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8/2021 DemGOP Biden: Utter Lack of Credibility as a Climate Leader

Updated: Jan 8

Value of the dollar and pressure on core inflation:

Despite the heat waves, famine inducing droughts, floods, wildfires and super storms Democrats actually sought to advance their party by making the collapse of our planet’s ability to support life worse:

“'Utter Lack of Credibility as a Climate Leader': Biden Pressures OPEC to Pump More Oi

"Maybe instead of boosting oil production, President Biden should have pushed for more electric vehicle and transit spending in the infrastructure bill?"

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female, dark color form

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

8/15/2011 IMG_1407aaaaa4

“White House Asks OPEC to Pump More Oil”


“USPS to Start Slowing Down Deliveries, Grants Major Contract to Co. Tied to Postmaster General DeJoy”

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female, dark color form

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

8/15/2011 Good AAAA IMG_1403aaaaa2


“It is very likely that the Earth has entered a new phase of heightened volcanic activity”


“The Pacific Rim of Fire was incredibly active before climate change, industrial civilisation, isostatic rebound and other feedbacks kicked in.

We're in for a lot of rock and roll before the lights go out.

We're in the final stanza of the anthropogenic 'error,' enjoy the calm before the storm, if your fortunate to have 'calm', most humans and other animals are already living the collapse.”

“High-level eruption at Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba submarine volcano, ash to 16.4 km (54 000 feet) a.s.l., Japan #volcano #submarine #eruption #FukutokuOkanoBa #Japan

“High-level eruption at Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba submarine volcano, ash to 16.4 km (54 000 feet) a.s.l., Japan”


“Isostatic rebound and our rocky future”


“Earth just experienced its hottest month on record”

"Overall, the land and ocean surface temperatures last month were 1.67 degrees Fahrenheit above normal, according to data in the NCEI press release, topping 2016 by 0.02 F. Records of the hottest months on record date back to 1880."


“Chomsky: Biden’s “Radical” Proposals Are Minimum Measures to Avoid Catastrophe”


“Stock markets are reflecting the rate at which we destroy our biosphere; ignoring 1st grade physics and the fact that "economic 'growth' via 3-4 billion #bullshitjobs" is the opposite of an economy. And the German DAX just reached an all-time high.”

“Germany DAX hits fresh record high, clips the 16,000 mark”


“Chris Sacca’s Lowercarbon Capital has raised $800 million to “keep unf*cking the planet””


Kevin Hester\Near Term Human Extinction:

“"Our entire civilization is a bubble that's going to have to burst fairly soon."

No Shit Sherlock.

" You can't have a globe-spanning unipolar empire without using mass military violence to hold it together, because otherwise the world will just do what it wants to do. Opposing war without wanting to dismantle the empire is like opposing the use of whips and chains but not wanting to end slavery."

"During the partisan debates about the latest IPCC report, remember that our ecosystem is hurtling toward collapse on many other fronts besides climate change; there are many other indications of collapse besides warming."

Exactly, collapse is locked in because of a multitude of compounding factors.”

“We're Destroying Our World Over Imaginary Nonsense: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix”


“Donziger: Why am I the one locked up and not Chevron?

Human rights lawyer facing prison for holding oil giant to account talks about his Kafkaesque case.”


“This week, Rand Paul belatedly disclosed that his wife invested heavily in Gilead last February―just after Sen. Paul received a private briefing about the coming pandemic. Gilead is a pharmaceutical corporation that makes remdesivir, the therapeutic that was given to Donald Trump when he got COVID.”


From the Lakota People's Law Project:

"the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency announced an investigation into 28 separate releases of toxic drilling fluid at 12 river crossings along Line 3. Of course, we water protectors are well aware of these “frac-outs” — and we’re also aware that Enbridge has unsuccessfully attempted to underreport them."


“Science has a prescription for the ocean’s heartburn. Some side effects are worth it.

A project to de-acidify bay waters saved baby oysters in Oregon — and has the potential to save the oceans. We just need to get more comfortable with geoeingeering to do it.”


“The Arctic Death Spiral”


IPCC Report: The IPCC was to never make recommendations that would constrict growth

“"US support was probably critical to IPCC’s establishment. And why did the US government support it? Assistant Undersecretary of State Bill Nitze wrote to me a few years later saying that our group’s activities played a significant role. Among other motivations, the US government saw the creation of the IPCC as a way to prevent the activism stimulated by my colleagues and me from controlling the policy agenda."

"I suspect that the Reagan Administration believed that, in contrast to our group, most scientists were not activists, and would take years to reach any conclusion on the magnitude of the threat. Even if they did, they probably would fail to express it in plain English. The US government must have been quite surprised when IPCC issued its first assessment at the end of 1990, stating clearly that human activity was likely to produce an unprecedented warming."

I'll post a link to the above quote below, it's imbedded in a previous post at NBL

The IPCC was designed to fail, part of their mandate it to not make recommendations that would constrict growth”

“Science Update: The Sixth IPCC Report”


IPCC Report: Viona van der Schoot \ Arctic news:

“Please, does anyone have the correct article about the real situation on global warming/the IPCC report? I'm getting confused here... Is it an increase of 1.5 or 2 or 3 degrees in this following decade? What is the best article you could find?”

Reader comment 1

“As usual the imminent danger and ongoing habitat 6th extinction is minimized, exponential changes happening right now with methane releases in Siberia and Alaska and loss of global dimming due to COVID lockdowns are not even mentioned. IPCC can’t panic the masses.

Truth is that In 5 years or less we’ll lose the arctic ice and the world capacity to produce grains industrially , while wildfires and ocean acidification would reduce breathable oxygen, thus furthering ecosystem collapse.

Exponential self reinforcing feedback loops are ongoing. Right now methane plumes from permafrost are visible in the satellite pictures.

What “next century”? Industrial civilization collapse is baked in the next 5-10 years and the 6th extinction is ongoing.””

Reader Comment 2:

“Instead of Global Warming titles , where content specificity and legitimacy gets reduced like program managers censoring political correctness for commercial sponsors in media (since most research entities aren’t divested from corporate private profit schemes ), try instead searching by a new title The Thermohaline Effect


The thermohaline effect is what you must study in its uncorrupted pdf form from research is what I recommend

It was announced in an AMEG letter in 2011 I read inside a Fortune 500 private forum

It was a warning letter from scientists at the poles both north and south to world leaders

Read AMEG researchers pdf s and their formal letters to world leaders

I would contact AMEG member s from 2011 and now to compare their peer reviews uncorrupted by political leaders and business leaders”


IPCC Report: Sam Carana \ Arctic News:


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has just released a new report, the Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). When reading the report, the question comes up: Is the IPCC seeking to downplay the dire situation we're in, again? One of the first issues that comes up is the baseline. The IPCC selects 1850–1900 as a baseline, as it did before (in SR1.5). This isn't pre-industrial. The Paris Agreement calls for pre-industrial as a base.

During 1850 to 1900, more livestock, forest clearing and wood burning resulted in growth in emissions of black carbon, brown carbon, dust, methane and carbon monoxide, which all can temporarily drive up temperatures. Additionally, there was little impact yet of the sulfur aerosols associated with increased fossil fuel burning from 1900. Trends drawn from this base can therefore look flatter than they would have looked if drawn from a genuinely pre-industrial base, or even from the early 1900s as base. The IPCC appears to say that there is only a 50% chance that 1.5°C will be crossed by 2030. Is this a deliberate effort to create the perception that there was enough carbon budget left to be divided among polluters, to let them comfortably keep adding further pollution for another decade or more?

Instead, the IPCC could have concluded that there hasn't been a carbon budget for a long time and that there are indications that the 1.5°C threshold has long been crossed. When calculating the temperature rise through 2020 and going back one century, NASA data show a 1.29°C rise from 1920, which is a conservative figure, i.e. 0.1°C can be added to translate NASA's sea surface temperatures into ocean air temperatures and another 0.1°C can be added for higher polar anomalies. So, that already brings the temperature rise up to about 1.5°C and this isn't the full rise from pre-industrial by a long shot.

The IPCC does mention that from 1750 to 1850–1900 there was a global surface temperature rise of up to 0.3°C, but then excludes this rise, sticking to its selection of 1850-1900 as base. The IPCC also uses seasonally-biased data for the temperature rise before 1750, making it look as if temperatures didn't rise before 1750, whereas it makes sense to add a 0.29C rise for the period from 3480 BC to 1520, and a further 0.2°C for 1520 to 1750.

Adding up the different elements thus gives a total rise from pre-industrial that could be as high as 1.29°C + 0.1°C + 0.1°C + 0.3°C + 0.2°C + 0.29°C = 2.28°C.

From the post 'Is the IPCC creating false perceptions, again?' (pending)

See also the pre-industrial page at:

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