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2/2023 The Rise of Fascism in America

Updated: Jan 8

America's plunge into fascim relied heavily on practices & tactics from history

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2021-07-29 _F2A6038aaa

Big oil in harvest mode?: It would seem that at this point in our planet the more fossil fuel you sell the more you ultimately undermine future demand for it (because of the damage it brings)


“‘Deeply disturbing’: US watchdog uncovers $5.4 billion in potentially fraudulent COVID-19 loans — obtained using over 69,000 sketchy Social Security numbers”


It can happen here and it has happened here:

Today Americans across the country are waking up preoccupied with where exactly their skin color, religion, and sex puts them in the new American white Christo fascist nationalism state as Washington ejects & silences a swarthy, Muslim women from Govt’s affairs:

“House Ousts Ilhan Omar From Foreign Affairs Panel as G.O.P. Exacts Revenge

In a highly politicized vote, the Republican-led chamber criticized Ms. Omar’s statements about Israel, delivering retribution for the removal of G.O.P. members when Democrats held the majority.”


Democrats voted against socialism (for the nonrich). That means cuts to Social Security and Medicaid as well as privatization of government services:

“House passes resolution denouncing socialism, vote splits Democrats”


The Rise of Fascism with Ruth Ben Ghiat”

Feb 3, 2023 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM With Esty Dinur

“A Public Affair”


Machismo is relied upon heavily in the creation of fascist states like Biden’s America:

“Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present”


That 50% of the std normal distribution of ease of gullibility plus the super rich. That’s how Americas the next present will be the planet’s worst nightmare. Pin that on your lapel.


“Yep... America is a VIOLENT society. We should spend our time honestly evaluating the origins of this violence and hold those promoting it accountable! By definition, "gun laws" are followed by law-abiding citizens. More gun laws won't solve the dysfunctional gang problems, the dysfunctional family relationships, and keep the mentally ill off the streets. And that's just for starters.

Opening Passage:

California bans guns for domestic violence offenders. It bans them for people deemed a danger to others or themselves. There is a ban on large-capacity magazines, and a ban on noise-muffling silencers. Semiautomatic guns of the sort colloquially known as “assault weapons” are, famously, banned.

More than 100 gun laws — the most of any state — are on the books in California. They have saved lives, policymakers say: Californians have among the lowest rates of gun death in the United States. [Ah...correlation doesn't mean causation...CA. racial mixed doesn't compare well with America's national distribution. Asians have a very low violent crime rate compared with whites, blacks, Hispanics and others (see Brookings Study in comments.) CA has nearly 18% Asian (U.S. 7%) ... Blacks at 6% (U.S. 13%)... Whites 59% (U.S. 72%).

Yet this month, those laws failed to stop the massacres of at least 19 people in back-to-back mass shootings. The tragedies in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay have confounded Americans who regard California as a best-case bastion of gun safety in a nation awash with firearms.”

“California Has More Than 100 Gun Laws. Why Don’t They Stop More Mass Shootings?

The state is still reeling from back-to-back attacks that left at least 19 people dead. The killings have spurred lawmakers to call for more regulations.”

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