Eastern Tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), female
Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020-08-12 _F2A6986aaap
Dollar rejected as
Petro-currency, Brics growing & dominating global economy, countries rallying to Putin’ side in Ukraine,…looks like America’s staggering corruption has earned it an international vote of NO CONFIDENCE
“An Astonishing, Frightening First for the Country
The situation might be merely crass if not for the shadow of violence hanging over it.”
“Emerging “Extreme Heat Belt” will Impact Over 107 Million Americans by 2053”
“Associate Professor Simon Michaux – Replacing Fossil Fuels and Limits”
America is an increasingly irrelevant yet violent global actor:
“The BRICS Has Overtaken The G7 In Global GDP”
Moscow claims Germany, Denmark, and Sweden are engaged in a U.S.-backed cover-up, as the war to control the narrative — and the evidence — intensifies.”
“A plant fungus has infected a human for the first time”
“Why is a country like Suriname so beneficial to the world and its fight against climate change?”
“Suriname has just positioned itself as the most carbon-negative country, according to Net Zero Tracker.”
“Alpine glaciers in Austria melting at record level”
“Legacy auto faces disaster in China with unsellable cars as pollution crunch looms”
And the IPCC is horribly bias in favor of Big Oil!
“Dire Climate Warning From IPCC”
“Nazi Shooting on LGBTQ Bar May Not Have Been a ‘Lone Wolf’ Attack After All
The gunman who killed two people at an LGBTQ club in Bratislava likely had help from Terrorgram, according to a report shared with VICE News.”
“National contributions to climate change due to historical emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide since 1850”
Trudeau is a fossil fuel tool:
“‘Pick up the Investigation.’ What I Told Senators about Canada’s Climate Coverup
‘The Petroleum Papers’ author Geoff Dembicki gave this testimony yesterday to Parliament.”
“Is PERMAFROST the Climate Tipping Point of No Return?”
Big Oil and dirty coals lap dog:
“Manchin vows to sue Biden administration over EV tax credits
The senator doesn't think making powders or wafers counts as "processing."”
“Torrents of Antarctic meltwater are slowing the currents that drive our vital ocean ‘overturning’ – and threaten its collapse”