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12/2021 Bogus ‘Nature Based Solutions’ won’t solve the climate crisis. It’s just Corp greenwashing

Updated: Jan 10

Sam Carana:

“Planetary Extinction due to Arctic Atmospheric Methane Veil -

by Malcolm Light.

The image shows Malcolm Light's Arctic methane growth diagram, updated in line with recent mean atmospheric methane concentrations and temperature data.

It seems that we only have a very short time left until total Planetary Extinction due to the Arctic Atmospheric Methane Global Warming Veil. It is now clear that we do not have time to extract the methane from the subsea Arctic methane reserves, because we are so close to total extinction in 3 years.

The cataclysmic weather events occurring worldwide including giant droughts and city-destroying fires, floods and summer and winter storm systems have already devastated Canada and the United States.

From the sharp increase in catastrophic weather events, it is obvious that ‘Mother Earth’ has correctly identified the North American continent as the source of its gigantic pollution problems. Extreme Fossil Fuel pollution from the United States and Canada has previously heated up the Gulf Stream which flows north into the Arctic Ocean as the Svalbard current, where it is now destabilizing the shelf methane hydrates in the Laptev Sea and on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf.

From the post 'Planetary Extinction due to Arctic Atmospheric Methane Veil', at:”


Desperation?! What about plant life?:

“Scientists to Spray the Skies With ‘Reflective Particles’ to Cool Down Planet Earth”

The tawny emperor (Asterocampa clyton)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019 7/8 _F2A0564aaa

Big Pharma & Conservative\Fascist ideology on class are managing America’s COVID response for maximum profit regardless of the human toll:

“'Utterly Obscene': Just 8 Pfizer and Moderna Investors Became $10 Billion Richer After Omicron Emerged

"Pharma execs and shareholders are making a killing from a crisis they helped to create," said one justice campaigner.”

“"Always Follow the Money"... We must take the profit motive out of providing health care services.

Key Passage:

In the first week that the Omicron variant sparked global fears of a new wave of infections, a small handful of investors and executives with Pfizer and Moderna—currently the world's preeminent makers of Covid-19 vaccines—saw over $10 billion in new wealth, with the Moderna's CEO alone adding over $800 million to his personal fortune.


"Pharmaceutical companies knew that grotesque levels of vaccine inequality would create prime conditions for new variants to emerge," said Tim Bierley, pharma campaigner at Global Justice Now. "They let Covid-19 spread unabated in low and middle-income countries. And now the same pharma execs and shareholders are making a killing from a crisis they helped to create. It's utterly obscene."

“At every turn," he continued, "these companies have obstructed efforts to more equitably distribute vaccines around the world. They have made more than enough money from the pandemic, selling two of the most lucrative drugs in history. It's time to hand over the recipe for these essential medicines to the WHO so we can finally end this pandemic."”


“When Jen Psaki scoffed at the idea of sending Americans free rapid tests for covid-19, it was a reminder that a for-profit healthcare system still limits the U.S. pandemic response.”

“Jen Psaki Accidentally Tells the Truth About How Expensive Covid Rapid Tests Are in U.S.”


Cha Ching $$$$:

“Pfizer CEO says fourth Covid vaccine doses may be needed sooner than expected due to omicron”


America’s Oil Industry must be nationalized and phased out:

“Big Oil Profits Surge to $174 Billion in 2021 Amid Rising Gas Prices: Report”


Dec. 5, 2021: “Biden murdered civilians in a drone strike in Syria again”


“Bogus ‘Nature Based Solutions’ won’t solve the climate crisis. It’s just corporate greenwashing.”

John Lieber:

“This article aligns with many climate activists nowadays. They reject carbon offsetting, they reject that any technology will ever help with carbon reduction, and they reject nature based solutions.

As proposed in this article, they believe we must simply end fossil fuel use, dismantle the system, give trillions of dollars to the global south and give land back to indigenous peoples.

Fossil fuel use is not going to end because people are not going to willingly lower their quality of life unless it's forced, which is why many of these activists like the communist route. "The system" will likely be humanized once the alternative is experienced; people tend to like safety, freedom, and opportunity (probably why the author moved from India to Scotland). Giving trillions to the global south, many of whom have some of the most corrupt governments in the world, is a much more complex notion than a shallow catch phrase will reveal.

The solutions to climate change will likely involve a mix of technological, environmental, and social innovations within our existing societal system and all indicators are that there's real progress being made.

These types of activists though are just in a bid with their colleague's to see who can look more righteous, even if it comes at the cost of the very people they pretend to care about.”


Not “can” but is it worth their while to “choose to”. What Democrats will offer is something acceptable to the rich, and if voters don’t take it, at least the Democratic Party will live to fight another day with its revenue stream intact. And after all, it’s the money that matters:

“Trump Won’t Let America Go. Can Democrats Pry It Away?”


“Oil companies receive $4.8 billion in subsidies annually”


“Fossil Fuel’s Downfall Could Be America’s Too

How U.S. polluters might drag the country’s economy down with them.”


““Have They LOST THEIR MINDS?!” Elites’ New Dystopian Plan”


For-Profit Insurance-based healthcare effectively allows a govt to cull the chronically and temporarily poor from its society, including those for whom “poor” is a surrogate measure. For a White Supremacy like America that means race.


Biden is proceeding with Trump’s plan to privatize Medicare.

Piece by piece privatization of the more profitable aspects of Medicare accounts for all the “Medicare Advantage Programs” you hear about. Here in Wisconsin, Koch’s efforts to privatize Medicare rage seemingly without restraint. You can not turn on the tv without being bombarded with advertising that preys on the elderly:

“Stop Direct Contracting Entities (DCEs) from taking over traditional Medicare”

In 2020, the Trump Administration launched a new policy “experiment” designed to privatize traditional Medicare.

Under this model, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) could move more than 30 million traditional Medicare beneficiaries into mostly commercial, for-profit plans called Direct Contracting Entities (DCE) without the enrollees’ understanding or consent.

In ways similar to commercial Medicare Advantage plans, DCEs have the potential to interfere with care decisions and waste taxpayer money when compared with the efficiency of traditional Medicare.

The Biden Administration is moving the DCE program forward, threatening the future of Medicare as we know it.


“Sanders Calls on Biden to Slash 'Outrageous' Medicare Premium Hike

"It would be absolutely unacceptable to force 57 million senior citizens to pay $11.50 more a month in Medicare premiums" due to Big Pharma's greed, the Vermont senator said.”

Key Passage:

“Medicare officials are still in the process of deciding whether the program will cover the exorbitantly priced drug, which the Department of Veterans Affairs decided not to include on its national formulary, citing "lack of evidence of a robust and meaningful clinical benefit."

Sanders called the planned premium increase "outrageous" and argued that "it would be absolutely unacceptable to force 57 million senior citizens to pay $11.50 more a month in Medicare premiums due to Biogen's greed and thirst for massive profits for a drug that has not been proven to be effective by the scientific community."

"The notion that one pharmaceutical company can raise the price of one drug so much that it could negatively impact 57 million senior citizens and the future of Medicare is beyond absurd," he continued. "With Democrats in control of the White House, the House, and the Senate, we cannot let that happen."

Specifically, Sanders called on Biden to direct the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to "immediately prevent the $11.50 a month increase in Medicare Part B premiums associated with Aduhelm from going into effect next year."”

"Incredibly and immorally, Biogen... has set the price of this Alzheimer's drug at $56,000 even though the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review, an independent non-profit organization, has estimated that the maximum price of this drug should be no higher than $3,000-$8,400," the Vermont senator wrote. "This is a perfect example of why Medicare should be negotiating drug prices with the pharmaceutical industry."


Obama’s ADA is bankrupting People seeking medical care:

“Becky Spoon

I totality agree with you, and not just because I myself have been a victim of ACA for the last 6 years.

What Obama and the Democratic legislators did is that they passed a law that has signed up to more than 30 million people to for-profit health insurance company without spending a penny advertising cost by those for-profit Ins companies.

The adds you see for ACA are all paid by your tax dollars, mine and rest of the %98.

Besides yes I may get a tax break spending less on my monthly premium, if I meet all the requirements, but those for- profit Ins companies still get the full amount of premiums by the government every month using our taxes. Naturally they are pocketing tens of billions of $ just getting premiums from these 30 + million people that Obama and his law added to the health Ins companies.

Last but not least : It does not really matter if the premium is $ 16,0000 a year or $5,000 a year. For someone who earns $10-$15-$20 or even $30 an hour that is just an amount that they need to have to spend on day to day necessities in order to make it to the next day and no one should have to spend that much money on a shi**y health Ins to begin with.”


"Follow the Money"...

Key passage:

“A decade later [after Citizens United], more than $1 billion in undisclosed spending poured into the 2020 federal election cycle. But the majority of it, around $514 million, went toward electing Democrats, according to an analysis by the watchdog group OpenSecrets, compared to roughly $200 million that helped Republicans. Joe Biden’s presidential bid alone attracted $174 million in anonymous contributions, more than six times as much as Donald’s Trump’s $25 million.”

“The Democratic Dilemma on Dark Money”

“Liberal electoral groups are now spending more from undisclosed donors than Republicans. Campaigners don’t readily give up winning strategies.”


“Inside the Dems’ Dark Money Machine”


“At the center of the Kochs’ influence machine, after all, was their spider web of almost entirely tax-exempt nonprofits—most expressly political, others as nominally do-goodery as a Rotary Club—that allowed donors to shield their identities while funneling billions of dollars over the decades into everything from promoting tax cuts to downplaying climate change.”


When it comes to Big Pharma &the pentagon, govt is all about boosting their profits, neither industry has social purpose as a priority and by extension neither does our politicians:

“What is the purpose of a trillion-dollar military if you can't use it to force BigPharma to waive vaccine patents in a pandemic?”

“That is not what US military is for.

US military is the military arm of US Imperialist and it’s job is to attack, kill, bomb, burn, invade, destroy, commit to coups, change regimes, and install puppet dictatorship regime in place.

In one phrase “ to spread democracy in four corners of the world “.”


“Richest 1% Took 38% of New Global Wealth Since 1995. The Bottom Half Got Just 2%

A new report finds that global inequities in wealth and income are "about as great today as they were at the peak of Western imperialism in the early 20th century."

In the nearly three decades since 1995, members of the global 1% have captured 38% of all new wealth while the poorest half of humanity has benefited from just 2%, a finding that spotlights the stark and worsening gulf between the very rich and everyone else.

That's according to the latest iteration of the World Inequality Report, an exhaustive summary of worldwide income and wealth data that shows inequities in wealth and income are "about as great today as they were at the peak of Western imperialism in the early 20th century."

Jake Johnson, December 7, 2021 Common Dreams”


“Andrew Cuomo’s Team Looked to Joe Biden for Lessons on How to Shut Down Misconduct Allegations”



“We don't need Einstein’s intelligence to understand that compounding income and wealth in fewer and fewer hands, coupled with instantaneous communications and data reporting will create political conflicts.

20th Century Economist Joseph Schumpeter implied in “Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy” (1942) that capitalism would ultimately fail as fewer and fewer people gained more and more, while the vast majority of people felt economically disadvantaged by unbridled capitalism.

Perhaps, we are approaching Schumpeter's reckoning...”


“How DEMOCRATS Caused The Abortion Crisis”


“Banned for decades, releasing oilsands tailings water is now on the horizon”

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