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3/2023 “Why Are So Many People Losing Faith In Capitalism?”

Updated: Jan 8

Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-08-15 102aaa

“Why Are So Many People Losing Faith In Capitalism?”


“The Massive Death Toll From Turkey’s Earthquake Is No Natural Disaster”

“Two weeks after twin earthquakes hit Turkey, thousands of dead bodies are still being picked from the rubble. Far fewer would have died if it hadn’t been for the Erdoğan administration’s lenience toward cowboy construction firms.”


“Recent court disclosures prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt: Fox News knowingly lies to its audiences. But corporate media is fundamentally a vehicle for profit-making, which means that both right-wing and liberal outlets have an incentive to lie.”

“The Root of Fake News Is the Corporate Lust for Profit in Media”


“A new raft of Republican state-level proposals to re-legalize child labor are disgusting for many reasons. They certainly make our society less equal. But they also make it less free.”

“GOP State Legislators Want to Bring Back Child Labor”


The Clinton’s reign was devastating to America’s social fabric:

“The Democrats Didn’t Just Fail to Defend Social Programs. They Actively Undermined Them.”

“In the ’80s and ’90s, the Democrats took a jackhammer to education, housing, and social welfare. This isn’t the story of a weak party unable to defend its earlier gains, but a transformed party demolishing them in service of a new neoliberal ideology.”


It’s not an assault from another country that is inflicting death and suffering on nonrich Americans, its corporations and their rich:

“Some multinational corporations are now larger and more powerful than individual nation-states. If those companies were countries, they would be authoritarian dictatorships.”

“The Capitalist Road to Serfdom”


“Elite universities like Harvard and Penn are using their tax-exempt status to rob public coffers blind. The solution is easy: tax them.”

“Tax Wealthy Private Universities Now”


Things are going to get very inconvenient soon:

“Almost two billion people worldwide rely directly on mountain glaciers and snowpack as their main source of fresh water supply.”

“The Looming Crisis of Melting Glaciers: What It Means for Our World”

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