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4/2023 Carbon Offsetting Industry$ has delivered what it promised

Updated: Nov 12, 2023

The tawny emperor (Asterocampa clyton) female

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020-07-11 _F2A1193aaa

“"When Gov. Hochul tried to sneak in a fossil-fueled methane accounting method," said one activist, "New York's climate and environmental justice movement responded swiftly and powerfully." #NewYork #EndFossilFuels

“After Backlash, Hochul Walks Back Plan to Gut New York Climate Law

"When Gov. Hochul tried to sneak in a fossil-fueled methane accounting method," said one activist, "New York's climate and environmental justice movement responded swiftly and powerfully."”


Chris Hedges \ End The Two Party System

“The political system, as many Sanders supporters already discovered, is immune to any reform from within the parties.

The only effective resistance will be achieved through act of sustained, mass civil disobedience.

Like the Republicans, the Democrats have no intention of halting the assault on our civil liberties, the expansion of imperial wars, the coddling of Wall Street, the destruction of the ecosystem by the fossil fuel industry, and the impoverishment of workers.

As long the Democrats and Republican remain in power, we are doomed.”


“The New Deal brought a generation of leftists into the federal government. But Red Scare anti-communists purged these radical bureaucrats or forced their politics rightward — blocking more far-reaching reform and distorting our understanding of the New Deal.”

“The Red Scare Deformed the New Deal by Purging Its Radical Civil Servants”


“Research finds global emissions of several banned ozone-destroying chemicals are increasing

New analysis has found increasing emissions of several ozone-depleting chemicals despite their production being banned for most uses under the Montreal Protocol – and a loophole in the rules is likely responsible.

“Global increase of ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons from 2010 to 2020” - by Luke Western et al.


“Aside from bees and butterflies, bats are one of the most important pollinators on the planet - especially in tropical and desert regions.”


“That said, sales of new gas and diesel cars should still be banned much closer to today than to 2035 for this only shows how incredibly far our society still is from jettisoning the lobbyists and accepting what a fucking emergency we’re all in here.”


“The Guardian view on carbon offsetting: an overhaul is overdue - editorial

The industry has not delivered what it promised, and critics are right to be sceptical”


“Cross-currents of denialism, boosterism, broken governance systems and deep-seated racism will meet with rapidly accelerating sea level rise.”

“The perfect storm: the US city where rising sea levels and racism collide”



Russia +2.7°C

From Berkeley Earth”


“Two fundamental flaws, Misguided values and Misplaced priorities

An economic system that doesn’t recognize social benefit as a greater value and higher priority than financial outcome is fundamentally flawed.”


“It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.” James Baldwin


“Bats are pollinators and in Australia, when temperatures rise above 104 degrees Fahrenheit, thousands can die at once. Perhaps inspired by city fire hydrants, 32 "Bat Sprinklers" were installed along a river.

The question was, would bat use it to cool down?

Mr. Brendan Sullivan, the chief ranger for Parks Victoria, said “They’re much more clever than we give them credit for” During trials, a lone bat had taken an unexpected test flight through the curtain of water before returning to the colony, chirruping away, he said. Seemingly on the first bat’s suggestion, another bat followed suit, then another and another.

“In the end, we had a whole heap of bats coming up and just flying through it,” Mr. Sullivan said. “It’s like they were talking to each other, going, ‘Come and have a look at this.’””


“Reagan slashed the corporate tax rate from 70% to 28%, making corporations richer and started taxing social security income in his 1983 amendment, making the elderly poorer”


“Australian Labor government refuses to defend Assange as it backs US plans for war against China”


“When Even Its Happiest Country Goes Fascist, Something’s Going Very Wrong With a Civilization.”

“The Truth About Our Civilization’s Fascism Problem Is Even Worse Than You Think”

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