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04/2022 Earth is currently at an inflection point, collapse is going to speed up

Updated: Jan 10

“Inflection Point: What We Do Now”

“We're about to hit a critical point of change in the larger system, where collapse picks up and moves a lot faster and the world becomes very different, very fast.”

The tawny emperor (Asterocampa clyton)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020 july 11 _F2A1266aaa

“Experts have revealed how deforestation is triggering an irreversible transition in the Amazon hydrological system.”

“Deforestation linked to irreversible transition in the Amazon”


“Five takeaways from the IPCC’s report on limiting dangerous global heating”

“The world is on track to overshoot 1.5C warming. Leaving fossil fuels in the ground, changing lifestyles and removing CO2 from the air are needed to fix the climate.”


“Food, farming and forestry must be transformed to curb global warming, U.N. says”


89% of the Stockmarket is owned by the top 10%,

Greedflation = wealth transfers from consumers to Corporations

Buybacks = wealth transfers from corporation to wealthy private individuals.

Support of the Stock Market is class warfare

“U.S. buybacks seen at record highs ahead of earnings reports”


“Big oil companies are using wartime profits to enrich investors, report says”


“HOW FUCKED ARE WE?! IPCC summary with Clare Farrell & Charlie Gardner”


We don’t need fertilizer. We need to emphasize local family farms and home gardening:

“The country’s largest potash mine is coming to Michigan. Here’s why locals are worried.

The war in Ukraine has the U.S. looking for fertilizer at home. But at what cost?”


“'Your life could get a lot more dangerous': Robert Reich blasts Supreme Court's gutting of regulations”


“‘World One’ May Be Right About End Of Civilisation Prediction”


Somebody took a bribe:

“Rishi Sunak blocks green homes plan that would have lowered energy bills

Whitehall officials livid over Treasury’s refusal to fund scheme making properties more energy efficient as cost of living crisis bites”


“'Our own survival is at stake': Arizona is using up its groundwater, researchers warn”


“Infertile Future”


“After the Wars in Iraq, ‘Everything Living is Dying’

Decades of war, poverty and fossil fuel extraction have devastated the country’s environment and its people.”


Big ag doesn’t need more chemicals of any kind, what we need is a surge in local family farms and backyard gardens:

“High fertilizer costs threaten farmers amid sanctions on Russia

The war in Ukraine is shaking up the global agricultural sector. With sanctions blocking supplies from Russia, soaring prices caused by high demand for fertilizers from alternative producers are threatening crops.”


“Yes, Colonialism Caused Climate Change, IPCC Reports”


Elon Musk:

“It’s Time to Ban Unlimited Wealth Accumulation

Otherwise, billionaires will own everything within our lifetime”

2020 july 11 _F2A1266aaa

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