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6/2021 Bolsonaro wouldn't be in power if the US Democrats hadn’t worked so hard to overthrow Dilma

Updated: Jan 8


“In the Atlantic Ocean, Subtle Shifts Hint at Dramatic Dangers

The warming atmosphere is causing an arm of the powerful Gulf Stream to weaken, some scientists fear.”

“We’re all wishing it’s not true,” Peter de Menocal, a paleoceanographer and president and director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, said of the changing ocean currents. “Because if that happens, it’s just a monstrous change.”

Our former guest on Nature Bats Last, Jim Massa, another paleoceanographer, has just published an interpretation of this latest data on the unravelling of the complex system we used to have, titled "Ocean Heat Content", where he describes what's happening in the oceans

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020 7/31 _F2A4313aaa

"The AMOC is thus a poster child for the idea of climatic “tipping points” — of hard-to-predict thresholds in Earth’s climate system that, once crossed, have rapid, cascading effects far beyond the corner of the globe where they occur. “It’s a switch,” said Dr. de Menocal, and one that can be thrown quickly."

Remember this is the corporate media downplaying the risk even though their conclusions are dire many of us believe it's much worse.

We are witnessing a phase shift that will leave a totally different planet in it's wake, soon.

I'll post Jim Massa's work below for further reference.


“Arctic Siberia is already burning. This increases the rate of permafrost thaw. Thawing permafrost is already releasing methane, CO2 and nitrous oxide feedback emissions- the hothouse Earth runaway situation. STOP BURNING FOSSIL FUELS FAST”


“Methane grew globally by 15.85 ppb in 2020, i.e. the highest rate of annual growth in the NOAA mean global methane record. In January 2021 the mean global methane level was 1893.4 ppb, a 20 ppb jump from January 2020 ! ! !”


Trump, Pelosi and McConnell killed over 500,000 Americans to honor Koch’s fascist conservative ideology and their death toll with Climate Change and the Mass Extinction will easily surpass the victim count of Hitler & Leopold COMBINED, and every like 1 billion or more.

“Two Monsters

Hitler killed 10 Europeans

Leopold killed 15 million Africans.

Why are we only taught about one of them?

“The indency of Leopold’s crimes against humanity are unknown largely to the masses. As usual the atrocities against us go unnoticed unless WE make sure no one ever forgets! And to think Belgium had the nerve to name a steer after Lumumba!”


“Earth and Humanity: Myth and Reality”


“Should we ‘dim the sun’ to save the planet?”

“Could solar geoengineering help us avoid the worst impacts of climate change?”


“Joe Biden is the reason you’re in student loan debt. Like, him. Him personally. He did it.

By writing and campaigning for the bankruptcy bill that exempted student loans from bankruptcy, he gave universities a free pass to jack up tuition, and allowed loan companies to offer loans without fear of risk.

Over 1.5T of student loan debt is on Biden’s head.”


“No, Joe Biden, the Iraq War wasn’t “worth the price.”

War with Russia, China, Syria, or Iran won’t be worth it, either.”

“Aug. 1, 2002

“If we can make the case that the threat is real and dire, that a free and democratic Iraq, if it could be accomplished, could have a cleansing impact on that part of the world and make life easier significantly down the road, which I think could be made in an ideal circumstance – not even an ideal, if we do things right – that is worth the price.” Senator Joe Biden”


“Memorial Day

All gave some. Some gave all. One earned $39,500,000,000.00 for his corporation in the Iraq war, which was based on lies.”


“The war was not meant to be won,

It is meant to be continuous” George Orwell

Korea; Vietnam; Laos & Cambodia; Beirut & Grenada; Panama, Iraq & Somalia; Bosnia & Kosovo; Afghanistan & Iraq; Libya, Somalia & Yemen; Syria”


“A people’s guide to the war industry

“"War corporations are spread across the United States. The top war industry hubs in the U.S. are Huntsville, Alabama; greater Boston; greater Tampa, Florida; the Dallas-Fort Worth region; southern California; and the corridor stretching from northeast Virginia, through Washington, to Baltimore (consistently home to the wealthiest counties in the country).

"The U.S. war industry profits well through global supply chains, including setting up subsidiaries in allied capitalist countries and using those countries’ industrial bases to produce parts of a weapons platform (such as the costly, underperforming F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, parts of which are built in locations as diverse as Italy and Japan).”


“A people’s guide to the war industry

“When war is your business. Peace is your enemy”


“The destruction of the world's largest rainforest is the most prominent and enduring legacy of the Obama/Biden regime. “

“Just a reminder that there would be no Bolsonaro in power in Brazil if the US Democrats hadn’t worked so hard to help overthrow Brazil’s first democratically elected woman president.”

“It's Michel Temer, first puppet coup-president of Brazil after the 2016 US overthrow of democracy”


“Between 1991 and 2018, more than a third of all deaths in which heat played a role were attributable to human-induced global warming, according to a new article in Nature Climate Change.”

“Global warming already responsible for one in three heat-related deaths”



"Given that the most depraved war crimes are rewarded or excused at the highest levels of the U.S. government, it is not surprising that the general public also worships the U.S. military even given the unjustifiable nature of U.S. wars.

Memorial Day festivities encourage this type of blind loyalty while shielding the imperial institution that is the U.S. military from critical analysis of its conduct.

Memorial Day should be an occasion to mourn and honor the lives of those Americans who have perished in U.S. wars. However, this needs to come with an acknowledgment that those responsible for U.S. military deaths are the domestic elite who launch these wars in which so many die."


“Corporate contagion: How the private sector is capturing the UN Food, Biodiversity and Climate Summits”


“The following is completely legal and routinely practiced in the U.S.:

Lobbyists write laws, then give money to politicians voting on them

Politicians take money from the industries they regulate

Special interests pay for politicians’ vacations and lavish gifts

Politicians leave Congress to take lucrative jobs as lobbyists

Politicians give tax breaks and corporate welfare to their funders”

“This is not what democracy looks like”


“Obama Labor Secretary Tom Perez Just Joined an Anti-Union Law Firm”

“Former DNC chair and Obama labor secretary Tom Perez just joined a law firm that brags about its lawyers who “regularly counsel and train clients on union avoidance” — another member of an administration that posed as “progressive” yet was anything but.”


“Excellent article on Israeli executions and (western granted) impunity.

“Fahd’s family told Al Jazeera that Israeli undercover agents first arrested him and then shot him in the back several times at close range about 5:30am, before leaving him to bleed to death on a street in the Um al-Shayaret neighbourhood of Ramallah on Tuesday.””

“Killing with impunity: Israel’s undercover units in Palestine”


Biden’s investment in America’s power grid is an investment in Big Utilities stranglehold on America – spend the money on making Americans energy independent with individual\building-specific solar applications:

This is what Big Utilities are doing to maintain their stranglehold:

“Stop AB 1139 that a group of Cal. Representatives tried to jam into place on Friday before the long weekend. This is a serious disincentive to ROOFTOP SOLAR including those installed with new monthly fees included in this bill.

Just in case you were thinking solar is better in the hands of the utilities, think about this. Rooftop solar goes on real estate already committed to human use. When a solar farm goes in that ALWAYS takes away habitat from wildlife from microbe to monster size. Tell your representative AB1139 is counter to California's need for more non-fossil fuel generated electricity! Tell your representative to vote against AB 1139 even with it's convoluted amendments that are double speak.

Also rooftop solar is a great source of new clean power that currently offsets fossil fuel power generation and will only increase into the future IF AB1139 is defeated. Call your California Representative and demand this poorly designed bill now!”


Ramping up for Exploitation by Western Corporations:

Biden and the Billionaire class have their minds set on exploiting central and south America resources and oppressing the central and south American 99% as well as installing, bribing, and bolstering dictators and the region’s 1%. The environment is going to get slaughtered.

“Harris to announce private sector investments in Northern Triangle”


“When you vote democrat and refuse to look at what’s happening”


“11 GOP Senators are currently out of town. Democrats could end the filibuster with a single vote. They could literally end it right now.”


“Democrats passed the stimulus with a SINGLE Republican vote & they still lowered unemployment from $600-$300, refused to give the full $2,000, didn’t include the shoo-in $15 min wage & retracted on student loan debt relief. DEMOCRATS are useless & their opposition is theater.”


“Lessening the cost of strategies to reach the Paris Agreement”

“A team of researchers offer new insight on conversion factors of greenhouse gases into their CO2 equivalent. The publication in Science Advances puts forward the economic benefits of periodically reassessing conversion factors according to scenarios of global warming.

The researchers provided the first economic analysis of conversion factors of other GHGs like methane into their CO2 equivalent in overshoot scenarios. Although the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) considers settling for one value of reference (known aS "common metric") to make this conversion among the Paris Agreement signatories, the models presented here show the economic advantage of flexibility between factors of conversion. "A key notion in the UNFCCC is to reduce GHG emissions in the least costly way to ensure global benefits," says Katsumasa Tanaka, primary author of the Science Advances study.”

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