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9/2021 Stop the Use of Wildlife-killing 'Cyanide Bombs

Updated: Jan 10

"We're So Fucked!" by the Suburban Subversives



The next 30 yrs progressively hotter temperatures & increasingly severe planetary chaos (concurrent with a vicious 6th mass extinction in our world’s multibillion of years of history).

Countless millions will die. All so a few could get campaign contributions by violating their oath of office. THEY ALL MUST FACE JUSTICE

The tawny emperor (Asterocampa clyton)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017 6/24 369aaa2

“Welcome to the Pyrocene: Fossil Fuel Combustion Has Thrust Us Into a New Fire Age”

“Our fires in living landscapes and those made with fossil fuels have been reshaping the Earth. The result is too much bad fire and too little good, and way too much combustion overall.”

"We seem to be creating the fire equivalent of an ice age, with continental shifts in geography, radical changes in climate, rising sea level, a mass extinction, and a planet whose air, water, soil and life are being refashioned at a breakneck pace."


War making is wealth building and concentrating by violence:

“Biden's UN speech shows further US commitment to war and meddling, not 'diplomacy'”


“The Wilderness Society:

“Public lands are for people, not polluters. It’s time to change the way our government manages these shared lands to make them part of the climate solution.”


“Your religion is charitable you say? OK. Ask them to educate your children for free so you can give the money directly to the homeless and let’s what happens.”


Yep, Al Gore,…:

“Al Gore’s ‘inconvenient ‘ New Warnings on Climate”


Beau Willimon:

“Let’s get something straight:

Capitalism & Socialism are economic systems.

Authoritarianism & Democracy are political systems.

Socialism is not inherently authoritarian. Capitalism is not inherently democratic.

Authoritarian capitalism is what Republicans [and Democrats] are aiming for.”


“You lessen crime by eliminating poverty.

You lessen crime with universal healthcare, public housing, strong union, high wages, universal childcare, and free college.

You lessen violence by creating happy, healthy communities that aren’t fighting over material resources.”


“Phoenix study finds cool pavement makes significant difference”


“EGO means to rule over, but ECO means to be equal. Just simple as that

We are Nature. Nature is within us.”


NO method of nuclear energy is ever safe:

“Nuclear waste interaction in the environment may be more complicated than once thought”


Should a prospective employer be allowed to search your internet browser activity before hiring you?:

Exclusive: A police contract obtained by The Intercept sheds new light on the growing use of little-known surveillance software that helps law enforcement agencies and corporations watch people’s social media and other website activity.


The tool is the product of a growing industry whose work is usually kept from the public and utilized by police.”


Native American Deb Haaland, biden’s Secretary of the Interior is an abomination. Our wildlife, and frankly any element of the people’s commons (our public health infrastructure) is not at the disposal of politicians to use in furthering their career objectives:

“If you think the US Fish & Wildlife services was doing us a favor by saying they will review the hunting practices in the state of Montana in 12 months from now, think again. This is a mere slap in the face to anyone who has or has ever wanted to see a wolf in the wild especially one near or in Yellowstone National Park.

In February over 200 wolves were killed in a mere 60 hours in Wisconsin. Just imagine the possibilities when people are allowed to trap, snare, bait, night hunt and pretty much everything else in between for an entire year.

What does this mean for your favorite Yellowstone wolves? Many packs within and surrounding the greater Yellowstone ecosystem are going to lose their lives for no reason at all.

Now is not the time to sit back and do nothing. We need your voices and we need to keep the pressure on the administration. The following are a couple of links of what you can do to voice your opinion and stop the hunt.

Be a voice, a strong one, a voice that can be heard, be a voice for the animals. - Julie and The 06 Legacy Crew.

“The Gray Wolf is in Grave Danger”


“Stop the Use of Wildlife-killing 'Cyanide Bombs'”

A government program killed more than 7,600 animals in 2020 using barbaric M-44 "cyanide bombs." These indiscriminate death-traps pose a high risk to endangered animals such as grizzly bears and wolves. The small, metal-cylinder devices are left in the ground and covered with bait that lures unsuspecting wildlife, then cruelly shoots sodium-cyanide powder into their faces.

Take action to ban "cyanide bombs" nationwide:

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