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3/2023 Buttigieg Strikes: 50 chemical spills or fires in the U.S. this year, and it's only March

Updated: Nov 12, 2023

The tawny emperor (Asterocampa clyton) or possible Empress Flora (Asterocampa flora)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018-06-23 _F2A9892aaa3p

“We all know that humanity must ban fossil fuels if we are going to avoid a global catastrophe. And the ban needs to happen on a rapid timeline, for example by 2030. Humanity is currently adding about 35 billion tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere each year. Each new ton makes our planet a little warmer. We cannot afford to add any more.”

“Doomsday or fossil fuels? Mankind has a choice to make, says author Marshall Brain”


Defenders of Wildlife:


Ryan Knight:

“The belligerent upward transfer of wealth over the past half century has nothing to do with “hard work” and everything to do with our corrupt political & economic system, which allows corporations and billionaires to buy off both parties in order to rig the laws in their favor.”


Gavin Newsome, California’s Governor, is truly a Democrat:

“Gavin Newsom Lobbied For Bailout Of Bank HE’S Profiting From!”

“As the Silicon Valley Bank crisis was unfolding, California Governor Gavin Newsom aggressively pressed for the federal government to intervene and guarantee that depositors would be made whole. One small point Newsom didn’t mention: that he and his wife both were financially involved with SVB, whether through the three wineries Newsom owns or his wife Jennifer’s non-profit.”


Never forget:

Genocide. Conscious, deliberate, calculated Genocide:

“BREAKING: The Biden Administration has just approved ConocoPhillips's Willow oil project, ignoring pleas from millions who called for the Alaska oil-drilling plan to be halted due to concerns about climate change. Interior’s record of decision ignores the project's dire climate and biodiversity impacts. It approves 3 drilling pads which will produce 92% of the oil ConocoPhillips initially sought to develop, amounting to more than 260 million metric tons of greenhouse gases.”

“Biden Administration Approves Huge Alaska Oil Project”


“Liberals be like:

“Biden has no power to do anything but we must prevent Trump from returning because then he’ll have the power to do anything he wants”


America is a dystopian hell hole of the rich and their politicians making:

“A spill outside Philadelphia adds to the growing list of chemical accidents this year

There have already been 50 chemical spills or fires in the U.S. this year, and it's only March.”

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