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7/2021 Mass Starvation is on the horizon

Updated: Jan 10

Democrats Climate Crisis = Genocide\Class Warfare:

“Climate justice means listening to those most impacted.”

“Vulnerable people need to be front and center in state’s climate crisis plans”


“Insurance companies in California have taken a staggering blow from wildfires and have started to drop customers by the thousands, leaving wineries and ranches unable to find insurance for properties worth millions of dollars.”

“As wildfires worsen, more California farms are deemed too risky to insure

The skyrocketing cost of fire insurance foreshadows a larger confrontation over so-called managed retreat.”

The tawny emperor (Asterocampa clyton) female

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020 7/11 _F2A1371aaaVsn2

Mass Starvation is on the horizon:

When the consequence of government’s action is to put upward pressure on essential life saving goods and services, government is effectively engaging in class warfare where the classes are the rich and poor.

Favoring a petroleum-based economy that facilitates a systemic concentration of wealth (by fobbing off the vast majority of fossil fuels costs onto the planetary commons so that it is “cheap”) despite consequences, like rising prices for essential goods and services (e.g. food, etc.)

that are hardest for the poorest to cope with, his class war fare

“Thousands of Central Valley farmers may lose access to surface water amid worsening drought”


“Jet streams stumble as the world warms”

“World food prices have already been rising fast in the last 3 years.

The Dutch State Broadcast NOS announced that food prices are going to rise fast again next months. They blame it on the lockdowns.

I (and hopefully you) can understand, that the food gets more expensive, because their is less food.

My predictions for the very near future:

The now exponentially faster changing climate, is causing extreme weather all over the world already now, diminishing or destroying more and more food crops worldwide.

Because the worldwide weather will get much more extreme, every year the food crop yields on Earth will be much less than the year before.

This will make food so expensive, that money (all currencies) will totally lose it's value.

This will be the total collapse of our 'Civilization'. Who will go to his/her job, working for money which has no value, while there is a food shortage.

Also the workers in power plants, drinkwater supply, internet, banks, supermarkets, etcetera, will stop working so most people will be out of food and even clean drinking water.

People will start fighting for the last bit of food, killing everything they can eat and, as I am sure, also each other.

I cannot do anything else than conclude that lack of food or water will very soon be the absolute death blow for the human kind. And worse: also all other complex life on Earth will go extinct soon after.



This image shows the global picture, with the Jet Streams forming 'Omega Patterns'.

From the set at:

From the Jet Stream page at:


“Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Floods, Lightning; Weather Apocalypse Front Lines - July 29 2021”


“The US’s largest solar farm is canceled because Nevada locals don’t want to look at it”


May 2019: “Fact-Check: is an Arctic “Methane Bomb” about to go off?”


“At least 30 million people are likely to see temperatures of 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.7°C) or higher by the end of the week.”


Nature Channel? Animal specials on NOVA? That world does NOT exist, portraying a non mass extinction world on television is supposed to lull you into thinking everything is fine with the environment


With America having been established as THE single greatest killer of our planet by global warming, it is imperative that today’s & yesterday’s politicians and their financial backers be held financially responsible


“The Insurance Industry, soon to be the first pillar of Capitalism to succumb to Abrupt Climate Change”


“Climate Migration May Lead to the Next Great Housing Crisis | NBCLX”


Education should be viewed as an economic necessity, not as a tool to socially engineer a fascist state through brain washing


Victims of Multinational Corporations can borrow from the example of Monsanto:

“International Monsanto Tribunal”

“The Monsanto Tribunal took place in 2016-2017 in The Hague. Five judges delivered a legal opinion and concluded that Monsanto’s (now, Bayer) activities have a negative impact on basic human rights. Better regulations are needed to protect the victims of multinational corporations. International law should be improved for better protection of the environment and include the crime of ecocide. The entire process is documented in a brochure and a documentary titled "The Monsanto International Tribunal, the Making of".”


“How will the West solve a water crisis if climate change continues to get worse?

Megadrought and climate change is making water even more scarce in the West.”

"While water management has the potential to stave off the water crisis, if trends continue as 'business as usual,' there's a likely chance there won't be enough water for residents in the West."


“Amid Extreme Heat, Humanitarian Group Reports Dozens of Migrant Deaths in Arizona Desert”


Food Insecurity is slamming the globe:

“Supermarkets under capitalism are exploitative and ecologically damaging, shaping what we produce as well as what we consume. In public hands, following a different logic, they could supply the creative core of a democratically planned socialist economy.”

“It’s Time to Nationalize Supermarkets”


“When it comes to protecting human health in their efforts to combat global warming, wealthier nations are doing worse than low- to middle-income countries, according to a new report that scored 40 countries with climate commitments.”

“Many Nations Receive Failing Scores on Climate Change and Health”


“Here's a map of suspected industrial discharges of PFAS chemicals - which cause health problems and are almost impossible to clean up. This MUST be stopped, for all of our health!”

“Suspected Industrial Discharges of PFAS”


“Has climate change jumped to a new level - and what if the worst happens?

In California's Death Valley, they experienced the 11.7.2021 hottest day ever measured on Earth. At its highest in the valley we measured 53,7 degrees in the afternoon, meaning 128,6 Fahrenheit (Helsingin Sanomat 13.7.2021). The heat wave in North America is rare in its horror. In some places, previous heat records have been broken even by more than 10 degrees. According to experts, there can be two explanations for this, one of which is particularly worrying:

Is it about the sum of different rare factors such as the fact that the impact of climate change on the heatwave was exacerbated by recent high drought and perhaps changes in the shower flow. Or (and this is the worrying explanation) ′′ climate change has passed a certain turning point, which would allow even a small rise in global temperatures to significantly increase the likelihood that in extremely high temperatures we see a big leap upward ′′ (Ilta-Sanomat 13.7.2021).

Last year WMO warned that climate change is progressing faster than expected so far. ′′ The accelerating warming pace is a powerful alarm signal ", headlines Helsingin Sanomat 16.1.2020. Many researchers have warned about the possibility of a sudden, global ′′ climate ′′ for years. The climate first warms slowly and steadily for decades (as it has done), but then suddenly, in 3-10 years, we experience a very large, catastrophic warming (Pasi Toiviainen: Climate Change. Now., Otava 2007, p. 84).

What if the worst possible climate change happens and global warms more than 1,5 or 2 degrees globally, even more than 7 degrees often considered the upper limit? That's when we get so called. A sauna room climate, which I don't think you enjoy even the hospital saunas, because at least no one lives and works and sleeps in the sauna. Most of the planet becomes uninhabitable and life retreats near the poles. Finally, when a methane bomb breaks down from the eternal chest into the air, the earth heats up into a loaf like Venus, the seas evaporate into the atmosphere and all the lives we know will be destroyed.

There was a 8-page article in Science magazine entitled ′′ Climate Change is not the end of the world ". A very optimistic article about it had already expired when it came out (I refer to planet-wide horror heaters that started since then). The article stated that if the climate warmer by 2 degrees, ′′ Scandinavia would get away with rising temperatures relatively low: more than 30 degrees in the summer would be seen one more than the current one ". I don't know if I would cry or laugh at this quite sweet optimism. So a whole hot day more? Here we paint almost a picture of roses!

Yle's news 9.7.2021 stated that ′′ if greenhouse gas emissions remain the same for the next 50 years, you can experience 40 degrees heat in Finland as well ". So we can? And only in 50 years? Behind this ultra optimistic view is Jouni Räisänen, a university lecturer of meteorology at the University of Helsinki.

Tero Mustonen, a member of the prestigious CCAG climate scientist group, said that he doesn't think the 50 degree heat is impossible in Finland either. ′′ We can't imagine what's coming when the planetary system changes. Quite a lot is possible, I wouldn't lock out any options ", Mustonen said (HS 3.7.2021). Mustonen has also been involved in writing an annual IPCC report that will be published soon.

I trust more in Mustonen's view. I believe that we can ′′ enjoy ′′ the 40 degree heat in Finland much earlier than only in 2071-if not already this summer, then with modern development (judging by the repeat and aggravation of heatwaves) at the latest since 2024. I have warned in my writings and books that our civilization will likely end by 2028 Time is running out.

Teijo Lusa

Climate Apocalypse Now”

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