

Via the #PeoplesCDC & March for Science

Learn more at”


Current thermal map of the globe showing extreme heat throughout the entire southern hemisphere. This heat will switch to the northern hemisphere as it’s summer unfolds.

“Early Season Heat Waves Strike India”


Extinctions are rivets popping on human physiology being in a state of health with the rest of the world.


Joe Manchin:

“Phasing out Coal?

Over 40 nations have agreed to phase out coal in the coming years.

However, in 2021 coal-powered/fueled electricity generation reached all-time highs”


“She's exposing the TRUTH in Ukraine and they don't like it | Redacted Conversation with Eva Bartlett”


“The Siberian Times


State of emergency in Omsk region, Western Siberia, with 130 wildfires active in the area, and at least two villages burning; fire extinguishing is complicated by gushes of stormy wind #wildfires2022Russia




“"Americans are directly in charge of the war on the ground."”


“Declassified: CIA worked w/ Ukraine Nazis after WW2 until today”


“Pass The 28th Amendment - Complete Removal Of The Church From The State”


“If a woman has sex with 100 random men in a year, she can still only produce one full term pregnancy. If a guy has sex with 100 random women in a year, he can produce 100 full term pregnancies. So why exactly are we only talking about regulating women?”


Italy is dying:


Talking about drought and how much rain is necessary or nurturing the hope that the atmospheric conditions in May continue as long as possible in the sign of the passage of perturbations or at least in the company of instability is an argument and he has little concern about the interest of most users. Not for nothing, rain is one of those weather phenomena that are labelled as "bad weather", so much that a couple of rainy days are enough to ask the meteorologist on duty when the sun will return. Yet water is a symbol of life and purification and it is necessary not only to us who can see it gushing from the tap at home but also to the flora and fauna that, however, to drink, can only rely on the opening of the craters of heaven. A sky that has been stingy with rainfall these past five months due to, as we now know, a low incidence on the Mediterranean basin of Atlantic perturbations stuck by often recurring anticyclonic structures ch and they deviated its trajectory towards high latitudes.

Week after week, this is how we have reached the last spring month - the ongoing one - still statistically favorable to the genes of disturbed or unstable conditions, before the astronomical physiologist of the season gives the time process rod at the subtropical anti-cyclonic bands, i.e. to those bare figures that bring stability and summer temperatures. And we got there with a significant rainfall deficit because, as you can see from the maps of the monthly anomaly cured by MeteoNetwork based on the data collected in the last 20 years, on a national scale, the appeal is missing more de Half of the rain that is usually supposed to fall between December and April. In particular, it's a look at how heavy the drought is in the North and especially in the North-West and how the extension of the negative rainometric anomaly between 40 and 80% occupies most of our regions in the last quarters or months.

It is obviously utopia to think that a rainy May may can revive this deficit, either because the millimeters to recover are too many and that is why, reloading to the latest published analysis, the unstable phase of these days will soon leave the place to an anti-cyclonic comeback that would look pretty structured so it could be bound to last for more days. This has been exactly the problem of the last months and the last years: the storm dilation of the phases commonly called «good weather» and the restriction of those commonly called «bad weather», unless you discover that «good weather» is became "bad weather" and vice versa. Let’s then try to get out of this labeling of weather conditions and understand that there is only “time” in all its aspects, because only in this way can we really understand the gravity of the problems brought by persistent anomalies of atmospheric circulation.”


Biden to “Ukraine”: two payments of $800 million + $33 billion + $150 million today,....

Millions & Billions of USD to “Ukraine” - Zelensky’s commission will not be used to compensate the families of those citizens he convinced to stay and die for the benefit of western interests

Biden announces another $150 million in military aid to Ukraine, absolutely ZERO word on an audit detailing precisely how the money was spent.

Western oligarchs used America’s might to extract imperialistic profits from Ukraine starting in 2014, now I’d bet the $33B is getting laundered thru Zelensky to compensate the same oligarchs for lost profits due to war

Sept 2 2019 _F2A4953aaa

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