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11/2022 The coming Global Famine: "Things are far worse than you are being told"

Updated: Jan 8

“A list of 33 things we know about the coming food shortages”


"Things are far worse than you are being told. Over the past few months, I have been carefully documenting facts that show that global food production is going to be way down in 2022. Unfortunately, most people out there don’t seem to understand that the food that isn’t being grown in 2022 won’t be on our store shelves in 2023. We are potentially facing an absolutely unprecedented worldwide food crisis next year, but the vast majority of the population doesn’t seem very alarmed about this. "

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019-08-10 _F2A8453aaa

Our climate fueled biosphere collapse is going to continue unabated. The rich aren’t going to let something so trivial as the welfare of the genetically inferior masses (who made bad decisions) to interfere with their accumulation of wealth that god ordained them to have.



“USPS Is Suspending Services Here "Due to Safety Concerns"



It isn’t Climate ChangED.

We are currently NOT experiencing the new norm.

It is Global WarmING. A process.

What we are currently experiencing is only a brief snapshot of where we are in a process that is going to feel indefinitely long and where environmental circumstances are going to continuously worsen against life on earth.

As far as you are concerned each consecutive year is going to be hotter than the last. Similarly, over this same time period, droughts and deluges will growing worse with each passing year. And with each new year there will be less and less plants and animals than the last year.

Mankind’s human health infrastructure, the environment, is in full blown cardiac arrest. It can no longer absorb the unrecognized costs of profit taking and, sadly, the very costs of our living from one day to the next.

NOTHING Washington has done will materially alter this trajectory in a time frame meaningful to you or I.

What has happened is class warfare. The craven economic ruling cast will NOT allow the death of any number of people or species to interfere with their profit taking and the situation will continuously grow worse


“Oath Keepers Militia Leader Sought to Contact Trump After Jan. 6 Insurrection”


Just stating the obvious. America doesn’t have Free and Fair Elections:

“Wisconsin Candidate Says, “Republicans Will Never Lose Another Election After I’m Elected Governor””


I see this as a campaign gift. It hobbles labor. It’s a gift from democrats to the rich to curry their support for Biden’s reelection.:

“Fears of Recession Grow as Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates Further”


Mandel Barnes was defeated in his bid for the US Senate by Racism:

Will Ron Johnson run a campaign ad against Barnes showing will smith slapping Chris Rock? (Yeah, sorry but it’s like that)


America’s coming Christo fascist authoritarian leadership - at this juncture in history (eg climate collapse, viruses, etc) - will be one big social murder free-for-all


Is it more than a coincidence that Charles Koch owns the US Supreme Court at a time big oil is running roughshod over working Americans?


“Corporations have made huge profits, often record profits, over the previous 2 years. But, they are angry because wages have been rising during that time, while the unemployment rate has remained low. Both of these factors has a negative result for the corporate kings. And, l am not alluding to their profit margin.

These two factors can literally upend their workforce culture. They prefer the old Plantation Management style, where every worker has a healthy fear and dread on the job. There is no fear when a worker knows they can quit their job today, and get a job, as good or better than the last job, in a week or less!

So, they have colluded to create an artificial form of inflation. They will not stop until the average worker has less buying power with their new, improved wages, than what they had a decade ago.

Many people have seemed puzzled by the latest moves and machinations of The Federal Reserve. I predicted it, simply because l knew this economic culture war would demand these moves to eventually drive the unemployment rate up to the level that the corporate kings require.

That is exactly why the fight for $15, must now be revised to THE FIGHT FOR $20...or, even MORE!”

“Warren, Sanders Slam Federal Reserve’s “Disregard” for Working Families”


Melissa Jo Peltier:

“I’ll say it again: extreme wealth hoarding is a mental illness…not an achievement to be admired or rewarded”


“Record drought poses serious threat to Europe's environment and critical infrastructure”


“Ranchers Are Selling Their Cattle to Deal with Drought”


“Global Food Supply Risks Rising Rapidly”


“Temperatures in Europe have increased at more than twice the global average in the last 30 years, according to a report from the World Meteorological Organization. The effects of this warming are already being seen, with droughts, wildfires and ice melts taking place across the continent.”

“Europe’s climate warming at twice rate of global average, says report

Trend of faster warming over last 30 years likely to cause exceptional heat, wildfires and floods, warn scientists”


Social Murder has always been on our 2 parties’ agenda:

“Congressional Republicans, eyeing a midterm election victory that could hand them control of the House and the Senate, have embraced plans to reduce federal spending on Social Security and Medicare, including cutting benefits for some retirees and raising the retirement age for both safety net programs.”

“Republicans, Eyeing Majority, Float Changes to Social Security and Medicare

Democrats have seized on Republican proposals to limit retirement benefits to galvanize voters ahead of the midterm elections.”

[Note Charles Koch’s lapdog, tom cotton, in the background]


“UN: Global warming to melt major glaciers by 2050, including Yosemite's”

"Glaciers in a third of the 50 World Heritage sites are condemned to disappear by 2050, regardless of efforts to limit temperature increases," according to a UNESCO report published Thursday. Also at risk of disappearing are the ice patches at Yellowstone, which was this year hit by historic flooding, and Africa's last glaciers — including Mount Kilimanjaro.”

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