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8/2022 “Central Banks, Including Fed. Reserve, Are Funding Deforestation”

Updated: Jan 8

“A global food crisis calls for soil resilience”

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female, dark color form Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018-08-10 985aaa2p

“‘Red alert’ in China as drought dries up country’s biggest lake

Water levels on Poyang Lake have plunged after three months of drought with forecasters warning situation could get worse.”


“More than 70 dead after asylum seekers’ boat sinks off Syria

At least 71 people killed after a boat carrying refugees and migrants capsizes off Syrian coast, Lebanese government says.”


“BofA Says Cash Is King as Investor Pessimism Hits 2008-Era High”


“The Recession That Will Erase Generational Wealth is Almost Here”


Civilization can die but our government’s will ensure the rich and themselves survive:

“The Alarm Bells of Civilizational Collapse Are Ringing — But Are We Listening?

If Our Civilization Is Going to Survive, It’s Going to Have to Change Like This — Fast”


“Where the Colorado River crisis is hitting home”


“Pakistan PM Says ‘All Hell’ to Break Loose Without Debt Deal

Government signed ‘very tough’ agreement with the IMF, he says

Nation ravaged by disaster, and political, economic turmoil”


“Column: Americans don’t care about climate change. Here’s how to wake them up”


Get ready. They know energy is a necessary good during extreme heat and cold and they extort that if you want to stay alive:

“MA residents told to expect a big increase in energy costs this year, here’s how much”

“Electric and natural gas bills will be going up this winter, according to energy companies in the state.

"In total, the monthly bill of a typical residential electric customer using 600 kWh (kilowatt-hours) will increase from $179 in the winter 2021-2022 season, to approximately $293 for the winter 2022-2023 season," National Grid stated.

That's a 64% jump. The rate increase will take place in November.”


“US under pressure to force out World Bank chief over climate doubt”

“David Malpass caused a global outcry for refusing to say whether he accepts the scientific consensus on climate change before rowing back on his comments”


The Amazon:

“Central Banks, Including Fed. Reserve, Are Funding Deforestation”


“Pandemic dip was just a blip as global emissions rebound, report shows”


“Schumer and Manchin’s ‘dirty side deal’ to fast-track pipelines faces backlash

Scientists and environmental groups call proposed legislation a ‘giveaway’ to fossil fuel industry that will gut protections”


There is no bigger bleeder of working American Taxpayers than Nuclear Energy plants (except may be the military):

“DOE Report Finds Hundreds of Retiring Coal Plant Sites Could Convert to Nuclear”


Stone cold sociopath

What he is saying is he knows he’s guilty ECOCIDE charge him Schumer, Manchin and the rest of the rat bastards who threw the health of our biosphere under the best to get the already rich more rich:

“John Kerry Refuses to Feel “Guilty” for Climate Change

The U.S. climate envoy seemed to come unglued this week when Farhana Yamin, a veteran environmental lawyer and climate negotiator, asked him about funding for nations recovering from climate catastrophe.”


“Climate change: Spike in Amazon emissions linked to law enforcement”


“Gone with the winds? What happens if there is a ‘global terrestrial stilling’”


“COVID raises risk of long-term brain injury, large U.S. study finds”


Don’t stop with tax. Seize their assets as well as the assets of the public\elected officials that enabled them:

“‘Polluters Must Pay’: UN Chief Calls for Windfall Tax on Fossil Fuel Profits to Address Climate and Cost-of-Living Crises”


“Don’t stop with tax. Seize their assets as well as the assets of the public\elected officials that enabled them”

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