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6/2022 "The Edison Electric Institute" - the group lobbying against climate regulations

Updated: Jan 8

Brain Droppings:

~ We’ve all seen their increasingly brazen Social Murder against us. Authoritarian leadership in America means 1 thing above all else: extrajudicial killings of American citizens on U.S. soil by govt, corporate security forces, foreign govts & pvt contractors

~ “KKK decals with Dragon Man license plates driving around with gas prices at record highs,…hmmm, related?!”

~ Democrats are performing the Jan 6 practice coup hearings in service of keeping up the appearance of independence and opposition to Republicans

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020 8/6 _F2A5622aaa

~ A year and half later, after Democrats get their ass handed to them in some elections, suddenly the Rich people’s practice coup of Jan 6 is all over the mainstream media?! Uhm climate? Guns? Greedflation? SCOTUS? Other atrocities?

~ Jan 6 Hearings: THEATER. Democrats won’t put Trump in jail. It would be like one of us cutting off 1 of our arms. They can’t. Like McConnell helping at a soup kitchen or Buttigieg saying no to a corporation.


~ Zelensky just gave a speech$ at Stanford?! Didn’t American taxpayers just give him $40+ billion to fight Russia?!? WTF

~ Democrats don’t care if the country falls to the Republican wing of the DemGOP party. Those voted out will take lobbying jobs, those that remain in the minority will continue their insider trading. And the rest will all be fake hand wringing to chants of “oh, those darn republicans”

~ A sensible government would enact health care for all to offset the pressure of higher prices on working Americans

~ Getting economically raped by DemGOPs at the pump aka concentrating consumer spending on gas, a relative necessity and away from an innumerable bunch of other things mostly discretionary. {Think of what happened to mortgage interest rates in the run up to 2008}

~ To what extent, if any, is the loss of demand for oil and gas from the Afghanistan war causing big oil to seek revenue growth from price increases at the pump? It’s just they lie about everything

~ Did you notice all the Hispanic parents testifying on their child’s shooting death in Uvalde, Texas?! It’s no wonder Texas law enforcement let them die! They had the wrong skin color. Wake up! This is America!

~ US Congress passes Gun Control - THEATER!

Dems\Reps work together. EVERYTHING they say, do, and breath is theater. The ONLY thing that matters is what is actually signed into law and enforced - period


Politics is the entertainment division of the Military Industrial Complex” Frank Zappa


“Climate Killer: How to Get Out of the Fossil Fuel Trap

Despite this overwhelming evidence, European politicians are still falling for the fossil fuel industry's greenwashing, calling gas the 'bridging fuel' that will eventually lead to clean energy.”


“'Our Seniors Deserve Better': Jayapal Demands End of All Medicare Privatization Schemes

The Congressional Progressive Caucus chair's call follows a report further detailing how Medicare Advantage plans overbill the federal government to boost profits.”


“Low-Wage American Taxpayers Spent Billions Inflating CEO Pay Through Stock Buybacks

President Biden has the power to crack down on executive excess by imposing new CEO pay and buyback restrictions on federal contractors.”


“Meet the group lobbying against climate regulations — using your utility bill”

“…The Edison Electric Institute…


“Why Sri Lanka is Collapsing: the Coming Global Food Crisis”


India’s caste system is ready made for social murder. They want the same thing here in America:

“Deadly heatwaves show why India needs to get serious on climate adaptation”


“As Animals Migrate Because of Climate Change, Thousands of New Viruses Will Hop From Wildlife to Humans—and Mitigation Won’t Stop Them

“We can’t put this one back in the bottle,” said the researcher behind a recent study about the spread of zoonotic diseases.”


“Island states say fund for climate disaster victims must be created by Cop27

After three decades of frustration, vulnerable countries are determined the “Glasgow dialogue” on loss and damage must deliver more than just talk”


“Climate lawyers challenge EU support for gas pipelines”

“Client Earth is arguing the European Commission’s infrastructure priorities are not compatible with climate goals”


NASA is full of shit – stopping emissions will not stop rising temperatures. There are feedback loops in motion and loosing the sun blocking soot of petro burning smoke would cause an immediate radically big jump in temperatures (aerosol effect):

World Has 42% Chance of Breaching 1.5 Degrees if Emissions Stopped Today, New Study Finds


“How Bad Is the Global Food Crisis Going to Get?”


“The World Bank says most countries are headed for a recession, and warns of a possible return to 1970s ‘stagflation’”


Sadly our carbon capture plans are pure worthless bologna, the effects we can NOT afford:

“Scientists: global warming cannot be stopped without CO2 traps”


“Confidence Man: The Jeffrey Epstein Story

A tale of princes, presidents, and predators.”


They won’t stop attacking aspects of our voting until they’ve solidified a stranglehold on America and its People:

“Election Subversion Replacing Voter Suppression As New GOP Threat”


“11,000 litres of water to make one litre of milk? New questions about the freshwater impact of NZ dairy farming”


“Microplastics found in freshly fallen Antarctic snow for first time

New Zealand researchers identified tiny plastics, which can be toxic to plants and animals, in 19 snow samples”


“Wildfires in US West Match Climate Projections ‘Eerily’ Well”

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