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6/2022 The Congressional Budget Office is stacking the deck against climate policy.

Updated: Jan 8

“Countries With The Most & Least Natural Resources In The World”


“Car tyres produce vastly more particle pollution than exhausts, tests show

Toxic particles from tyre wear almost 2,000 times worse than from exhausts as weight of cars increases”

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female, dark color form

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020 8/7 _F2A6018aaa3

Oil and Gas Industry is directly responsible:

“Global plastic waste set to almost triple by 2060, says OECD”



Mapping Cancer-Causing Industrial Air Pollution”


“Pharmaceutical contaminants discovered in South Florida bonefish”


“Drought-stricken US warned of looming 'dead pool'”


“The Republicans’ New Climate Plan Is Really an Old Plan for Destroying the Planet

Kevin McCarthy and Garrett Graves would like you to believe they’ve a six-point strategy for lowering emissions and fuel prices. Nope!”


“How To Spot “Mainstream” Climate Propaganda

Somehow they always neglect to share the Big Picture”


“Can long Covid lead to death? A new analysis suggests it could

The CDC is beginning to look at death certificates that indicate more than 100 people who died had long Covid.”


“Phoenix and Tempe implement drought plans, ask people to conserve water”


Class based Genocide by Democrats and Republicans:

Genocide - not expressly based on religion or race, but wealth using all manner of socio economic indicators. ARREST DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS. They must NOT be allowed to participate in any further elections

“Climate change is harder on less educated people

And covid learning loss has made them even more vulnerable”



Democrats’ and Republicans' genocide of the nonrich - CHARGE THEM

“The obscure federal agency that’s hindering climate legislation”

“How the Congressional Budget Office is stacking the deck against climate policy.”


“‘Vicious cycle’: Storms intensify in the Gulf as climate changes

Ecologically disastrous conditions in the Gulf are the latest sign of the dangers that climate change and other related factors pose to the Middle East.”


Democrats NEVER had ANY intention of getting the people justice for the practice coup of Jan 6. This is what complicity looks like in turning America over to a corporate approved Authoritarian dictatorship:

“DOJ declines to charge Meadows and Scavino with contempt of Congress”


“Davos Man: How the Billionaires Devoured the World.”


“'Real science?' Pinpointing warming's role in disasters

Event attribution is one of the fastest developing areas of climate science since it began 20 years ago.”


Death of the Planet - AMERICAN DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS should be charged in international court with genocide - DEMAND YOUR COUNTRY TAKE ACTION


A Neoliberal Hero on par with Washington!:

“Sri Lankan government increases VAT and other taxes in a new round of social attacks”

“On Tuesday, the Sri Lankan government sharply increased a range of taxes, driving up the cost of hundreds of items. These hikes will worsen existing inflation rates and push many more people into starvation. The already unbearable cost of essential food items has forced many workers and the poor to reduce the quality and quantity of basic foods, skipping at least one meal a day.”


In furtherance to authoritarian Christofascist state – where the State will be conflated with the Bible:

“Right-Wing Dark Money Is Coming for Reproductive Rights in Your State”


“We Should Have Seen Monkeypox Coming

Five years ago, monkeypox made a leap—and most of the world ignored it.”


“The Energy/Food Crisis”


“The Ultimate Sign of American Collapse

America’s Epidemic of Massacres Is a Sign of a Collapsing Society”


“America’s Death Cult Must Be Crushed, Not Compromised With

If your “freedom” costs the lives of school children, you’re paying too much. It’s time to defeat gun culture and its defenders”


“Water security is now a key US foreign policy priority

Almost half the global population will experience "severe water stress" by 2030. A new White House strategy aims to tackle the problem.”


“Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere soars to levels not seen for millions of years, NOAA says”


“Climate Change Is Fueling a 5,000-Square-Mile ‘Dead Zone’ in the Gulf of Mexico”

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