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9/2021 Manchin made half a million dollars last year off his son’s coal company

Updated: Nov 12, 2023

Mankind is functionally extinct. But hasn’t always been?:

“Melting of polar ice shifting Earth itself, not just sea levels”


The tawny emperor (Asterocampa clyton) female

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019 7-18 _F2A2913aaa

“The Global Fingerprint of Modern Ice-Mass Loss on 3-D Crustal Motion” - by Sophie Coulson et al.


We are not coming out this intact:



There goes the Orangutan:

“Highway cutting through Heart of Borneo poised to be ‘very, very bad’”


“What does the money machine eat? It eats youth, spontaneity, life, beauty, and above all, it eats creativity. It eats quality and shits quantity.” William S. Burroughs

Future generations will look back on the 21st century's obsession with wealth and productivity as one of the greatest wastes of human excellence.

This is not what life is about.


“Climate talk needs a reset. Here’s why”

Christian baker

“Economic 'growth' via 3-4 billion #bullshitjobs destroyed our biosphere and future; while allowing #covid19 to spread and mutate via purely systemic virus exposure.

Our survival depends upon governments acknowledging that interest bearing debt is no money, that #bullshitjobs are no economy and that they were legally and morally obligated to switch to non-negative-sum currencies and a #basicincome decades ago.

Our survival depends upon "economists" and journalists admitting that they sold us an anti-economy and that they are beyond insane for having done so.

But we prefer to listen to the very criminals who sold us this eco- and genocide. We continue to listen to "central banks" and the World Economic Forum; that is now selling us "accelerated growth that powers the economic recovery of our post-Covid world".

This is beyond words. This is beyond insanity.”


Border: 1,000s of Haitians in dire need of help?! Where is the billions$ the Clinton Foundation raised for past earthquake relief that they never disbursed?


This speaks to the root of the problem with America’s cash based “Democracy”. This is how our planet and American society got into the mess it is in.

Democrats are servile to the Rich because they are scared the Rich will use their wealth to dislodge them from their place at the public trough$. Democrats don’t want to lose their jobs. Career politicians will therefore adopt the agenda of the rich and “live to fight another day” that never comes. As a result, everything gets worse, the climate, human rights violations, injustices, white supremacy, the judiciary, you name it.

For example, it can and does go something like this:

Billionaire: Hey politician do this to make me rich at the people’s expense.

Politician: What if I don’t?

Billionaire: Then instead of giving a donation to pay for your campaign and lifestyle, I’ll use my wealth to get you unelected.

Politician: I don’t want to lose my job because it is so lucrative and I have a mortgage on my house, so I will do as you want.

Result: Pelosi doesn’t lose her house, and the People and the Commons get stiffed in favor of the rich. And not to put too fine a point on it but, yea, there is probably an example where Pelosi kept her house (fat chance losing it with the wealth she’s gorged herself with as a Public Servant) but the Eviction Moratorium EXPIRED! And in fact, the Democrats did get money for letting it expire!

Career Politicians preoccupation with keeping their place at the trough has inflicted the heaviest of all costs on the people you are supposed to serve - the loss of a healthy planet. They refuse to sacrifice.

“Democrats are scared to tax the billionaires, and even want to repeal trumps tax hike.

The biggest surprise: they didn’t go after the huge accumulations of wealth at the top – representing the largest share of the economy in more than a century.

You might have thought Democrats would be eager to tax America’s 660 billionaires whose fortunes have increased by $1.8tn since the start of the pandemic, an amount that could fund half of Biden’s plan and still leave the billionaires as rich as they were before the pandemic began.

Elon Musk’s $138bn in pandemic gains, for example, could cover the cost of tuition for 5.5 million community college students and feed 29 million low-income public-school kids, while still leaving Musk $4bn richer than he was before Covid.

But senior House Democrats decided to raise revenue the traditional way, taxing annual income rather than giant wealth. They aim to raise the highest income tax rate and apply a 3% surtax to incomes over $5m.

The dirty little secret is the ultrarich don’t live off their paychecks.

Jeff Bezos’s salary from Amazon was $81,840 last year, yet he rakes in some $149,353 every minute from the soaring value of his Amazon stocks, which is how he affords five mansions, including one in Washington DC which has 25 bathrooms. on the rich”

“House Democrats are scared to tax billionaires – that’s a costly mistake”


Pig at the trough - The whole family is depraved:

"Joe Manchin made half a million dollars last year off his son’s coal company, meaning that coal paid him roughly three times the $174,000 salary he made last year as a public servant. Pundits don’t need to look much beyond that to understand what’s driving him."

“Follow the Money Into Joe Manchin’s Pockets”

“The senator is no mystery. Fossil fuels feature heavily in both his personal and professional finances.”


A violation of Oath of Office:

“Why do I support cancelling student loan debt for 45 million students? Because we canceled trillions in taxes for 600 billionaires. That’s why.”


“Arctic News: Siberian Apocalypse - Largest Fires on Earth”

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